HOME拠点事業 ≫ 2019(平成31/令和元)年度採択プロジェクト


研究代表者:大湾 秀雄(早稲田大学)
研究代表者:李 昌玟(韓国外国語大学)
Reconsidering the boundary between self-employment and wage work: a comparison between Japan and France
研究代表者:Akiko Suwa-Eisenmann(Paris School of Economics )
The effect of importing, exporting, and foreign direct investment on the demand for skills and occupations and its implications on young and old workers as well as regular and non-regular jobs.
研究代表者:笠原 博幸(ブリティッシュコロンビア大学)
研究代表者:小川 亮(大阪市立大学)
研究代表者:千葉 芳広(北海道医療大学)
研究代表者:宮内 悠平(スタンフォード大学)
Temporal structures of gender inequalities in Japan
研究代表者:Man-Yee Kan(University of Oxford)
研究代表者:三好 向洋(愛知学院大学)
近世日本農村の資産モビリティ:安達郡仁井田村の事例, 1720-1880
研究代表者:黒須 里美(麗澤大学)
Ideal number of children in families. Comparative Study of Japan, Germany, Ukraine and the United Arab Emirates
研究代表者:Kseniia Gatskova(Leibniz Institute for East and Southeast European Studies)
Globalization, purdah and women's labor force participation in South Asia
研究代表者:Ian Coxhead(University of Wisconsin-Madison)
研究代表者:攝津 斉彦(武蔵大学)
研究代表者:伊藤 伸介(中央大学)
Information Frictions in Firm-to-Firm Trade: Evidence from a Randomized Control Trial in Japan
研究代表者:宮川 大介(一橋大学)

※ 追加採用分(6/14)
研究代表者:鍾 秋悦(屏東科技大学)
Information Revolution and Political Revolution: An Empirical Investigation of Forbidden Books as a Determinant of the French Revolution
研究代表者:佐々木 優(早稲田大学)
Elderly's Employment Situation in China, Japan, and Singapore: Evidence from the Longitudinal Panel Surveys
研究代表者:Jessica Ya Sun(華中科技大学)
研究代表者:宮崎 毅(九州大学)
研究代表者:小野 有人(中央大学)
Firms' heterogeneity and education wage premia
研究代表者:Cristiano Perugini(University of Perugia)
研究代表者:西岡 修一郎(ウェストバージニア大学)
Construction of Comparative Long-Term Data on Living Standards of East Asian Countries from the Late 19th Century to the Mid-20th Century
研究代表者:Duol Kim(Myongji University)
Consumption of top income earners in Japan and Britain
研究代表者:眞嶋 史叙(学習院大学)
Study of Industrial Enterprises and Industrial Labour in Faridabad region in India
研究代表者:Jesim Pais(Society for Social and Economic Research)
Land Use and Aggregate Productivity
研究代表者:吉田 二郎(Pennsylvania State University)
研究代表者:猪飼 周平(一橋大学)
Personalities, career characteristics, and the historical development of Japanese monetary policy
研究代表者:Christopher Spencer(Loughborough University)