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プロジェクト研究: 平成30年度採択課題一覧


研究課題 新興市場経済のメタ分析:企業統治・汚職・人的資本研究を中心に
研究代表者 溝端佐登史(京都大学経済研究所)


研究課題 Institutional Differences in Political Budget Cycle
研究代表者 Oriol Roca Sagalés(Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona)
Andreas P. Kyriacou(Universitat de Girona)、岡部智人(一橋大学経済研究所)
Government expenditures matter to macroeconomic performance, but its allocation effectiveness is fairly dependent on political decision-making processes. Some existing papers (e.g., Lane, 2003; Brender and Drazen, 2005) empirically address these issues using a political cycle approach. The approach seeks to account for how the government budget is affected by the electoral cycle. In general, opinions differ as to whether political budget cycles are more likely in 'young' democracies compared to 'established' democracies (Brender and Drazen 2005 and Shi and Svensson 2006). Alternatively, Klompp and Haan (2013), employing data for 65 democratic countries find a significant political budget cycle in a group of very diverse countries that includes both 'young' and 'established' democracies. Additionally, several recent studies focusing on rich countries report evidence on the existence of political budget cycles (see for instance, Grier 2008, in the case of US; Tujula and Wolswijk 2007, using a sample of OECD countries; and Mink and De Haan 2006, for European Union countries).
Whereas many cross-national studies conduct analysis in a rigorous manner, they are inclined to focus solely on the relevance of elections, and pay little attention to other political and institutional aspects. Our research project aims to enrich existing empirical work on the political budget cycle. Specifically, it tackles the following questions: What political and institutional features - beyond electoral cycles - impact on the budget cycle and how? Especially, aspects related to the quality of government (such as the role of corruption, bureaucracy, regulatory quality and rule of law), the impact of ruling-party turnover, change of national leader, types of political institutions (e.g., democracy vs autocracy, centralized versus decentralized) should be investigated. Moreover, in a similar manner to the national-level analysis, our project attempts to conduct cross-region analysis (i.e., regional comparisons within a nation), which also lacks in the relevant literature.


研究課題 消費者の予想物価上昇率形成の計量分析
研究代表者 新谷元嗣(東京大学)


研究課題 日本の労働市場における人的資本と、就職、転職、昇進の関係に関する体系的な分析
研究代表者 大湾秀雄(早稲田大学)
神林龍(一橋大学経済研究所)、John Tang(オーストラリア国立大学)、朝井友紀子(シカゴ大学)、佐藤香織(国士舘大学)
第二に、転職前後の賃金変化と産業特殊的、職種特殊的人的資本との関連を分析し、日本の労働市場における特殊的人的資本のリターンの動向を明らかにする。先行研究から産業特殊的、職種特殊的人的資本が賃金を説明することが明らかにされているが(Neal 1995, Kambourov and Manovskii 2005)、日本の労働市場を対象とした研究蓄積は少ない。第三に、第二次世界大戦直後の労働市場における女性の就業に関する分析を行う。戦時中は女性の就業率の上昇がみられたが、一時的な労働需要の上昇が女性就業に及ぼした長期的な影響については未だ明らかではない。3つの関連する研究テーマを並行して検証することで、日本における人的資本と、就職、転職、昇進の関係について体系的な分析を行う。


研究課題 東アフリカの粗悪肥料問題
研究代表者 松本朋哉(小樽商科大学)
本研究の目的は,消費者が消費後も品質を正確には知り得ない「noisyな経験財」が引き起こすレモン市場問題の実態を解明し,これを解決する政策手段を提案することである.事例として,サハラ以南のアフリカ (以下,アフリカ)の粗悪肥料問題を取り上げる.成分が基準を満たさない粗悪な化学肥料が市場に蔓延し,農家はこれらの導入を控え,農業生産性が停滞している.本研究では,粗悪肥料の流通の実態と要因,およびそれが肥料導入率と農業生産性に与える影響を実証的に明らかにする。具体的には,1)粗悪品の基礎的な流通実態(流通状況,その地域差,混入段階など),2)潜在的要因(粗悪品を販売する業者の特性,粗悪肥料問題が顕著でない国や地域の特徴(政策,検査体制,世論,報道状況)),3)影響(実際の粗悪品流通状況 → 農家の主観的信念 → 肥料投入量 → 収穫量,の関係),を明らかにする.
実際,アフリカでは,市場に低品質な肥料や種子が広く流通し,品質が不確実なため, 農家は購入を控えている.このことが,化学肥料や高収量品種などの普及の足かせとなり, 農業生産性が停滞する要因となっている.同様の問題は,医薬品などにも該当する.したがって,肥料や医薬品などのケースでは,政府の介入が必要となる.先進国の政府は,品質を検査し保証する第三者認証をおこない,無作為に財を検査し,基準を満たさない場合は供給者を懲罰する臨検によって粗悪品を取り締まっている.ただし,発展途上国では,行政能力が不十分なことが多く,十分な取り締まりが難しい.そうした制約のもとで実行可能な対策が求められている.

第3に,複数の国で,国際比較可能な,新たな独自データを収集する.国際比較を通して, 問題の強弱を規定する潜在的な要因を探ることが可能となる.粗悪肥料問題は,国によって 深刻度や現れ方に差がある.肥料の流通構造,政策・規制,行政能力,経済発展度などの違いが,これを規定していると考えられる.


研究課題 明治期の高等教育制度が社会経済に与えた影響の研究
研究代表者 成田悠輔(イェール大学)


研究課題 世代内・世代間の受益・負担構造に関する研究-全国消費実態調査を用いた世代会計モデルを軸に-
研究代表者 島澤諭((公財)中部圏社会経済研究所)


研究課題 世帯の労働供給行動の日英比較:世帯構造と職業構造の影響
研究代表者 山本千映(大阪大学)
斎藤修(一橋大学名誉教授)、Leigh Shaw-Taylor(University of Cambridge)、攝津斉彦(武蔵大学)
Jan de Vriesは、近世から20世紀までのイギリスにおける世帯の労働供給行動について、市場で調達可能な財・サービスの歴史的変遷との関連で整理し、17世紀から18世紀にかけてと20世紀半ば以降の二度にわたって生じた婦女子労働を主とする労働供給の拡大を「勤勉革命 industrious revolution」と名付け、その間の時期には、女性が労働市場から退出することで男性稼ぎ主型世帯(male-breadwinner, female-homemaker household)が支配的になったとした。
しかし、de Vriesによるこの定式化は、必ずしも実証的な裏付けがなされているとは言いがたい。また、市場労働に依拠する単婚核家族世帯を前提とした議論であるため、南欧や東アジアの小農世帯では、市場で調達できる財・サービスの種類が拡大したとしても、世帯外部の労働機会に対する反応は異なったものになることが予想される。


研究課題 奨学金と少子化の課題
研究代表者 永瀬伸子(お茶の水女子大学)
北村行伸(一橋大学経済研究所)、伊藤由樹子(日本経済研究センター)、河越正明(日本大学)、小林雅之(東京大学)、宇南山卓(一橋大学経済研究所)、高良真人(株式会社ARISE analytics)、長町理恵子(追手門学院大学)、新村恵美(帝京平成大学)、横山真紀(東京大学)、前田佐恵子(日本経済研究センター)、Bruce Chapman(The Australian National University)、Shiro Armstrong(The Australian National University)、Lorraine Dearden(University College London)
若者に対する奨学金の在り方が大きい社会課題となっている。奨学金を持つ者は大学生の51%に高まり(日本学生支援機構平成26年度学生生活調査)、他方、非正規雇用につく大学卒業生も増える中、奨学金返済の負担が重くなっているためである。こうした中で、2017年現在、安倍政権下で低所得層に限定した大学教育の無償化が検討されている。しかし大卒者の半数が奨学金を持つとすれば、返済の在り方は親の所得階級にかかわらず奨学金のある大学生の結婚や出産に大きい影響を与えるであろう。大学進学を支援しかつモラルハザードを減らす財政負担の方法として、将来収入から返済する所得連動型奨学金も選択肢としてありうる。本研究チームは、豪州ではじめた所得連動型奨学金、さらにその他国での適用について研究実績のあるBruce Chapman氏、Lorraine Dearden氏、Shiro Armstrong氏と協力し、所得連動型奨学金の日本への適用について、労働力調査、賃金構造基本統計調査、21世紀成年者縦断調査などを貸与して、豪州や英国で一般的な方法を用いて実証分析をし、財政負担の在り方を検討する。


研究課題 Industry-Science Links, patenting, and Firm Performance in Japan
研究代表者 René Belderbos(KU Leuven)
The proposed collaborative project focuses on the roles of industry science linkages and patent strategies on the performance of Japanese firms. It features two related research projects.

1. Growth and survival of innovative startup firms in Japan: (technology) competition, uncertainty and technologial opportunities.
Innovation and patenting are generally seen as crucial for firms' long term performance. Empirical studies have confirmed that, particularly in technology intensive sectors, a firm's success in technology development and innovation leads to firm growth, while firms that underperform in innovation fall behind and risk being eliminated (e.g. Fagerberg, 2003). However, recent research on startup firms has provided contrasting evidence. While innovation and building technological capabilities improve survival chances (e.g. Cefis and Marsili, 2006; Helmers and Rogers, 2010), studies also find negative effects of patenting (Rosenbuch et al., 2011; Hyytinen et al., 2015). Patent ownership may signal important technological assets to allow building up positions in new and existing markets, but young, small firms also face greater challenges presented by the risk associated with (new) technology development. Prior work on stability in incumbents' market positions (Kato and Honjo, 2000) suggests that similar patterns may occur among existing firms in industries: technology development can lead to greater turbulence in market shares.

In the proposed research project we aim to examine how the effects of patent-based entry strategies by startup firms crucially differs depending on the market and technology environment in which they operate. Survival chances will depend on technology characteristics: the degree to which the technology domain is rich in opportunities for future development, the hold incumbents have on the technology domain and can the degree to which they can raise technological entry barriers (Leten, Belderbos, and Van Looy, 2016), and the degree to which the chances of translation of technology development into market success are uncertain. Furthermore, even if a new or improved technology allows market entry, incumbent firms can deploy various complementary strategies (e.g. related to price setting, marketing) to hold on to their established positions and disallow growth of entrants. Hence, the proposal is to examine how the importance of patent holdings for the survival and growth of new firms depends on characteristics of the technology environment and characteristics of the market environment, among which the market power of incumbent firms. The expectation is that by taking into account these crucial characteristics, this research can provide substantive insights into the reasons for the ambiguous findings in prior work.

2. Hiring or collaborating: the role of scientists in firm performance in Japan
In this project, the aim to examine the effects of different types of industry-science linkages on the (innovative) performance of Japanese firms. In particular, we examine the different impact of firms hiring university scientists to their R&D team, or firms collaborating with university scientists. While there is abundant evidence that university-firm collaboration is associated with stronger innovative performance of firms (e.g. Belderbos et al. 2004; 2016), findings of the role of employing scientists have been ambiguous (e.g. Hess and Rothaermel, 2011; Zucker et al. 2002; Almeida et al. 2011). Moreover, prior studies have often limited attention to a single industry, such as the biopharmaceutical sector.

In the proposed research project, we compare the effects of university scientists moving to firms and research collaboration between firms and university scientists across industries and firms in Japan. We investigate whether these two mechanisms of industry-science linkages are substitutes or complements and if they involve different profiles of scientists (e.g. Sauerman and Roach, 2012). By examining the two mechanisms of industry-science linkages jointly, we obtain a more comprehensive picture of the importance of science for Japanese industry performance.

The expected (empirical) results of the two projects have been indicated above. For both projects we aim to develop scientific papers to be submitted to major international journals in the domain. At the same time, we aim to derive policy implications from this research related to science policy, competition policy, and policies to stimulate innovation.


研究課題 食品価格と栄養格差に関する実証分析
研究代表者 野口晴子(早稲田大学)
先行研究によると、日本では「健康格差」が欧米ほど顕著ではなく、平均寿命や肥満度、疾病罹患率に代表される健康指標の社会経済階層にみる格差が比較的小さい(Marmot 2004, Kagamimori et al. 2009, Nakamura 2014)。その一方で、1990年代以降の貧困率の上昇に伴い、日本でも健康格差が拡大しているという指摘も多い。だが、日本では代表的なデータを用いた健康格差の実証分析が少なく、その長期的変化については未知の部分が多い。そこで本研究では健康格差の重要な決定要因である「栄養格差」に注目し、政府統計個票データと商品データを駆使して、栄養格差の長期的推移を定量的に把握し、食品価格が栄養格差に与える影響を分析する。欧米では、糖質や脂質を多く含む「高カロリー低栄養食品」ほどカロリー単価が低く、かつ低所得世帯ほどカロリー単価の低い食品を選ぶ傾向があるため、1980年代以降のカロリー単価の低下が低所得層における肥満の増大を生み、栄養格差の拡大の大きな要因となっている(Darmon & Drewnowski 2015)。しかし、油脂や糖類の輸入依存度が高く、欧米とは食品の相対価格が大きく異なる日本においても同様の関係が成立するかどうかは明らかではない。本研究では、栄養学における先行研究を踏まえつつ、新たなデータベースを構築して精緻なミクロ実証分析を行うことによって、日本における栄養格差の推移とその決定要因について新たな知見を導く。


研究課題 Temporal structures of gender inequalities in Japan
研究代表者 Man Yee Kan(University of Oxford)
研究分担者 Ekaterina Hertog(University of Oxford)、Kamila Kolpashnikova(National Taipei University)、白川清美(一橋大学経済研究所)、千葉亮太(一橋大学経済研究所)
The Surveys on Time Use and Leisure Activities are one of the highest quality and longest running set of time use data sources documenting time use available in the developed world. These surveys have the potential of throwing light on the dynamics of domestic labor, the impact of technology on the domestic work, use the change of these trends over time in a non-western developed country. We believe that it is crucial to study these trends, publish the findings in international scholarly journals and use the data to compare trends with other societies, for example UK, to improve our understanding of gendered division of labor and the role of technology in influencing it in different soicio-cultural contexts.
The project core aims are as follows:
1. Analyse gender differences in the participating types and social contexts of domestic work and care work in Japan between 1981 and 2011
2. Examine the impacts of modern technology on domestic and care work and value of unpaid work in Japan
3. Putting our findings on Japan into comparative perspective using time use data from western countries, in particular UK


研究課題 日本における農村地域活性化政策の総合評価とその東アジアへの応用可能性
研究代表者 草処基(東京農工大学)



研究課題 政府統計ミクロデータを用いた家計所得・資産と公衆衛生の関連性についての実証研究
研究代表者 林田実(北九州市立大学)
本研究の目的は,政府統計ミクロデータを用いて家計の資産・所得と公衆衛生の関連性に関する実証研究を行うことである。具体的には,所得税の改革、健康保険制度、公的年金制度といった税・社会保障制度が、家計の経済厚生や経済成長に与える政策的効果の評価を行うことを目指している。さらに, 本研究では,家計の資産・所得と就業状態や健康状態との関連性に税制や公衆衛生政策が与える影響について,動態的に把握するためのミクロシミュレーションによるアプローチの可能性も研究の対象とする。
本研究では, 政府統計ミクロデータを用いて,税・社会保障制度(健康保険制度や公的年金制度等)が,家計の所得・資産状況,健康状態や経済的な環境に及ぼす影響に対する政策的効果を追究する。具体的には,健康状態が就業、所得に影響する方向もあるが、逆に,就業・所得状況の悪化が食生活や医療サービスの受診を通じて健康状態を悪化させることから,双方向の因果関係が考えられる。そこで,本研究では,個人の就業行動,家計の所得・資産と健康状態の連関について, 機械学習やシミュレーションの手法等を用いながら,定量的な政策評価を行う。以上の推定においては,質的選択に関して各種のバイアスを考慮した推定手法の適用可能性を追究するだけでなく,機械学習の方法論を援用した上でのモデル選択や変数選択に関する探索的な実証研究の可能性も探りながら, 標準的な推定手法と機械学習による予測の比較・検討を行う。それらによって,現代的な計量経済手法に基づく政策評価の方法的展開を図ることが本研究の特色である。


研究課題 農産物市場のサーチと地域間裁定:マダガスカルの米市場
研究代表者 高野久紀(京都大学大学院)
有本寛(一橋大学経済研究所)、Ralandison Tsilavo(京都大学大学院)



研究課題 非厚生情報に基づく投票システム、福祉指標、分配ルールに関する規範経済学的分析
研究代表者 坂本徳仁(東京理科大学)


研究課題 国際⽐較の視点から⾒た⽇本のコーポレートガバナンスの今⽇的課題
研究代表者 井上光太郎(東京⼯業⼤学)
Renée Adams(University of New South Wales)、祝迫得夫(⼀橋⼤学経済研究所)、内田交謹(九州⼤学)、Yung-Ling Chi(National Chung Hsing University)


研究課題 Information Frictions in Firm-to-Firm Trade: Evidence from a Randomized Control Trial in Japan
研究代表者 宮川大介(一橋大学)
宮内悠平(スタンフォード大学)、Jie Bai(Harvard University)
Firm-to-firm trade is important for firm production and hence aggregate economy (e.g., Acemoglu et al, 2012). Reflecting its importance, there is a recent growing literature to identify how firm-to-firm trade is formed endogenously, and how such endogenous firm-to-firm trade formation have aggregate consequences (Bernard and Moxnes, 2017).
In a different literature, information friction is pointed out to be an important source of frictions in trade, both within and across countries. The most convincing set of evidence we have studies the introduction of new information technology (e.g., cell phones), and study how the trade patterns change (Jensen, 2007; Aker, 2010; Allen, 2014; Jensen & Miller, 2017; Steinwender, 2018). These types of analysis, however, does not have exogenous variation (or even data) of the content of information transmitted. As a result, these analyses often remain silent about the underlying mechanism of what kind of information frictions exist, matter, and if so, why.
In this project, we tackle this question by randomly providing information about (potential) trading partners. We study how such information will lead to more trades, as well as matching with better trading partners. We also randomize the content of the information to be provided. This feature enables us to understand what type of information frictions exist and why.


研究課題 途上国の企業規模・農家規模の制約要因
研究代表者 能勢学(東京大学)
山内太(International Food Policy Research Institute)、Nguyen Duc Thanh(Vietnam Institute for Economic and Policy Research)、Nguyen Thanh Tung (Vietnam Institute for Economic and Policy Research)


研究課題 民間給与実態調査を用いた障がい者雇用の分析
研究代表者 佐野晋平(千葉大学大学院)


研究課題 公立高等学校入試選抜の学区撤廃が⾼校生の進学⾏動に与えた影響の研究
研究代表者 小川亮(大阪市⽴大学大学院)


研究課題 Understanding the effectiveness of the in-home Growth Monitoring Tool (GroMoTo) in improving child nutrition in Pakistan (pilot phase)
研究代表者 Agha Ali Akram(Lahore University of Management Science)
Akib Khan(The World Bank)、黒崎卓(一橋大学経済研究所)、Abu S. Shonchoy(IDE-JETRO)
We hypothesize that caregivers from disadvantaged communities in developing countries do not receive adequate, direct, and regular feedback on the growth trajectory of children in their care. It constrains them in developing a better understanding of the relationship between different childcare inputs - such as appropriate nutrition and safe drinking water - and healthy physical development. This is especially important if they live in pockets of poverty where majority of the children is stunted i.e. the reference that caregivers have is also stunted, therefore stunted is seen as normal and acceptable. Consequently, despite having access to information on optimal parenting practices via traditional nutritional counseling, caregivers do not respond to signals on their child's growth by adjusting their nutritional and child-care inputs, leading to stunting of their children. Another constraint - albeit not necessarily unrelated - could be limited attention to child development in poor households with taxed attentional capacity (World Bank, 2015). As a prospective solution, we propose an easily implementable, flexible, and low-cost in-home growth monitoring tool called GroMoTo and intend to test its effectiveness with an open-label randomized controlled trial (RCT).

GroMoTo requires community health workers (CHWs) to help caregivers measure their children's height, record those measurements on a poster-sized chart installed inside the home, and help caregivers understand where their children stand in relation to healthy growth norms. The chart and record-keeping are like growth-charts found in clinics, except we place it in the caregiver's home, aim to make it visual and intuitive, and have the CHW discuss results. GroMoTo is motivated by an experiment by Akram & Mendelsohn (2017). Expert recommendation to use a technology or practice is a passive and fairly typical path in public health interventions (as in nutrition counseling). Unlike typical information campaigns, Akram and Mendelsohn choose an active, participatory approach by assisting caregivers to explicitly and systematically understand the benefits of chlorinating water. The authors used a simple, visual, paper-and-pencil intervention to enable treatment HHs to measure diarrhea incidence before and after getting free chlorine tablets. In contrast, the control group simply received free tablets with expert advice on why to use them. This simple intervention dramatically increased chlorine tablet use by 56 percentage points (see: http://bit.ly/2aeuJHm).

GroMoTo is similarly outcome focused as it requires CHWs to help caregivers measure their children's linear growth i.e. height and understand where their children stand in relation to healthy growth norms by recording those measurements on an visually intuitive poster-sized chart installed inside the home (of the target households). We posit that GroMoTo's action will provide regular and vital feedback to a caregiver on his/her nutrition choices, thus helping them develop a better understanding of the relationship between different nutritional inputs, safe drinking water, and growth, and in turn, encouraging them to invest in optimal nutritional inputs and safe drinking water to ensure their child's proper development. It might also serve to make the issue of child nutrition more salient to the caregivers, thereby nudging them to be more proactive. Currently, child development may come into focus only during caregiver visits to their local clinic where such feedback can be sought, but these visits can be infrequent and irregular since clinics are often far away and "cost" caregivers in time and money; according to the Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 2014 in Pakistan, only 4% of HHs in the lowest wealth quintile sought care for their children at a clinic.

To date, existing approaches have only focused on resource constraint (cash/asset transfer) and/or on knowledge constraint in terms access to expert advice (nutrition counseling) with very limited success (Menon, et al., 2016, Kim, et al., 2016, and Ruel, et al., 2013). As evidence shows, the latter might not lead to improved child growth when the caregivers' role is limited to being just passive recipients of prescriptive information. Our protocol, on the other hand, aims to actively engage the caregivers with information on their child's development via in-home growth monitoring and thereby help them objectively assess the impact of their nutritional choices on child's growth. Such feedback, in turn, is expected to enhance their utilization of additional support such as counseling and/or cash. We choose to 'label' the transfer as 'monetary support to purchase healthy food for your children' given the evidence of effectiveness of such framing in ensuring the use of resource for the desired purpose (Benhassine, et al, 2015).
Fink, et al., (2017) test a relatively passive version of this in Zambia and find modestly positive effects on growth among previously malnourished children. Their variant of in-home growth monitoring, however, does not ensure that the child is measured at appropriate intervals. Their experimental design, moreover, does not enable an assessment of complementarities between such monitoring and cash or counseling which might be crucial for parents to act on the information that they receive from the former.

The major goal of the proposed project is to demonstrate feasibility of GroMoTo while generating evidence to support a bid for a larger trial. Thus, in terms of feasibility, the trial will provide insight on the operational details of implementing the GroMoTo concept. In terms of research, the results of this RCT will inform the following questions: Does in-home growth monitoring by caregivers using GroMoTo with active assistance and counseling by a CHW, improve child anthropometrics (as compared to standard nutritional counseling alone)? Moreover, we will carry out a cost-effectiveness analysis in order to compare it to current practices in the field.


研究課題 Land Use and Aggregate Productivity
研究代表者 吉田二郎(ペンシルベニア州立大学)
The objective of this study is to theoretically and empirically demonstrate how suboptimal land use can create social costs by depressing the productivity. In particular, we emphasize the heterogeneity of land and analyze the effect of the suboptimal land use on productivity at both micro and macro levels by using a unique data set. As the Economist magazine asserts, "formidable obstacles prevent many poor countries from growing in the way that models of knowledge accumulation and diffusion suggest they could." (p.70, April 14th, 2018) We hypothesize that the suboptimal land use is one of such obstacles for developed countries.

Consider a manufacturer owning an industrial property in a city that evolved from an industrial city to a commercial center (e.g., New York and Tokyo). The most productive use of the site was a factory when it was initially developed but is currently offices for the tertiary sector. Some neighborhoods successfully transformed land use. A good example is SOHO in New York, which was an area for light manufacturing in the early 20th century but currently is the agglomeration of fashion and design industries. The fashion industry in the area contributes to the growth of local and national economies. Another example is the central Tokyo during and after the so-called Bubble Period. Low-density residential areas such as Roppongi 6-Chome were converted to high-density business districts. These districts attracted foreign firms and enhanced Tokyo's agglomeration economy. However, there are neighborhoods that did not experience a successful transformation of land use. The loss of productivity by such a misallocation of land can have a significant impact on the local and national economies.

In the New York example, an optimizing manufacturer would sell its property to a developer or a service firm and move to another location such as a transportation node. However, if there are frictions, the manufacturer may inefficiently operate at the same location ignoring the opportunity for a service firm. The frictions include real estate transaction costs (search, tax, etc.), land use regulation, financial constraints, and the inertia that stems from coordination failure. Firms may also continue to own real estate to strategically limit competition as the principal investigator finds (Ambrose, Diop, and Yoshida, 2016).

The goal of this study is to identify the economic mechanism that prevents the land use transformation and quantify the potential gain in productivity by optimizing land use. In the first phase of this research project, we focus on the change in land use in Tokyo metropolitan area. By using the longitudinal GIS data of site-level land use in the area during the period 1990-2010, we will estimate the impact of land-use changes on the local economy at the finest grid level. We will further estimate the aggregate impact of land-use changes on the productivity at the ward/city and region levels.

Several recent studies on productivity that focus on land use and real estate have drawn significant attention. Hsieh and Moretti (2017) estimate the loss of the national GDP due to the misallocation of housing capital. Their studies are also featured in various general-interest journals such as the Economist and New York Times. Hornbeck and Keniston (2017) demonstrated a positive impact of Great Boston Fire of 1872 on reconstruction and urban growth. Herkenhoff, Ohanian, and Prescott (2017) demonstrate that state-level land-use restrictions have depressed macroeconomic activity since 2000 particularly in California and New York. One of our research contributors studies the relation between the corporate land ownership and the firm-level TFP (Uesugi, Hosono, Miyakawa, Ono, and Uchida, 2018)