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プロジェクト研究: 2022(令和4)年度採択課題一覧


研究課題 外国人労働者にかんする「証拠に基づく政策立案」のための実証研究
研究代表者 佐伯 康考 (大阪大学)
神林 龍 (一橋大学経済研究所), 森口 千晶 (一橋大学経済研究所), 万城目 正雄 (東海大学), 中川 万理子 (一橋大学経済研究所)


研究課題 Implications of Family Policies for Marriages, Human Capital Investment, and Long-Run Inequality
研究代表者 Satoshi Tanaka (University of Queensland)
高山 直樹 (一橋大学経済研究所)
Since the late 1970s, the U.S. federal government has implemented changes in a variety of family policies. In the mid-1970s, the federal government established the Office of Child Support Enforcement (OCSE) and required all states to establish equivalent state offices. In the 1980s, major federal regulations were enacted that sought to strengthen paternity, create legislative guidelines for state child support orders, and collect from fathers' wages. In 1996, the Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC), which had been in place since 1935, was substantially restructured to limit the period of receipt to five years. What is the impact of these policy changes on children's human capital investment? And what are the implications of them for intergenerational mobility and long-term inequality?
This paper analyzes the macroeconomic long-run implications of such family policies. In particular, this paper uses the heterogeneous-agent macro model that features marriage matching markets and endogenous marriage and human capital investment decisions, to analyze how family policies affect the proportion of single-mother households, and human capital investment in children, and long-lasting macroeconomic outcomes. This paper's final goal is to conduct a set of quantitative analyses to understand how intergenerational mobility and long-term inequality in the next generations are affected by these family policies.


研究課題 医師の地理的分布と健康格差に関する実証研究
研究代表者 奥山 陽子 (ウプサラ大学)
森口 千晶 (一橋大学経済研究所), 有本 寛 (一橋大学経済研究所), 村上 愛 (ノースウェスタン大学), 井上 ちひろ (東京大学)


研究課題 Female Labor Market Conditions, Human Capital Investment, and Aspirations
研究代表者 Teresa Molina (University of Hawaii at Manoa)
臼井 恵美子 (一橋大学経済研究所)
Improvements in female labor market conditions have been found to lead to improved human capital investments for girls. The literature has proposed two main reasons for this. First, improved labor market conditions for women in general could strengthen the bargaining power of mothers, who may have stronger preferences for investing in children (and daughters in particular). A second common explanation is that improved female labor market conditions increase the future economic value of girls, thereby increasing the returns to investments in them. In empirical analyses, it is difficult to tease out these two explanations. In this project, we seek to provide evidence for the second mechanism, using data on parents' aspirations and expectations for their children. Much of the literature on gender bias in parental investments has focused on developing countries or countries documented to have strong son preference. However, women lag behind men in a number of dimensions across most countries in the world, making this an important issue to study even in developed countries.
In this project, we explore gender differences in child and parental aspirations. In particular, we document stark gender differences in aspirations (with higher aspirations for boys than girls), and we investigate whether better labor market opportunities for women can help close this gap. We also examine whether the effects of female labor market opportunities on gender gaps in aspirations translate into higher investments for girls relative to boys.


研究課題 結婚・出産行動のトレンドに関する研究-女性の学歴と収入の観点から-
研究代表者 岡庭 英重 (国立社会保障・人口問題研究所)
井深 陽子 (慶應義塾大学), 丸山士行(曁南大学), 殷婷(一橋大学)
(1-A)結婚と社会経済的地位 結婚と社会経済的地位について,これまで欧米では,学歴や収入の似通った者同士が結婚するという研究が数多く蓄積されてきた(Sweeney and Cancian,2004; Torche,2010)。
また近年,男性は自身よりも社会経済的地位の低い女性を好み,女性は反対に社会経済的地位が高い男性を好むという研究もある(Egebark et al,2021)。
(1-B)出産と社会経済的地位 また出産について,経済学分野ではこれまで,経済発展に伴い出生率が低下することが示されてきた(Becker,1960; Becker and Lewis,1973)。
特に,前近代の社会では出生率と社会経済的地位(収入や教育の水準)との関係は正であったが,子どもの量・質のトレードオフや出産・育児による機会費用の増加により,ある時点からは負に転じるとされている(Kremer and Chen,2002)。
しかし,このような出生率と教育水準の間の負の関係は必ずしも一定ではなく,国ごとに異なり,また時間の経過とともに変化する可能性があることから(Lam,1986; Kremer and Chen,2002; De la Croix and Doepke,2003),日本における長期的な推移を捉えることもまた主要な研究課題といえる。


研究課題 外国人労働の受け入れが日本の地域経済に与える効果の分析:タスク・モデルを踏まえた空間的一般均衡分析
研究代表者 土井 康裕 (名古屋大学)
鈴木 健介 (ペンシルベニア州立大学), Eaton, Jonathan (ペンシルベニア州立大学)
一方、外国人労働者の受け入れが、集計的な経済厚生や経済資源の配分にどのような影響を与えているか(distributional implications)については、十分に解明されていないのが実情である。
1点目として、近年、移民労働者の受け入れによる経済効果を空間的一般均衡モデルによる構造分析で解明しようとする研究が盛んに行われている(Burstein et al., 2020、Monras, 2020等)。本研究は、こうした移民労働の構造分析と、Acemoglu and Autor (2011)に代表されるタスク・モデルの研究を理論的・実証的に統合し、本研究分野のフロンティアを切り拓こうとする点が大きな学術的貢献となる。また外国人労働受け入れの経済効果を分析するためのツールキットを提供することで、日本の外国人雇用の政策設計に貢献する。


研究課題 経済的・制度的環境変化と多国籍企業の生産ネットワークの再構成
研究代表者 松浦 寿幸 (慶應義塾大学)
Liang Licheng (慶應義塾大学)
2000 年代以降、国際貿易理論では企業レベルのデータを用いた研究が主流となっており、近年ではこのような企業レベルでの国際生産ネットワークの分析が進んでいる。
しかし、多くの既存研究は企業が海外生産開始の意思決定(Extensive margin, 外延の変化)に注目するものが多く、海外進出企業のその後の生産拠点の拡大や移転、再調整(Intensive margin, 内延の変化)についてはあまり分析されていない。
たとえば、中国では2018年に環境保護税が導入され、中国の製造業企業は大きな影響を受けたと指摘されている(Li, Lin, Du, Feng. Zuo, 2021, JEM)。
新型コロナウイルス感染拡大に伴うロックダウンにより各国は大きな生産調整を迫られ、国際貿易も大きく変動したことが知られている(Hayakawa and Mukunoki, 2021, JJIE)。


研究課題 Firm Heterogeneity in Environmental Productivity and its Drivers: Evidence from the Japanese Manufacturing Sector
研究代表者 Jieun Shin (University of Toronto)
Alberto Galasso (University of Toronto), Mitchell Hoffman (University of Toronto)
Governments and international organizations across the world increasingly develop their own "green growth" strategies, recognizing the importance of balancing both economic growth and environmental protection. Even business leaders increasingly acknowledge that profit maximization should not be the sole purpose of firms , and integrate externalities such as environmental pollution into their decision-making processes. However, these two important outcomes have been studied independently in two distinctive research areas. On the one hand, the productivity literature has extensively addressed the question of why there exist such large and persistent productivity differences across firms/plants (in other words, what makes some producers more efficient than others) (Syverson, 2011), solely focusing on economic outcomes. On the other hand, the environmental economics literature has devoted considerable attention to estimating the effects of various environmental regulations and policies that often apply uniformly to all plants within an industry, paying little attention to within-industry heterogeneity in environmental outcomes. Given that environmental externalities are inseparable from production decisions, this gap should be addressed to better understand how firms convert inputs into outputs when factoring both economic and environmental concerns into the equation.
This research project aims to bridge this gap by investigating whether there exist persistent differences in environmental productivity across Japanese firms/plants and, if there are, why there are such differences. Specifically, the objectives of this study are 1) to provide empirical evidence on heterogeneity in environmental productivity across Japanese firms/plants within narrowly-defined industries and contrast the evidence with other measures of productivity, 2) to explore the potential drivers of such differences in environmental productivity, mainly focusing on management practices, 3) to identify the conditions under which management practices cannot achieve both economic and environmental outcomes, and 4) to assess the policy and managerial implications of our findings for improving the environmental productivity of the Japanese manufacturing sector.
There are some reasons to expect that management practices improve environmental productivity; however, this relationship is not theoretically straightforward. Better managed firms may be able to use fewer energy and further reduce energy-derived emissions, because good management practices enable them to adopt more efficient production techniques and energy-saving ideas (Bloom et al., 2010). For example, "lean manufacturing" developed by Toyota explicitly aims to minimize waste, such as energy and materials, while maximizing productivity. Having said that, this argument is based on the assumption that energy efficiency always leads to improved productivity and the goals of productivity, energy efficiency and emissions mitigation are aligned. However, in many cases, this assumption may not always be true (Bushnell and Wolfram, 2009). For instance, a firm may decide to use a fuel mix that lowers energy expenditures and, as a result, reduces production costs but simultaneously increases CO2 emissions. In such cases, management practices optimized to improve productivity may have adverse effects on environmental productivity.
This study intends to build on and expand our current knowledge mainly in the following three streams of research on: 1) the drivers of productivity differences focusing on management practices (e.g., Syverson, 2011; Bloom et al., 2013; Kambayashi et al., 2021), 2) the environmental implications of firm heterogeneity (e.g., Shapiro and Walker, 2018; Lyubich et al., 2018), and 3) firms' social responsibilities (e.g., Benabou and Tirole, 2010; Hart and Zingales, 2017).


研究課題 Within firm wage inequality and rent-sharing across workers groups
研究代表者 Fabrizio Pompei (University of Perugia)
深尾 京司 (一橋大学経済研究所), Kenta Ikeuchi(RIETI), Cristiano Perugini(University of Perugia)
The widespread increase in economic inequalities observed in the past decades in virtually all economies of the world has raised concerns about their social sustainability and stimulated an extensive research on its drivers. It is widely documented that inequality in labour compensations accounts for the most part of existing income disparities; however, despite firms being the crucial place where decisions on the distribution of the value are taken (Bapuji et al., 2018), only recently the attention of scholars has been directed to micro-level drivers (see Bapuji et al., 2020; Criscuolo et al., 2020). The evidence supplied by this literature shows that a remarkable share of observed wage inequality can indeed be explained by factors specific to the employer. The heterogeneity in organisational forms, as well as the existence of labour market imperfections of different types, have provided the conceptual environment for various explanations of the reasons why some firms are willing to pay higher than 'market' wages. The majority of these contributions link firms' characteristics to their propensity to pay higher remunerations in general; however, an interesting minority of them investigate how firm-level characteristics also explain gaps in the remuneration of different groups of workers within the firm, classified by skills (Aghion et al., 2019) or high/low occupations (Cirillo et al., 2017; Card et al., 2013).
This project aims at providing evidence on within-firm wage inequality and its drivers in Japan, where this dimension of research has been so far limited, despite many specific features of interest that include distinctive organisational and business models, industrial relation systems, labour market developments and a recent history of prolonged macroeconomic stagnation. In contrast to what happened in many developed economies considered comparable (like the US), wage inequality in Japan has remained relatively stable in the past decades (see Katz & Revenga, 1989; Kambayashi et al., 2008; Lise et al., 2014).
The activity of the project are functional to two main objectives:
(i) investigating which firms characteristics (structural, technological, organizational, managerial) shape within-firm wage inequality across genders, occupations and education groups;
(ii) exploring to which extent such wage disparities are due to a different capacity of workers' groups to appropriate rents produced at company level.


研究課題 所得税の配偶者控除による労働供給の歪みに関する数量的一般均衡分析
研究代表者 高橋 資哲 (ペンシルバニア州立大学)
鈴木 健介 (ペンシルバニア州立大学), 古澤 泰治 (東京大学), 川口 大司 (東京大学)
本研究の特色は、妻と夫の労働時間の選択を明示的に組み込んだ数量的一般均衡モデル(quantitative general equilibrium model)を構築し、所得税の配偶者控除による厚生損失を数量化することにある。
また、Akabayashi(2006)とBessho and Hayashi (2014)は夫婦の労働供給の最適化行動のパラメターを推定している。
安部・大竹(1995)は誘導系の推定であり、Akabayashi(2006)やBessho and Hayashi (2014)の構造モデルは、夫婦の労働供給の最適化のみを扱っている。
それらに対して、本研究は、夫婦の労働供給の最適化を包含する一般均衡モデルを構築し、政府統計ミクロデータを用いたカリブレーションと、反実仮想的均衡(counterfactual equilibrium)の計算により、厚生分析を行うことが特徴的である。


研究課題 政府統計ミクロデータとPOSデータとを用いた日本酒及びワイン産業に対する新型コロナ感染拡大の影響に関する実証分析
研究代表者 佐藤 淳 (金沢学院大学)
都留 康 (一橋大学経済研究所), 上原 克仁 (静岡県立大学), 今田 周三 (日本酒造組合中央会), 藤野 勝久 (メルシャン株式会社)
① コロナ禍における個別製品価格の変化
② コロナ禍における商品階層の変化
③ コロナ禍と輸出
参考文献:佐藤淳(2021)『國酒の地域経済学―伝統の現代化と地域の有意味化』 文眞堂


研究課題 Exports, trade costs and FDI Entry: Evidence from Japanese firms
研究代表者 Deseatnicov Ivan (HSE University)
Kucheryavyy Konstantin (University of Tokyo), 深尾 京司 (一橋大学経済研究所)
Ongoing Covid-19 pandemics, trade frictions in between the US and China, and technological decoupling between the US and China give rise to increased uncertainty which affects the multinational enterprises (MNEs) decisions of production location and sales by their affiliates. Therefore, the dynamics of MNEs entry and exit in various markets via foreign direct investment (FDI) plays an important role in the changing pattern of global production. This study aims at addressing the following questions:
(i) What are outward activities' dynamics of Japanese firms in terms of MNEs entry and exit in foreign markets? What are the patterns of Japan MNEs' affiliate sales?
(ii) How do policy shocks such as China-US trade war and technological decoupling affect the shutdown or exit of Japan MNEs affiliates?
Research background and goals
There is a small but growing literature that examines the dynamic behavior of MNEs using firm-level data. Gumpert et al. (2020 JIE) examined the patterns of entry and exit for German, French and Norwegian firms, and proposed a dynamic version of the proximity-concentration framework (Helpman et al. 2004 AER) to explain complementarity between exports and FDI to serve the foreign markets. In the previous part of this project, we found that trade costs negatively affect FDI entry decision by Japanese firms subject to their previous export experience in the same market (Deseatnicov, Kucheryavyy, Fukao 2021 TNC). A recent work by Garetto et al. (Mimeo Boston University 2021) documented rich patterns of US MNEs affiliate sales and introduced a dynamic model of MNEs behavior emphasizing the continuous time formulation of the compound real option.
The goal of the proposed project is to extend previous research in several dimensions:
1. First, we would like to shift our attention from entry to affiliate sales patterns and their exit behavior.
2. Second, we would like to examine the effects of policy shocks such as China-US trade war and technological decoupling on the shutdown and exit decisions of Japan MNEs' affiliates, as well as Japan firms' export patterns.
Research originality
This research aims to contribute to the growing literature on MNEs entry and exit dynamics, which is relatively limited and, in particular, for Japan. On top of that, to the best of our knowledge, the FDI exit was not paid much attention in the previous literature. We will attempt to fill in this gap with the focus on Japan and increasing uncertainty due to trade frictions in between the US and China. Moreover, technological decoupling receives a growing attention from the academic and policy community. Our project aims to contribute to this debate as well. Therefore, we believe that the results of this research are important from both academic and policy perspective.


研究課題 The factors that drive elderly's overemployment and underemployment in Japan: a comparative perspective
研究代表者 Yi Zhang (Central University of Finance and Economics)
殷婷 (一橋大学経済研究所), 臼井 恵美子 (一橋大学経済研究所), 小塩 隆士 (一橋大学経済研究所)
An inter-temporal model where individuals optimally choose their pensionable ages and hours of work generally predicts no overemployment or underemployment. Existing evidence, however, shows that over-employment and underemployment do exist among the elderly in the U.S. and European countries (e.g. Bell and Blanchflower 2021; Bell and Rutherford 2013; Sewdas et al. 2017). In Japan, where elderly male workers are known for their high labor-force attachment, Usui et al. (2016) find that self-employed male workers at the pensionable age tend to report overemployment while their salaried counterparts tend to report underemployment.
Over- or under-employment being documented, it remains unclear which factors are driving this distortion in individuals' optimal inter-temporal allocations of work hours in Japan. Our research project aims at filling this niche in the literature.
More specifically, we will add to the literature in the following ways: (a) we will further the study of Usui et al. (2016) by identifying and analyzing the determinants of the over-employment and under-employment in Japan. (b) Less is known about the over-/under-employment and determinants for females. We will extend the existing studies by conducting separate analysis for the female sample. (c) Little evidence of over-/under employment comes from developing economies. We will add evidence from China. We will describe the pattern and analyze the determinants of the over-/under- employment in China. And we compare results with those in Japan. Japan and China share similar cultural values for work and family (thus similar preferences for leisure and informal care), but the two countries have different institutions (e.g. China has no public long-term care insurance, and has less generous public pension schemes) and different levels of development (lower life-time earnings in China). Comparing the two countries can contribute to understand the driving factors behind the over-/under-employment.


研究課題 日本市場におけるファクター・モデルとバリュー株投資の構造変化とその要因
研究代表者 青野 幸平 (立命館大学)
祝迫 得夫 (一橋大学経済研究所), 滝澤 美帆 (学習院大学)
マーケットが完全に効率的でない限り、株価の企業の本源的価値intrinsic valueからの乖離は必ず発生し、それが解消する過程で超過利潤を獲得するチャンスが発生する。


研究課題 非課税制度と金融行動―確定拠出年金、NISAのCausal Treeによる解析―
研究代表者 林田 実 (北九州市立大学)
伊藤 伸介 (中央大学), 児玉 直美 (明治学院大学), 出島 敬久 (上智大学), 大野 裕之 (東洋大学), 村田 磨理子 ((公財)統計情報研究開発センター), 宮崎 毅 (九州大学), 合田 智一 (一橋大学経済研究所)
しかも、従来の計量経済学では困難であったデータドリブンな機械学習(Causal Tree)によって、個人の属性によって異なる、租税制度に対する評価、あるいは、租税制度に応じた対応を摘出できるようになってきている。我々は、Causal Treeを駆使して、問題の本質に迫る予定であり、これが、本研究の学術的特色と言える。


研究課題 Multinational corporation (MNC) innovation and foreign affiliates' import decisions
研究代表者 Ryo Makioka (Hokkaido University)
Eric Bond (Vanderbilt University), Trang Hoang (Federal Reserve Board of Governors), Yan Ma (Kobe University)
Multinational corporations (MNCs) are among the most innovation-intensive firms and account for the majority of innovation investment worldwide (Bilir and Morales 2020). Within them, innovation in one location can affect trade flows in other locations. On one hand, parent companies' innovation can improve affiliates' productivity through technology transfer as in Brantstetter, Fisman, and Foley (2006) and Keller and Yeaple (2013) or provide better inputs through intra-firm trade. This in turn allows affiliates to incur the costs to import from other countries (scale effect). On the other hand, parent firms' innovation might decrease affiliate's imports by reducing the need to access foreign technologies through imported inputs (substitution effect). Thus, the impact of parent firms' innovation on affiliates' input import decisions is ambiguous. The objective of this project is to analyze the intra-firm effect of MNCs innovation on foreign affiliates' decisions to import intermediate inputs.
This project makes three potential contributions. First, it contributes to the existing literature on the relationship between parent innovation on affiliate performance. Bilir and Morales (2020) find that the median U.S. firm realizes abroad 20 percent of return to its U.S. R&D investment by improving affiliates' productivity. In contrast, we are the first to study the impact of parent firms' innovation on affiliates' import of intermediate goods.
Second, this project contributes to the literature on the relationship between imported intermediate inputs and innovation. Bøler, Moxnes, and Ulltveit-Moe (2015) show, using the panel data of manufacturing firms in Norway, that R&D and importing inputs are complementary activities. Similarly, Chen, Zhang, and Zheng (2017) show that intermediate imports increase Chinese firms' R&D intensity, while Liu and Qiu (2016) find that input tariff cut results in less innovation undertaken by Chinese firms, measured by patent filings. In contrast, our focus is on innovation in MNCs' headquarter and its effect on affiliates' import decisions through different channels, i.e., productivity spillover and intra-firm trade.
Third, this work contributes to the literature on the effect of MNCs activities on global trade. MNCs account for a large share of global trade and their operation across national borders implies that trade policies in one country can affect trade in other countries through MNCs activities. Existing studies investigate the effects of MNCs innovation on export decisions and choice of production location (Tintelnot, 2017; Gumpert, Li, Moxnes, Ramondo, and Tintelnot, 2020). This project provides a novel channel for the third market effect: innovation by parent companies can affect import decisions of foreign affiliates.


研究課題 アフターコロナ時代におけるデータ駆動型観光振興の構築のための実証研究
研究代表者 大井 達雄 (立正大学)
菅 幹雄 (法政大学), 宮川 幸三 (立正大学), 南 和宏 (統計数理研究所), 田中 雅行 (統計センター), 伊藤 伸介 (中央大学), 廣瀬 雅代 (九州大学), 合田 智一 (一橋大学経済研究所)
わが国においては,Go To トラベル事業が有名である。


研究課題 資本主義の原理・歴史・未来
研究代表者 黒瀬 一弘 (東北大学)
吉原 直毅 (一橋大学経済研究所), 佐々木 啓明 (京都大学), 大野 隆 (同志社大学), 古川 純子 (聖心女子大学), 後藤 玲子 (帝京大学), 金子 創 (大分大学), 斎藤 修 (一橋大学経済研究所), 神林 龍 (一橋大学経済研究所)


研究課題 日本企業における食品ロスと廃棄物
研究代表者 鍾 秋悦 (屏東科技大学)
阿部 修人 (一橋大学経済研究所), 北村 行伸 (立正大学), 張 宏浩 (台湾大学), 草処 基 (東京農工大学)
Reduction in food loss and waste is essential for sustainable development as set in the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 12 (SDG 12) of responsible consumption and production. While around 811 million people in the world suffer from hunger (9.9%) (UNICEF, 2021), about 30% of the global food production, which is equivalent to 13 hundred million metric tons, is lost and wasted in a year. The quantity of food loss and waste is even more significant in developed countries. For example, food loss and waste is between 30-40% of the US food supply (U.S. Food and Drug Administration, 2021), which implies annually 177 kg per capita is wasted by consumers. Not much less than the USA, Japan loses and wastes 6.12 million metric tons of foods in a year; equivalent to 133.6 kg per person.
Food loss and waste take place mainly in the commercial stage and households. In Japan, about 53% of the food loss and waste occur at the commercial stage (Liu et al., 2016), particularly significantly high food losses and waste are observed in major producing regions in the country (Wakiyama et al., 2019). The profound food loss and waste in the food supply chain can be attributed to the decision making and action of food actors in the food industry (FAO, 2011). In turn, the outcome of such unsound decisions and actions not only causes hunger and poverty problem (in particular in poor countries) but also lead to land-use and water resource management problems with negative impact on livelihoods and climate change worldwide. For example, global food lost and wasted is responsible for the use of 24% of total freshwater and 23% of total cropland (Kummu et al., 2012), and around 2030 trillion British Thermal Unit energy is wasted through food waste, which is larger than available energy for sustainable and energy-efficient procurements (Cuéllar & Webber, 2010).
The burgeoning literature on food loss and waste almost exclusively focused on household behavior even if it accounts for smaller proportion than food companies. For example, Secondi et al. (2015) examined household food waste the behavior in Europe. Min et al. (2021) assessed the effect of dietary knowledge of household food decision-makers on the quantity of household food waste. In contrast, limited literature has explored the drivers and solutions for food loss and waste reduction. Delgado et al. (2021), for instance, highlights socioeconomic factors such as farmers' education, experience, unfavorable climatic conditions are positively correlated food loss reduction in farms. On the other hand, circular economy concept is often cited in the context of waste management as a solution that can significantly reduce food loss and waste, because the circular economy can close loops i.e. mitigating the leakage of resource input, waste, and emission in the food system (Geissdoerfer et al.,2017). However, the impact of circular economy practices on food loss and waste reduction is not well grounded, not to mention the understating of the situation during the economic downturns (such as the current Covid-19 pandemic).
While addressing food loss and waste becomes an alarming issue worldwide, to date, efforts of significantly reducing global food loss and waste have been demonstrated to be extremely difficult. This is partly due to the lack of consistent methodologies and data for quantifying lost and wasted food in the global food systems (Cattaneo et al., 2021), particularly in the food industry. A recent review by Chauhan et al. (2021) described the research gap of existing studies related to food loss and waste assessment include a lack of understanding in the driver of food loss and waste management in the domain of factors influencing food loss generation; second, dearth of policy impact empirical research; third, a limited number of studies are conducted at micro and firm-level that concern the impact of food loss and waste practices. Additionally, fewer researchers have addressed the problem of circular economy and food loss.
To fill in the research gap, this study plans to utilize food loss and waste data at the firm level in Japan and explore the reduction and recycling of food loss and waste before and after economic shocks. The global financial crisis that happened in 2008 serves as the best event study point in our research. Taking advantage of the novel dataset over 10 years, our study is free from endogeneity concerns and possibly to explore the following questions. First, does economic or pandemic shock reduce or deteriorate food loss and waste at the commercial stage? Second, can recycling activities (circular economy) in food firms combat economic or pandemic shocks? Third, do the attributes of food firms such as their location and business sectors differentiate the business performance of the food firms after the economic shock?


研究課題 資産価格バブルのマクロ経済学
研究代表者 平野 智裕 (ロンドン大学、ロイヤルホロエイ)
陣内 了 (一橋大学経済研究所)


研究課題 品質と価格分散:マダガスカル米市場の高頻度・高密度価格データを使った検証
研究代表者 高野 久紀 (京都大学)
有本 寛 (一橋大学経済研究所)
近年の研究では,地区固有の固定効果を除いた後にも残る市場間の無視できない価格差から,サーチコストの問題が重要であることが議論されてきた.たとえばAllen (2014)は,フィリピンの各港のコメ価格差の多くの部分がサーチコストで説明できると議論している.しかし,サーチコストなどの市場の摩擦以外に価格差が生じる理由として,(1)売り手のサービス率・在庫率(在庫量や在庫率が高ければ在庫切れがないため,買い手は価格プレミアムを払うインセンティブがある),(2)売り手によって品質が違う,という2つの有力仮説がある.これらを無視してサーチコストを推定すれば,真の市場の摩擦の程度を過大評価してしまうことになりかねない.そこで本研究は,既存の調査で収集したデータで検証可能な(1)に加えて,(2)の影響を検証し,より精緻な市場の摩擦の程度を推定することを目的とする.
 農産物市場の流通や市場統合に関する研究は,一物一価の成立を焦点に多くの研究がある.こうした分析では品質差が価格に反映される影響を統制する必要があるが,実際には差別化の程度が少ない農作物を対象にしており品質差は少ないと議論して推定が行われている(Moser et al, 2009).しかし我々の既存の調査では,買い手はコメの品質,特に買い付けるコメの品種が統一されているかを常に気にしていたことが分かっており,品種の統一がされていない場合には買い付け価格も低くなることが多かった.


研究課題 動学的パネルデータモデルによる多国間経済及びファイナンス波及分析
研究代表者 前川 功一 (広島経済大学)
渡部 敏明 (一橋大学経済研究所), 早川 和彦 (広島大学), 中西 正 (統計数理研究所), ri Widodo (Gadjah Mada University), mirullah Setya Hardi (Gadjah Mada University)
研究代表者の前川は近年、構造 VAR モデルの誤差項が正規分布に従わない場合の理論的・実証的分析を行っており、そこで得られた手法をパネルデータに拡張しようとしている。このような研究は前例がない。また研究分担者の Tri Widodo インドネシア・ガジャマダ大学教授は最近、動学的パネルデータ分析を用いて、"Global Value Chains Participation during the COVID-19 2 Pandemic: A Dynamic Panel Approach"と題する論文(掲載見込み)を発表している。この論文の問題意識、発想及び手法は本研究課題とも共通するものがある。さらにアジア経済事情に精通していることからモデル構築に関する有益な情報提供が期待される。渡辺敏明教授は高頻度データによる計量ファイナンス分析の理論と実証の第一人者であることから、本研究課題に対して有益な助言・指導をしていただけることが期待される。早川和彦教授はパネルデータ分析における計量経済学的理論における国際的な第一線の研究者である。したがって計量経済学的手法の応用にあたって有益な助言が得られ、また手法に関する独自な理論展開もありうることが期待される。Amirullah Setya Hardi ガジャマダ大学講師と中西正統計数理研究所特任研究員は、研究代表者前川の下で博士号を取得し、実証分析に必要なデータ分析の力量を有しており、本研究に欠かせない人材である。


研究課題 Effects of Technological Changes on Labor Market and Job Quality in an EU Countries-Japan Comparison Perspective.
研究代表者 Malo Mofakhami (Centre d'économie Paris nord (CEPN)・University of Sorbonne Paris-North)
Ryo Kambayashi (Institute of Economic Research), Sébastien Lechevalier (CCJ Research Center)
The main objective of this project is to foster comparative analyses between the Japanese labour market and European labour markets. More precisely, it aims at studying the different effects of technological changes especially digital ones on the labour market and working conditions. The last and fast technological wave characterized by digital technology (also called the fourth industrial revolution) deeply transforms labour relations and the work content (tasks and work organization). The new technology adoption raises many issues for the future of work, such as work polarization, work automatization, and then the changes in working conditions and the need for new labour institutions (Acemoglu and Autor, 2011; Acemoglu and Restrepo, 2019).
This research program falls within the institutional framework. It argues that the technology-employment nexus is mitigated by institutional settings. In this perspective, the country comparison is relevant to identify how different institutional arrangements lead to different effects of technological change on employment and the labour market.
Thus, this research project is based on the literature on technological - employment nexus which focuses on job polarization, tasks transformations and effects on job quality and job satisfaction. It raises several hypotheses (Mofakhami, 2019; Duhautois et al., 2020; Mofakhami, 2021; Calvino and Virgillito, 2017):
- The new technologies and especially the digital ones replace some tasks but create new ones and are also complementary to some tasks which are reinforced.
- Then the adoption of some technologies and innovations leads to change in the content of tasks and then the work organization and work structure.
- These changes produce two main indirect effects, on the macro-level a change in the aggregate workforce structure (between occupations) namely job polarization, At the micro level it produces changes in working conditions and job satisfaction (new tasks, new work organization)
- The different institutions between Japan and European countries lead to different relations between technology and employment.
These hypotheses deserve to be tested in the context of the fast adoption of new technology. In the recent context they appear even more relevant, the COVID-19 pandemic produced an accelerated and wide-ranging adoption of technological change to adapt the economic system to new constraints such as social distancing. In that regard, this project will be looking to study more specifically the effect of digital use at work in terms of job satisfaction and working conditions by considering the institutional context between Japan and some European countries (such as France). Also, teleworking as a main technological adoption would be a fruitful case of study. Teleworking is a work practice that is based on both technological aspects but also organizational and institutional dimensions. The comparison of the effect of teleworking between Japan and EU countries would provide interesting insights into the role of institutions in the technological-employment nexus.
To carry out this project, a collaboration with the IER from Hitotsubashi University and Japanese researchers is key. The institutional context of technology adoption is required to design a relevant comparative research strategy. The project aims at granting the Principal Investigator for a visiting period of about one and a half months at the IER from Hitotsubashi University. Discussions and exchanges with IER colleagues about the labour market situation as well as the issues of employment, both before and after the pandemic, are essential to compare the effects of technology use by Japanese and European workers.
Finally, the current research project is in the continuity of a work in progress with Sébastien Lechevalier. We are conducting a France-Japan comparative analysis of the effects of digital use on job satisfaction based on the PIAAC data. The first results of this research will be presented both in Japan in June and in the Netherlands in July. The present project also aims at pursuing and expanding this research work.


研究課題 The Minimum Wage Effects in Vietnam: A New Approach
研究代表者 NGUYEN Thanh Tung (Hitotsubashi University・Graduate School of Economics)
Ryo Kambayashi (Institute of Economic Research)
In the field of labor economics, minimum wage has been one of the most enduring topics because empirical studies have continuously found contradicting evidence regarding employment effects (see, e.g., Card and Krueger 1995; Brown 1999; Neumark and Wascher 2007). Despite the vast literature, there are certainly rooms for new study on this matter, especially in developing countries where the minimum wage system and policy enforcement are rather complicated. This research project explores two new aspects of the minimum wage that have not been carefully discussed in the literature: imperfect enforcement and product switching response. Each aspect will be assessed in a separate sub-study, but the theoretical framework applied in each sub-study and empirical results are expected to be complementary to each other. This project considers the Vietnamese labor market as a case study given its interesting minimum wage system and available micro databases.
Firstly, the project assesses the minimum wage effects on labor market outcomes under the assumption that the policy enforcement is imperfect and heterogenous across sectors and regions. This is the crucial identification as in the literature, most studies implicitly assume that the law is well enforced while this is not the case in developing countries. In these countries, either the governments are incapable of fully enforcing the law due to large informal sectors or they intend to leave spaces for noncompliance to achieve efficiency due to the costly law enforcement. Additionally, this study contributes to the literature by distinguishing between formality status of workers and coverage of the policy. While the coverage is often defined by law, formality status is usually defined by mandatory employment benefits (e.g., social security). This implies that many workers who are covered by the minimum wage law may be hired informally in economies with large informal sectors. Therefore, the distinction between formality and legal coverage plays an important role in assessing the minimum wage effects in developing countries.
Secondly, we estimate the non-employment adjustments of firms in response to a sharp minimum wage hike. This line of study has been received increasingly attentions from labor economists as it reflects better the overall effect of the minimum wage. Recent papers have found that firms are able to pass the increased labor cost onto their customers (notably, Harasztosi & Lindner (2019)). However, they did not consider the change in output demand when prices increased. In addition to the commonly known outcomes (e.g., profits, revenue, output prices), we argue that firms may respond to the shock by adjusting their portfolio towards more profitable products. In this sub-study, we incorporate the minimum wage shock into the theoretical framework of product switching by developed by Bernard, Redding, and Schott (2010). This sub-study contributes to the literature by exploring a completely new feature of the minimum wage that has not been examined: the product switching response. Additionally, its empirical results will potentially shed a new light on how researchers and policy makers understand the minimum wage effects, given the availability of two firm-product level data sets in Vietnam.


Of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), SDG 6 aims to "ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all" (MoW 2015). Meeting this goal in Urban areas in Africa is a challenge due to high growth rate of African cities propelled by rural-urban migration. On average, cities and towns in Africa, including Tanzania, grow by 5 percent per annum, faster than elsewhere in the world. Provision of water service, however, has not matched the growth of cities (World Bank 2012). The central problem has been financial constraints and capacities for managing water (EWURA 2018, 2021).
The prevailing water management system in most cities rely on postpaid water metering (payment is due after consumption). The system come with a number of challenges. These include billing inaccuracies, metering reading costs, timely payment, disconnection and reconnection costs due to unpaid debts, recovery of arrears, especially on public institutions, and unreliable water sales data (Heymans et al, 2014a; Iipinge 2016; MoW 2020). This has led to low revenue collections and a higher percentage of unbilled water loss known as Non-Revenue Water (NRW). As a solution to the problems, prepaid water meters are promoted by some Governments and leading Development institutions (World Bank 2012). This study intends to evaluate the impact of prepaid water meters on water utility's revenue collection, water usage and water loss. Specifically, the study will examine:
• The effect of installing prepaid meters on amount of revenue collected
• The effect of the meters on timely collection of water bills
• The effect of the meters in reduction of unbilled water loss
• The heterogeneous effects of prepaid meters by nature of client (private individual, commercial entity, public institution)


研究課題 「レンド・リース」と第 2 次大戦中および戦後のソ連経
研究代表者 上垣 彰 (西南学院大学)
志田仁完 (西南学院大学), 岩崎一郎 (一橋大学経済研究所), 雲和広 (一橋大学経済研究所)
本研究の目的は,第2次大戦中のアメリカ合衆国による,対連合軍諸国(ソ連を含む)に対する物資援助計画「レンド・リース」が,ソ連の戦時および戦後経済に与えた影響を確定することである。「レンド・リース」に関する研究は,ロシア国内および英米に,かなり豊富に存在する(Herrings 1973, Harrison 1996, Jones 1969, van Tuyll 1989, Weeks 2004, Соколов 1998)にも関わらず,「レンド・リース」が,ソ連の対独戦勝にどの程度貢献したかという問題でさえ,定説が存在しない。ましてや,ソ連経済の戦後復興に,「レンド・リース」が果たした役割について明示的に言及する研究は稀である。
究明すべきもう一つの問題は,「レンド・リース」による供給物資の半分が軍需品ではなく,民生品であったという事実と関係している。 小麦や砂糖,乾燥スキムミルクや乾燥野菜から,トラック,タイヤ,ラジオ,工作機械,発電機器にいたる多種多様なアメリカ製品(場合によってはカナダ製品)がソ連社会に流入したということの,ソ連戦時経済にとっての意義はどのようなものだったのか。この問題は,戦前期と戦後期とを含めた長いパースペクティヴの中で,検討することが必要である。この点もなお研究が十分行われていない。
以上のような研究上の困難を打開するためには,詳細な商品ごとの輸入額と生産額(ソ連側支配地域の)を確定していく作業が必要である。したがって,本研究の学術的特色は,従来,国際関係論的・国際政治学的研究(上記文献の他にМягков 2017がその集大成)が主流だった「レンド・リース」研究に,詳細なデータに基づいた経済学的研究を対置しようとするところにある。


研究課題 Determinants of female representation on corporate boards. Comparative analysis between Japan and six European countries
研究代表者 Maria Aluchna (SGH Warsaw School of Economics)
Bogumił Kamiński (SGH Warsaw School of Economics), Brendan Burchell (University of Cambridge), Uta Shimada (SGH Warsaw School of Economics)
Companies' ability to grow and continuously develop is determined by its social competences, ethical responsibility, and environmental contributions. Diversity and inclusion that allow for a broader perspective in decision making are identified amongst such competences (Aluchna and Shapiro 2018). The ongoing debate reveals advantages of a gender diversified work environment with some research showing that adding women to the board of companies results in more successful firms (Byron and Post 2016; Dezsö and Ross 2012). Scholars recognize that integrating women into corporate decision-making signifies a dramatic expansion of the pool of energy and intelligence (Watt 2014). Yet, while companies strive to increase the presence of women and minorities at top organizational positions, considerable research indicates the limited access of females in corporate boards (Stainback et al. 2016; Healy et al. 2019; Lewellyn and Muller-Kahle 2020).
This research objective is to investigate the level and evolution of female representation on corporate boards in six European countries (Germany, UK, France, Italy, Spain and Poland) and Japan The study focuses on listed companies over period of 2011-2021. Specifically, we aim to study the effects of organizational determinants (e.g. company size, industry, financial performance, value, growth) as well as institutional determinants (e.g. control of corruption, rule of law, government effectiveness, GDP and unemployment) on the presence of women on boards. The analysis would allow to examine how different determinants inhibit or stimulate female representation on corporate boards.
Our study will add to the debate on the role of organizational and institutional contexts for diversity on top leadership positions in listed companies (Wichert 2011). We intend to refer to topics related to gender diversity such as glass ceiling, glass cliff and leaky pipeline. The study results will also lead to formulation of some recommendations for policy makers willing to increase female participation in management and governance.


研究課題 Labor Force Demographics, Inventors, and Innovation
研究代表者 Long Yi (Hong Kong Baptist University)
Yulong Wang (Shenzhen U.)
Inventors are important inputs for innovation, the supply of which has important implications for innovation and productivity of a firm or a country. A growing concern in the developed world nowadays is the decreasing labor force. How will the declining labor force affect the equilibrium number of inventors in an economy? What is the implication of this relation towards firms and societies? This project seeks to tackle this important issue. The questions are best answered using data from Japan as the country is a major economy facing an aging population with a low birth rate.
Theoretically, a reduction in labor force does not automatically lead to fewer inventors. If the incentive schemes (e.g., compensation packages) for inventors are attractive enough, proportionately more people will choose to become inventors, which potentially counter the impact of overall fewer labor force. As such, the relation between decreasing labor force and the number of inventors in the economy is ultimately an empirical question. This project aims to answer this question by evaluating the impact of the labor force demographics of Japan on the number of inventors in the economy, and ultimately the impact of the number of inventors in the economy on productivity, especially at firm level, measured by corporate innovation. It is of academic and policy interest to study how firms cope in an environment in which there is a decrease in labor force and possibly a decrease in the supply of inventors. Do firms increase the compensation package of inventors to counter the negative impact on the supply of inventors resulting from a decrease in labor force such as to lure more talented people to become inventors? Alternatively, if the firms are unable to lure more people to become inventors and the supply of inventors is decreasing with the labor force, how do firms accommodate in this environment? Do firms substitute the decrease in the number of inventors by capital? Potentially, firms could spend more on research and development expenses, which could counter the negative impact of fewer inventors on innovative outputs. The project will further evaluate if the strategies adopted by firms are effective in countering the impact of changes in labor force demographics.
Specifically, this project will focus on the following three research questions:
Research Question 1: The relation between the decreasing labor force and the number of inventors in the economy. This question will be answered by collecting micro panel data on labor force demographics, the number of inventors in the economy, and other economic indicators. Controlling for economic factors that are shown to affect the number of inventors, does the change in labor force demographics have additional explanatory power towards the number of inventors? Additionally, the project will study how the relation varies across industries and the reason for the discrepancies. Do certain industries provide better incentives (such as higher compensation) such that more people sort into becoming inventors in those industries?
Research Question 2: To what extent does the number of inventors in the economy account for the variation of productivity and innovation changes. This research question will be answered using panel data on the number of inventors, innovative output at industry and firm level as well as other variables that are associated with innovative output. Regression analysis will be used to gauge the impact of the number of inventors.
Research Question 3: Firms' role in countering the impact of demographic changes. This question is answered by collecting firm level information such as overall compensation, research and development expenses so as to understand the role played by firms. The ultimate goal is to evaluate the effectiveness of firm strategies in terms of sustaining innovative output in an environment with decreasing labor force.
The project is closely related to the literature on demographics and innovation. For instance, Karahan, Pugsley and Şahin (2019) find a slowdown in labor supply can account for roughly two thirds of the decline in startup rate, which demonstrates the importance of demographics in determining productivity and innovation. Focusing on population aging, Derrien Kecskes, and Nguyen (2020) document young inventors producing more valuable innovation, suggesting population aging could influence innovation. In terms of countering the negative impact of demographic changes, Tan, Liu, Sun and Zeng (2022) document a positive relation between labor scarcity resulting from population aging and innovation. The underlying mechanism being firms invest in labor saving technologies to counter the negative impact of labor supply. Instead of focusing on labor scarcity in general, the focus on this project is on inventors, who are important contributors to innovation. This could enhance our understanding of the relation between demographic change, productivity, and innovation.
The project also has policy implications regarding how labor force demographics affect productivity and innovation through the channel of the supply of inventors. If the decreasing labor force leads to fewer inventors, which potentially negatively affects overall productivity, policymakers should implement incentive schemes such as to increase the proportion of inventors in the economy to sustain productivity.
Derrien, François, Ambrus Kecskés, and Phuong-Anh Nguyen. "Labor force demographics and corporate innovation." HEC Paris Research Paper No. FIN-2017-1243 (2020).
Karahan, Fatih, Benjamin Pugsley, and Ayşegül Şahin. Demographic origins of the startup deficit. No. w25874. National Bureau of Economic Research, 2019.
Tan, Youchao, Xiumei Liu, Hanwen Sun, and Cheng Colin Zeng. "Population ageing, labour market rigidity and corporate innovation: Evidence from China." Research Policy 51, no. 2 (2022): 104428.