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プロジェクト研究: 平成29年度採択課題一覧


研究課題 Productivity and Output Loss with Scale Diseconomies and Resource Misallocation in China
研究代表者 Carlo Milana(Birkbeck, University of London)
Harry X. Wu(一橋大学経済研究所)
China’s economic growth performance is puzzling. A number of recent empirical studies report a modest TFP growth during the two decades prior to the global financial crisis in 2008-09, and even a negative TFP growth afterwards, which does not match the observed high-speed GDP growth. This puzzle could be caused by the inefficient government-engineered growth model as well as data problems. However, it cannot be easily solved by the conventional growth accounting approach and use the aggregate data. In this study, we attempt to explain the puzzle by a more appropriate methodology Afriat’s index-number approach (Afriat, 1981, 2012 and 2014; Afriat and Milana, 2009)* that decomposes productivity growth into its main constituents and an improved and updated industry-level data for the period 1980-2014.


研究課題 大規模な政府統計データを用いた秘密分散・秘密計算技術に基づく結果表および回帰モデルの実証分析
研究代表者 菊池亮(NTTセキュアプラットフォーム研究所)


研究課題 外国人労働に関する経済学的研究Ⅲ
研究代表者 田中聡史(クイーンズランド大学)
本研究では、これまで十分に研究されてこなかった生産性や投資活動 (国内外への直接投資、人的資本投資)と、外国人雇用の関係について、データによって明らかにしようとする試みである。すでに2014年度および2015年度にも同様のテーマで研究を開始しており、本研究はその継続を意図している。


研究課題 Import Competition, FDI and the U.S. Presidential Elections: The Case of Japan Bashing
研究代表者 Eric Olson(ウェストバージ二ア大学)
During the 2016 presidential election of the United States, the candidates from both parties blamed globalization, particularly the import competition with China and free trade agreements such as NAFTA, as a cause of income inequality, unemployment, and stagnating wages for U.S. workers. Interestingly, regardless of the candidates' party, candidates that argued against globalization and free trade received tremendous support in the general election. For example, Bernie Sanders argued against the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) which was actually negotiated and supported by Democratic President Barack Obama. As a result, Hillary Clinton was forced to reverse her original support of the TPP she took as President Obama’s Secretary of State and campaigned against the legislation in the general election. On the Republican side, President-elect Donald Trump consistently attacked NAFTA, the TPP, and China because he believes that American manufacturing workers have been harmed by globalization. Indeed, recent academic papers show that globalization, particularly the import competition with China, is responsible not only for the “surprisingly swift" decline of U.S. manufacturing employment (Pierce and Schott, 2016) but also for exacerbating political polarization (Autor, Dorn, Hanson and Majlesi, 2016a) and effecting both U.S. congressional elections (Che, Lu, Pierce, Schott and Tao, 2016) and the 2016 presidential election (Autor, Dorn, Hanson and Majlesi, 2016b).

The most important element of the result of the 2016 election is that voters in swinging states with historical manufacturing bases (i.e., Ohio, Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania) supported Donald Trump because he promised to “shake the rust off the rustbelt”and bring manufacturing jobs back to the United States. Indeed, after Donald Trump wぉelected, he has used social media to pressure manufacturing companies to keep jobs in the United States. For example, one of his tweets states that “Toyota Motor said will build a new plant in Baja, Mexico, to build Corolla cars for U.S. NO WAY! Build plant in U.S. or pay big border tax.”
As a response, Toyota promised to make a $10 billion capital investment in the U.S. over the next five years to avoid the severe criticism in the U.S. and potential losses associated with the border tax.

Recent academic papers on globalization and political outcomes (e.g., Autor et al, 2016a and 2016b; Che et al, 2016) concentrate on the import competition with China. However, in 1980s, Japan was heavily criticized for very similar reasons. In the 1970s and 1980s, the automobile industry in the United States stanated due to the rise of competition from Japanese auto companies. In particular, the impact was significant in the Midwest where Big Three (General Motors, Ford, and Chrysler) lost their customers to more efficient Japanese cars (Toyota, Honda, and Nissan) after the 1973 oil crisis. As a result, the anti-Japanese sentiment manifested itself not only in the public destruction of Japanese cars, but also in the 1982 murder of Vincent Chin, a Chinese American beaten to death because he was mistaken to be Japanese. ”Japan bashing” Was deep and intense but largely faded throughout the 1990s.
In our paper, we examine the effect of globalization on U.S. presidential elections over the 1976-2004 time period. In particular, our aim is to investigate the impact of import competition with Japan and the job creation effect of foreign direct investment (FDI) in the United States. Academically, the issue was heavily studied in the trade policy literature (e.g., Blonigen and Figlio, 1998); however, previous studies do not examme county-level data on import competition, FDI, and their respective voting patterns in U.S. presidential elections. Although trade could enhance the welfare overall, trade can have adverse impacts on communities that lose employment opportunities. Indeed, as manifested by tweets from Donald Trump on Toyota and Toyota’s response, American workers do appreciate jobs from green field FDI. In fact, over the 1980s and 1990s, Japanese automobile manufactures shifted their strategy to access the U.S. market from exporting to investing. Even though trade economists have long believed that this shift in strategy was motivated to avoid trade frictions (transportation costs and tariffs), the shift could have political motivations in that (1) Japanese bashing subsided and (2) the risk offuture tariffs is reduced if protectionist candidates cannot argue that Japanese firms take jobs from U.S. workers.

As such, we study how FDI improved local preferences for globalization using county-level outcomes for the presidential election over our sample time period (1976-2004). Our time period is ideal for several reasons. First, there was a systematic and persistent difference between Democratic versus Republican policies regarding trade; the Democratic Party's political base was largely supported by labor unions who argued vehemently against globalization, whereas the Republican Party’s base was primarily large corporations that promoted and benefited from globalization. Second, there was a clear regional shift in voter preferences for the two political parties. For example, in the 1976 election, voters from the American South (i.e., Alabama, Georgia etc.) supported the Democratic candidate Jimmy Carter; however, in the 2000 election, voters from the same region supported the Republican candidate George W. Bush by an overwhelming margin. By focusing on import competition from Japan and the job creation effect of Japanese FDI on the United States, we will study how globalization, import competition versus FDI, impacted the drastic change in voting patterns in the U.S. over the time period.

Autor, Dom, Hanson, and Majlesi,2016a,“Importing Political Polarization? The ElectoralConsequences of Rising Trade Exposure,”Working Paper.
Autor, Dom, Hanson, and Majlesi, 2016b,“A Note on the Effect of Rising Trade Exposure on the 2016 Presidential Election,”Working Paper.
Blonigen and Figlio, 1998,“Voting for Protection: Does Direct Foreign Investment Influence Legislative Behavior?”American Economic Review, 88(4): 1002-1014.
Che, Lu, Pierce, Schott, and Tao, 2016,“Does Trade Liberalization with China Influence U.S. Elections ?”Working Paper.
Pierce and Schott, 2016,“The Surprisingly Swift Decline of U.S. Manufacturing Employment” American Economic Review, 106(7), 1632-1662.


研究課題 国税庁民間給与実態調査のミクロデータを用いた経済分析
研究代表者 勇上和史(神戸大学)


研究課題 How many children to have? Case study of Japan, UAE and Russia: female employment, family labour division and childbirth
研究代表者 Tatiana Karabchuk(United Arab Emirates University)
This study aims at examining economic conditions of husbands and wives in the labor market, the division of labour between them and their effects on the probability of having children. More precisely, the goal of this study is to investigate and compare the employment and labor division between husbands and wives on the number of children they are having or planning to have. The advantage of such study is in their comparative aspect of three different country cases which are varying in social policies, cultural perceptions of males’ and females’ roles at work and in the family, values and religion.
The three country cases were taken as three different situations at birthrate level and the factors affecting fertility. United Arab Emirates have the highest Total Fertility Rate (2.36) if compared to Russia (1.61) and Japan (1.41) (CIA World Factbook, 2014). Despite of the difference in fertility rates, culture, economic situation and social policies, the recent data on total fertility rates suggest that all the countries face a slight increase in the number of children in the families. The interest of the comparison of these three-different country-cases also stipulated by the fact that the demographic characteristics of the populations are different. Thus, the UAE is youngest country with the lowest median age of the population, while Japan is the oldest country in terms of the median age of the population (among the three selected countries).
The peculiar similarity of these three country cases is the proclaimed female empowerment per the current policies and visions of the countries on the one hand, and rather traditional cultural gender inequality attitudes inside the societies. The traditional labor division between men who are usually the main bread earners and women who are usually the housewives, is currently reshaping with more women in the labour market.
What is the motivation of having ore children for women in the three countries? How does the female employment affect the childbirth? How does labour division in the families influence the number of children? These are the questions to answer within the proposed project.


研究課題 資産価格の高頻度データを用いたボラティリティ変動モデルの開発とリスク管理への応用
研究代表者 大森裕浩(東京大学)
計量ファイナンスの分野では、近年、日中の資産価格の高頻度データから計算されるRealized Volatility(RV)と呼ばれる日次リターンの分散の推定量に注目が集まっており、それが金融リスク管理に有用であることが明らかになってきている。日本でも本応募研究の分担者である渡部が一橋大学経済研究所において資産価格の高頻度データの整備し、それを用いて本応募研究の代表者である大森や分担者の生方、長倉、高橋と共同研究を行い研究成果を挙げている。特に、大森、渡部、高橋は、マイクロストラクチャー ・ノイズや夜間・昼休みなど取引の無い時間帯によるRVのバイアスを考慮して、日次リターンとRVを同時モデル化する Realized Stochastic Volatility(RSV)モデルを提案 しており、このモデルは国内外で注目を集めている。大森と渡部はこのモデルを含むStochastic Volatilityモデルの研究で2012年度日本統計学会研究業績賞を共同受賞している。
本研究では、このRSVモデルを中心に、ボラティリティ変動モデルの拡張を行い、ボラティリティの予測、オプション価格の導出、Value at Risk(VaR)、期待シ ョ トフォー ル、最適ヘッジ比率の計算、ポトフォリオ選択といった金融実務で実際に行われているリスク管理に応用する。それによって、金融リスク管理においてパフォーマンスの高いモデルを開発することが本研究の目的である。


研究課題 Comparative Historical Analysis of Child and Adult Adoption in Europe and Asia
研究代表者 Jean-François Mignot(French National Center for Scientific Research)
森口千晶(一橋大学経済研究所)、Eunhwa Kang(Saitama Prefecture University)
Adoption is a legal institution that can create a parent-child relation between two individuals unrelated by blood. Because adoption is the only means to provide a new and permanent home for children in need of care, it is considered to be an important child welfare policy in modern welfare states. The laws and practices of adoption, however, differ greatly across societies and across time within the same society. In East Asia, adoption was first developed as the means to ensure family continuation for heirless couples where adoption of an adult or related child (typically nephew) became the norm. By contrast, in common law countries such as the US and UK, adoption was introduced primarily to save orphaned or abandoned children. These initial differences are often considered to be the reason why unrelated child adoption is common in the West but uncommon in East Asia. It is important to note, however, that in civil law countries such as France, Italy, and Germany, adoption was initially introduced to maintain family lines (much like in East Asia) where only adult adoption was allowed; yet unrelated child adoption is widely practiced today in these common-law countries. In other words, we do not have a coherent explanation for the diverse institutional developments we observe among East Asia, Continental Europe, and Anglo-Saxon countries. The purpose of this research is to provide a comparative historical analysis of the evolution of adult and child adoption in East Asia (Japan, Korea), Western Europe (France, Germany, Sweden), and Anglo-Saxon countries (US, UK) and explore the reasons for observed institutional diversity.


研究課題 奨学金と若者の経済負担、少子化の課題
研究代表者 永瀬伸子(お茶の水女子大学)
赤林英夫(慶應義塾大学)、佐野晋平(千葉大学)、北村行伸(一橋大学経済研究所)、伊藤由樹子(日本経済研究センター)、河越正明(日本経済研究センター)、長町理恵子(日本経済研究センター)、高良真人(日本経済研究センター)、横山真紀(お茶の水女子大学)、新村恵美(お茶の水女子大学)、Bruce Chapman(The Australian National University)、Shiro Armstrong(The Australian National University)、Lorraine Deardon(University College London)、宇南山卓(一橋大学経済研究所)
若者に対する奨学金の在り方が大きい社会課題となっている。これは学費ローンを持つ学生が大学生の51%に高まり(日本学生支援機構平成26年度学生生活調査)、他方、非正規雇用につく大学卒業生も増える中、奨学金返済の負担が重くなっているためである。先の調査によると85%は日本学生支援機構の奨学金を貸与している。1999年に第2種(有利子)奨学金の改革が行われてから、有利子負債を持つ若者の割合が大きく高まり、平成28年で同機構の有利子奨学金を受けている学生は80万人強、無利子奨学金が50万人弱であり、負担が結婚や出産を抑制しているとの指摘もある。第1種については所得連動型返済などが文部科学省有識者会議(2016年)で検討された。本研究チームは、豪州ではじめた所得連動型奨学金、さらにその他国での適用について研究実績のあるBruce Chapman氏、Lorraine Deardon氏、Shiro Armstrong氏と協力し、所得連動型奨学金の日本への適用について検討する。


研究課題 明治大正期日本における政治経済の発展に関する計量分析
研究代表者 櫻井武司(東京大学)
岡崎哲二(東京大学)、北村行伸(一橋大学経済研究所)、山﨑潤一(神戸大学)、三浦憲(Brown University)
より具体的な影響経路として、(1) 地主の政治力と公的教育支出との関係性、(2) 鉄道が地域経済に与えた影響、(3) 地方公共団体と中央政府の通信頻度と地方財政の関係性、に着目した分析をこれまでのプロジェクトより継続する。さらに、新規の研究テーマとして(4) ナショナリズムと徴兵忌避との関連性および、(5) 議会政治勃興期における新聞の役割、を追加する。
本研究の主な特色は、(1) 分析単位をより細かい郡に設定し、従来の国や府県レベルの分析とは異なる視点の提供、(2) 戦前期日本に存在した特有の制度や政策を用いた経済理論の実証的検証、そして、(3) 比較経済発展論の議論の中に日本の歴史的経験の含意を位置づけること、の三点にある。


研究課題 日本における農村地域活性化政策の総合評価とその東アジアへの応用可能性
研究代表者 草処基(東京農工大学)
鍾秋悦(屏東科技大学)、北村行伸(一橋大学経済研究所)、丸 健(一橋大学経済研究所)、千年篤(東京農工大学)
日本は総人口が減少する段階にあり、特に地方の農村地域において人口減少・高齢化が進んでいる。農村地域の主要産業である農業においては生産農家の高齢化と後継者不足によって担い手不足が深刻化 しており、中山間地域を中心に耕作放棄地が拡大している。農業は食料の安全保障の観点から欠かせない産業であり、また国土・景観保全の意味でも重要な役割を果たしている。農業を維持し、農村地域を活性化していくためには、農産物の加工や販売などを通じて地域内で付加価値を生み出していく仕組みを作り地域に安定した雇用・収入機会を創出することが重要である。国も政策的に農業の成長産業化を推進しており、2005年に農林水産省が食料産業クラスター事業、2008年に経済産業省・農林水産省が農商工連携事業をスタートさせ、また、2010年に六次産業化法が成立している。


研究課題 Petty's law reconsidered: economic development and changing sectoral shares of the labour force
研究代表者 Leigh Shaw-Taylor(University of Cambridge)
Petty's law: Changing sectoral shares of the labour force
The notion that the onset of modern economic growth was accompanied by an increase in the share of the labour force in the secondary sector and that only at a later date did the share of the tertiary sector begin to grow is a deep-seated scholarly orthodoxy in both economic history and development economics. Colin Clark called this pattern 'Petty's law'.
However, recent findings that have emerged from an international collaborative work, called INCHOS, question this generalisation. According to this multi-country study, we have to reject the Petty-Clark view because only one country out of twenty in our sample (Germany) actually followed the expected pattern whereas the first industrial nation, England Wales, saw its secondary-sector share stagnant during the industrial revolution period. Our project explores this puzzle.
International collaboration
INCHOS (International network for the comparative history of occupational structure) is an international research network launched in late 2007 by Leigh Shaw-Taylor (Cambridge) and Osamu Saito(Hitotsubashi). See: http://www.campop.geog.cam.ac.uk/research/projects/occupations/international/.
This followed on from a session at the International Economic History Association meeting in Helsinki in 2006 and a very successful workshop on occupational structure hosted by Hi-Stat at Hitotsubashi University in September 2007. A further meeting was held in Cambridge in 2008. Sessions have also been organised under INCHOS umbrella at a number of other international conferences: European Social Science History Conference (2014); World Economic History Conference (2015); European Social Science History Conference (2016); Asian Historical Economics Conference (2016). A further meeting on the Occupational Structure of Sub-Saharan Africa will take place at the World Economic History Conference in Boston (2018). The aim of INCHOS is to develop a genuinely comparative history of occupational structure by using a common occupational coding system (PSTI - a modified version of E.A. Wrigley's PST [Primary-Secondary-Tertiary] system) and common methodologies to ensure commensurable results. This proposal is built on the INCHOS results.
The INCHOS project covers twenty countries (i.e. Belgium, Bulgaria, China, Denmark, England and Wales, Germany, Egypt, France, Japan, India, Indonesia, Italy, Korea, the Netherlands, the Ottoman Empire/Turkish Republic, Russia/Soviet Union, Spain, Sweden, Taiwan, the United States). In addition to the above-mentioned non-Pettian pattens of sectoral change, there are two more key findings. One is the finding that in some cases, most notably Britain, Belgium, the Netherlands, the US before 1900, the secondary sector grew very little or not at all during the transition to modern economic growth. Essentially this was because labour productivity growth was so rapid in the secondary sector that the structure of output could shift dramatically to the secondary sector without a parallel shift in the employment structure. The other is the observation that tertiary-sector employment increased significantly in many countries regardless of the level of industrialisation.
The question
Why are the actual patterns of sectoral change in the labour force of individual industrialisers so different from the pattern we tended to assume? This is the question that confronts us.


研究課題 中央アジア長期経済統計の編成に関する研究
研究代表者 杉浦史和(帝京大学)


研究課題 日本と開発途上国における貧困問題と都市化の実証分析
研究代表者 Kim Net(Western University, Cambodia)
Hor Darith(Ministry of Planning)、坂田大輔(総務省政策統括官)、白川清美(一橋大学経済研究所)、阿部穂日((独)統計センター)、Zheng Yantong(シンプレクス(株))


研究課題 税制改革・社会保障制度と所得格差:日本の実証研究
研究代表者 森田(山本)陽子(名古屋市立大学)
さらに経済・社会環境上の変化が家計の税・保険料負担、可処分所得や遺産相続額にも大きな影響を与えることが予想される中、家計部門の実態を明らかにするためにはマク口・データでは十分に対応できず、個々の世帯レベルまで把握することが要求される。またこの中で家計の税・保険料負担については、世帯の属性や所得の情報を利用し、それを現実の制度に当てはめて負担額の理論値を推定するアプローチもあり、導入前の政策が家計に及ぼす影響を考察するマイクロ・シミュレーション分析もこれに該当する。本研究ではこうした税・保険料負担に関する理論値の妥当性を検証するとともに、家計部門の実態把握として税 ・保険料負担や遺産相続の動向とその背景・寄与についても考察する。また、所得税改革や相続税改革が消費・貯蓄・遺産相続に与える影響についても研究が蓄積されているが、『家計調査』には所得と消費のデータが含まれていることから、所得税改革・相続税改革が消費に与える影響を分析する。
また、所得格差への影響を世帯単位のみならず、世帯内における構成員別における所得および消費の格差についても着目する。特に1990年代以降のワークライフ・バランス施策や社会保障制度改革に伴い、女性の就業継続を促進する環境の変化は、世帯の中における稼得者としての妻の存在を大きくさせ、家計の意思決定に深く関与していることが想像に難くない。単なる時系列の推移の考察にとどまらず、同一個人を追跡したパネルデータを活用し、制度活用した女性とそうでない女性とで、その後の世帯内(特に夫妻間)における所得 ・消費格差がどのように変わっているのかについても分析する。


研究課題 政府統計ミクロデータを用いた地域移動を考慮した社会保障の政策評価
研究代表者 松浦広明(松蔭大学)
本研究では,第1に,政府統計ミクロデータを用いて,社会保障政策や公衆衛生政策が,地域間の⼈口移動や労働移動を踏まえた上で,健康状態や経済的な環境に及ぼす影響に対する政策的効果を追究する。その際には,個⼈の就業⾏動や健康状態・介護状況が稼得所得や非勤労所得を含む可処分所得やライフスタイルに及ぼす影響について,機械学習やシミュレーションの⼿法を用いながら,定量的な政策評価を⾏う。例えば,雇用状況と生涯賃⾦の変化との関連性を追究し,生涯賃⾦の変化が年⾦の受給状況と受給額,さらには⾼齢者の介護保険の利用状況に及ぼす影響を明らかにする。以上の推定においては,propensity score matchingや同時ロジットモデル等,内生性バイアスを考慮した推定⼿法の適用可能性,機械学習の⽅法論を援用した上でのモデル選択や変数選択に関する探索的な実証研究の可能性,さらには複数の政府統計を補足的に用いるためのデータリンケージの可能性を探りながら,現代的な⼿法で計量分析を⾏う。それらによって,現代的な計量経済⼿法を用いながら、社会保障政策や保健衛生政策における政策評価の⽅法的展開を図ることが本研究の特色である。


研究課題 国際比較から見た日本の開業率低迷の要因分析
研究代表者 児玉直美(一橋大学)
植杉威一郎(一橋大学経済研究所)、Huiyu Li(Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco)、星岳雄(スタンフォード大学)
日本の開業率、廃業率は諸外国に比べて低い(中小企業白書2014)。政府の成長戦略(「日本再興戦略(2013年6月閣議決定)」)では、現状4.5%の開業率・廃業率を10%台まで高めるという成果目標が掲げられている。一方、既存研究では「新規企業は雇用創出のエンジン」であることが指摘されて以来、けん引役が中小企業なのか大企業なのか、新しい企業なのか古い企業なのか、見解は未だに一致していない(Haltiwanger et al. (2013), Calvino et al. (2017))、創造的な新しい企業が新技術や新製品を開発し古い製品に取って代わる「創造的破壊」が成長の原動力であることも指摘されている(Schumpeter (1939), Stokey (1988), Aghion and Howitt (1992), Aghion et al. (2014))。
本研究では、日米両国について、小企業や新規に創設された企業が雇用創出、経済成長にどのような役割を果たしているかを検証する。その際、Davis et al. (1998)の一連の研究が提案する方法、つまり、創造的破壊の代理変数としてjob flowの大きさを利用する方法を適用する。具体的には、以下の3つのアプローチで分析を進める。


研究課題 所得分配と統計情報:家計データの補整・代入方法の研究
研究代表者 田中聡一郎(関東学院大学)


研究課題 The Determinants of Elderly Labor Participation: A Comparison between China and Japan
研究代表者 鄧曲恒(Institute of Economics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences)
馬欣欣(一橋大学経済研究所)、李実(Beijing Normal University)、丸川知雄(東京大学社会科学研究所)
China’s economy has maintained a high growth rate for 30 years. Along with the rapid economic growth, the labor demand increased. In addition, since 1979, the Chinese government performed the “One-child Policy” which caused the fertility rate decreased dramatically. Since 2010, China has become an aging population society (Chinese Population Census, 2010). Moreover, it is pointed out that in China, the total work labor force will decrease from 941 million (2011) to less than 900 million (2013), 651 million (2050). It can be said that China has become an aging and work labor force decrease society, which is the same as that in Japan. In an aging society, in order to improve the welfare of elderly life, the implementation of social security, particularly the pension system is also an important issue for government. 
It is argued that the pension may increase the no-earning income/or the income for the elderly group, thus the pension may has a negative effect on elderly labor participation. Some empirical studies indicate that the reform of pension system affect the elderly labor participation in the developed countries (e.g. Krueger and Pischeke, 1992; Oshio et al., 2009; Martin, 2010; Vere, 2011; Kudrna and Woodland, 2011). However, the empirical studies on the issue is scarce for the developing countries. Considering the dramatic population structure change and pension system reform in China, the empirical study on the issue is important not only for government policy makers, but also contribute to the social security policy academic research-to extend the issue to the economic development and economy transition countries. 
The main purpose of this project is to examine the causal relation between pension reform and elderly labor participation in China. In order to compare the individual behavior mechanism between developing country and developed country, we also conduct an empirical study for Japan. The pension reforms in China can be divided by the two types-the Employment Basic Pension System reform in 1993 and 1997, the Urban and Rural Resident Pension reform in 2011. Using the CHIP (Chinese Household Income Project) survey data from 1995 to 2013, we take an empirical study to answer the following questions: (1) What determinate the elder labor participation in the urban and rural China? (2) Does the pension reform affect the elderly labor participation in China? (3) Do the determinants (e.g. pension system) are different between China and Japan? Our empirical study is the first comparison study between China and Japan on these these issues.


研究課題 大規模データを用いた観光が地域活性化に果たす役割に関する実証分析
研究代表者 菅幹雄(法政大学)


研究課題 グローバルな知識ネットワークにおけるイノベーションと生産性上昇の源泉
研究代表者 池内健太(経済産業研究所)
Rene Belderbos(University of Leuven)、深尾京司(一橋大学経済研究所)


研究課題 都道府県別パネルデータを用いた健康指標と栄養素価格の実証分析
研究代表者 稲倉典子(大阪産業大学)