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プロジェクト研究: 平成27年度採択課題一覧


研究課題 家族政策が女性の就業と子供の発達に与える影響の評価
研究代表者 朝井友紀子(東京大学社会科学研究所)
研究分担者 山口慎太郎(マクマスター大学)、神林龍(一橋大学経済研究所)


研究課題 Mind the gap:does gender pay gap influence fertility decisions?
 Ekaterina Selezneva(Institute for East and Southeast European Studies)
Tatiyana Karabchuk(National Research University)、雲和広(一橋大学経済研究所)
This study aims at examining economic conditions of two genders in the labor market and their effects on the probability of giving birth. More precisely, the aim of this study is to investigate the effects of division of labor among households, gender wage gap, or gender segregation more broadly, on individual woman’s decision to give a birth.
Most of the gender studies in Russia and the Former Soviet States belong to the period after the collapse of the Soviet Union. Regardless the few existing studies, a relationship between gender pay gap in labor market and within individual households, and the effects of those on fertility is not yet investigated. Previous literature on demography and fertility has revealed that normative sense critically affect the probability to give birth. The current study addresses the question of the gender gap and fertility relationship both in Russia and the Former Soviet States.


研究課題 税制や育児支援が就業や所得格差に及ぼす影響に関する考察:地域やライフサイクルイベントの視点から
研究代表者 大野太郎(尾道市立大学)
研究分担者 坂本和靖(群馬大学)、森田(山本)陽子(名古屋市立大学)、北村行伸(一橋大学経済研究所)、宮崎毅(九州大学)
また、女性の就業状況の違いがもたらす、夫妻間における所得の配分の変化についても、考察する。妻が就業継続できることとなり、世帯員間における所得源泉の変化が夫妻間での消費行動、余暇・家事育児行動 (Browning, et al.2006)、夫妻間の所得・消費格差にどのような影響(Lise and Seitz 2011)を与えるのかを検証する。


研究課題 家計における消費者在庫の動学的需要分析
研究代表者 加納和子(武蔵野大学)
研究分担者 阿部修人(一橋大学経済研究所)、加納隆(一橋大学)


研究課題 大規模小売調査パネルデータを用いた新しい物価データ予測
研究代表者 田中晋矢(小樽商科大学)
研究分担者 植松良公(統計数理研究所)、外木暁幸(一橋大学経済研究所)
近年のデータ整備状況の著しい発展により,週次・日次といった短周期かつ大規模なミクロ物価パネルデータの利⽤が可能となってきている.これら週次・日次の物価データを⽤いてより周期の⻑いマクロ物価データ,例えば月次の消費者物価指数(CPI)を⾼い精度で予測することができれば,重要な政策変数の動きをより速くかつ正確に把握できることになり非常に有益であろう.しかしここで予測する変数と予測に⽤いる変数との周期の違いが問題となる.近年このような周期の異なる変数を⽤いた予測を可能とするMIxed DAtaSampling (MIDAS)回帰という新しい予測手法が注目されており,我が国では未だ認知度が低いが既に他の先進諸国では経済予測での有⽤性が報告されている.本研究課題ではMIDAS回帰を大規模ミクロ物価データに応⽤し,その有⽤性を検証することが目的である.


研究課題 Understanding the heterogeneity of income growth across income quantiles in Japan
研究代表者 Saumik Paul(University of Nottingham)
研究分担者 北村行伸(一橋大学経済研究所)、黒崎卓(一橋大学経済研究所)、小塩隆士(一橋大学経済研究所)
A defying image of Japan’s income and wealth distribution, which one would otherwise expect alongside social equality, has emerged in recent years. The gini coefficient of primary income has grown from .39 in 1962 to .49 in 2002, whereas the gini coefficient of redistributed income has also risen from .34 to .38 during the same period (Tachibanaki, Evolution of the Economic System in Japan, 2005). Moreover, earnings of the top decile continued to be in the vicinity of 200% of median income (Moriguchi and Saez, Review of Economics and Statistics, 2008). While existing evidence on overall inequality (e.g., gini coefficient) and income / wealth shares of top decile suggest tentative movements of inequality over time, it fails to account for the main drivers of the heterogeneity of income growth across quantiles. A range of factors, among others, aging population, growing number of single mothers, growth of contractual jobs with lower pay or a combination of them could possibly explain such heterogeneity. With an imminent threat of a widening income gap in Japan in coming decades (Piketty, Capital in the Twenty-First Century, 2014), it is imperative that further research is needed to examine the link between such household characteristics / demographic factors and income growth at each income quantile. This study aims to bridge this knowledge gap. We expect this study to provide us with a holistic picture of inequality in Japan - not only complementing the existing pool of evidence, but also suggesting remedial policy measures.


研究課題 外国人労働に関する経済学的研究
研究代表者 橋本由紀(九州大学)
研究分担者 深尾京司(一橋大学経済研究所)、神林龍(一橋大学経済研究所)、山下直輝(RMIT大学)、山口慎太郎(マクマスター大学)、田中聡史(クイーンズランド大学)、相澤直樹(ミネソタ大学)、浦川邦夫(九州大学)、白川清美((一橋大学経済研究所)、阿部穂日(一橋大学経済研究所)、朝井友紀子(東京大学社会科学研究所)


研究課題 日本及び海外における若手・女性研究者の実態分析
研究代表者 高橋新吾(国際大学)
研究分担者 青木玲子(九州大学)、安部由起子(北海道大学)、上田貴子(早稲田大学)、大野由夏(北海道大学)、小原美紀(大阪大学)、臼井恵美子(一橋大学経済研究所)、吉田恵子(桃山学院大学)、高橋アナマリア(神戸大学)、三好向洋(愛知学院大学)、Valerie Smeets(Aarhus University)、Frederic Warzynski(Aarhus University)


研究課題 資本財の異質性と取得形態別投資⾏動―新設,中古,⼤規模改修,リースの選択
研究代表者 外木好美(神奈川大学)
研究分担者 浅子和美(立正大学)、嶋恵一(三重大学)、外木暁幸(一橋大学経済研究所)、中村純⼀(日本政策投資銀行)
日本経済は「失われた20年」と言われ,生産性の低迷と過剰資本が取り沙汰されてきた.申請者は,これまで資本財別の異質性を織り込んだ “Multiple q”による投資関数やリアルオプションに基づく設備投資のハードルレートの推計など,ミクロデータを用いた日本企業の設備投資行動の研究に取り組んできた.本課題でも,投資行動の実態や生産性低迷の背景に関して,新たな知見と政策的含意を追及する.これまで取り組んできた研究では上場企業の財務諸表データを用いてきたが,本研究では,個票申請中の内閣府「民間企業投資・除却調査」の調査票を利用することで,未解明であった企業の詳細な設備投資行動の分析を行う.具体的には,これまで同一視されてきた新設,中古,大規模改修の違いや,企業財務と深く係るリースによる設備投資行動を解明する.


研究課題 ワークライフバランスの進展と企業の生産性および社会保障政策との関連性
研究代表者 佐藤慶一(専修大学)
本研究の目的は,ワークライフバランスの進展が企業の生産性と雇用状況に与える影響,さらに社会保障政策との関連を定量化することである。具体的な分析対象としては,他の先進国とのワークライフバランスのあり方の差を踏まえ,日本の外資系企業(Inward FDI)や海外進出企業(Outward FDI) ,さらにはCSR(企業の社会的責任)に取り組む企業における女性の働き方を念頭においた多様な人材の活用(diversity)が挙げられ,年金などの社会保障制度等との関係も検討課題になる。


研究課題 府県統計書を用いた郡レベルのデータの整備、及び戦前期の地域経済発展について
研究代表者 澤田康幸(東京大学)
研究分担者 北村行伸(一橋大学経済研究所)、山崎潤一(London School of Economics and Political Sciences)、三浦憲(Brown University)


研究課題 制度と規範の相互関係と、正統性を巡って
研究代表者 坂井豊貴 (慶應義塾大学)
研究分担者 後藤玲子(一橋大学経済研究所)、吉原直毅(一橋大学経済研究所)、坂本徳仁(東京理科大学)、神林龍(一橋大学経済研究所)、吉田博之(日本大学)


研究課題 Natural assets, comprehensive wealth, and living standards in Japan since the 1870s
Jean-Pascal Bassino (Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon)
研究分担者 深尾京司(一橋大学経済研究所)、斎藤修(一橋大学経済研究所)、攝津斉彦(武蔵大学)、高島正憲(一橋大学経済研究所)
1.A Overall presentation
The envisaged research includes two projects focusing on the relationship between indicators of
environmental sustainability and living standards in Japan.
During the last decade, the calculation of Genuine Savings (GS) has become a standard approach in the empirical assessment of (weak) sustainability. This approach pioneered by researchers of the World Bank (Hamilton and Clemens 1999) has been initially employed for developing countries. The calculation of GS is based on estimates of total national wealth (comprehensive wealth, CW), also calculated by the World Bank for a number of developing countries (World Bank 2006). Estimates of CW are obtained by aggregating the value of natural, human, and produced capital. GS is the net value (negative or positive) obtained by combining changes in stock values of the different components of CW over a given period of time (in general one, five, or ten years). The two main advantages of the GS approach are (i) to be based on straightforward and easily replicable estimation procedures, (ii) to convey to decision makers (who were initially national governments of developing countries, i.e. clients of the World Bank) a much clearer message than a simple adjustment of national accounts for the consumption of natural capital (e.g.Bartelmus 2009). GS has been also used recently for analyzing historical trends in the relationship between sustainability and living standards using country-level series for European countries and the United States, with times series going back to the pre-industrial revolution period, e.g. Greasley et al. (2014) for Britain and Lindmark and Acar (2013 for Sweden.
However, the GS approach suffers from a number of limitations:
(i) From a theoretical viewpoint, the relevant indicator of sustainable wellbeing is not a flow (GS) but a stock: the value of CW per capita (Dasgupta 2001, 2009). Population growth results in a “dilution” of CW, particularly its natural capital component (the human and physical capital components can be accumulated at a pace exceeding demographic growth; this is rarely the case for natural capital);
(ii) GS is convenient for providing a snapshot (or for a study covering a short time span) but it is not well suited for an investigation of long-term trends. Against this background, the empirical study by Arrow et al. (2012) estimating CW for China, Brazil, India, the United States, and Venezuela has a number of attractive features. This study covers a recent period, and only a short period of time (1995-2000), but it can be a source of inspiration for an economic analysis of the link between sustainability and living standards over a century or more. In particular, Arrow et al. (2012), which use per capita GDP as indicator of living standard, consider time as an asset and take into account TFP growth.
Some issues remain however unsettled or under discussion in the estimation of CW. In particular, Arrow et al. (2013) acknowledge that the standard procedure used for estimating the value of natural assets (and therefore CW and GS) ignores the value of fish stocks; the same remarks applies to the value of biodiversity. These types of assets are overlooked due to data limitations and difficulties in assessing the risk of loss of resilience. Furthermore, the calculation of GS and CW is undertaken at the country level. The implication is that the ownership, accumulation, and destruction of assets located in the rest of the world are overlooked. An additional limitation is that there is no clear consensus in the GS and CW literature on the treatment of intangible assets (excluding human capital; i.e. patents, know-how, institutions, and more broadly social assets). Hamilton and Liu (2014) follow a shortcut approach and regard intangible wealth as the ‘stock equivalent’ of total factor productivity. A final conceptual issue is related to the share of financial capital that is not backed by tangible assets and intangible assets (as defined above). Considering the magnitude and volatility of the stock of financial assets, and the intricate linkages between financial assets and natural assets, some clarification is required.
Below I describe the background and research objectives of the two projects (the list of references is at the end of section 2).
1.B - Project 1. Making the most of scarcity? Japanese natural assets since the 1870s
(Jean-Pascal Bassino, Kyoji Fukao and Osamu Saito)
Recent empirical work investigating the determinants of long run changes in living standards includes attempts by economic historian and environmental economists to estimate time series of the total value of natural assets for European countries and the Unites States as a component of total national wealth, i.e. CW and GS (e.g. McLaughin 2014). As a by-product, changes in stock value of natural capital per capita and in the composition of the stock of natural assets (including agricultural land) can be documented and analysed in a weak sustainability analytical framework. However, the literature dealing with historical trends in CW and GS does not take consider how institutional and technological changes, and the international economic integration has affected the access to and the management of natural assets by the different stakeholders in the 19th century, during the shift to modern economic growth, and in later decades. From that viewpoint, Japan appears as a particularly interesting case for at least four main reasons:
(i) Initial (i.e. pre-Meiji) conditions were characterized by an exceptionally efficient use, by the
international standards of the time, of very scarce natural resources especially in forestry, including silviculture (Totman 1989; Saito 2009, 2014). Available evidence suggests that dramatic changes in institutional arrangements introduced in early Meiji had a negative impact on for the sustainability of natural assets management, in particular in forestry; institutional changes introduced during WWII also had destructive consequences.
(ii) In spite of their scarcity, natural assets played a critical role in the initial of Japanese economic transformation, in the late Tokugawa and early Meiji. Silk, tea, and coal accounted for a large share of Japanese exports during that period, and the steady rise in land productivity of Japanese agriculture allowed feeding a growing population using exclusively domestic resources. The nutritional status of the population improved markedly although import of foodstuffs remained negligible until the 1920s.
(iii) Although initial conditions were characterized by extremely resource efficiency practices, the
adoption and adaptation of imported technologies resulted in a gradual transition toward of more resource intensive economic development trajectory. The evidence presented by Ayres (2008) and Warr et al. (2010) suggests that, as far as energy is concerned, these changes have been gradual.
(iv) The Japanese economy relied initially on domestic resources, but the total national stock of natural assets (i.e. owned by residents; and therefore distinct from the stock of domestic natural assets) increased rapidly in the late 19th and early 20th century. This applies not only to the use of natural assets in southern Sakhalin (Karafuto), Taiwan and Korea, but also to the ownership of or access to assets in foreign countries (and in high seas in the case of fish stocks). The estimation of the stock of Japanese natural assets should not be restricted to domestic natural capital but should also include natural assets owned or accessed by residents.
1.C - Project 2. Comprehensive wealth and living standards in Japan since the 1870s
(Jean-Pascal Bassino, Kyoji Fukao, Tokihiko Settsu, and Masanori Takashima)
Recent empirical work in environmental economic history using national accounting techniques has opened a promising path for the empirical analysis of the relationship between indicators of
environmental sustainability and living standards in the long run. However, the results obtained so far are inconclusive. Greasley et al. (2014) have assembled data for British capital back to 1765 for constructing net investment measures which are used as indicators of GS, along with two measures of future well-being: consumption per capita and real wages. They argue that the “results do not reject the postulated relationship between GS and future well-being, and show GS can be a forward looking indicator of future well-being for periods of up to 100 years”. However, in their study on Sweden covering the period 1850-2000, Lindmark and Acar (2013), find that GS may have been negative up until c. 1910.
However, the results presented in these two papers may be sensitive to the definition of the value of natural capital. As mentioned in section 1.A, the recent literature linking environmental and welfare economics (both theoretical and empirical) suggests that CW should be regarded as a better indicator of sustainable well-being than GS. An additional consideration is that both Greasley et al. (2014) and Lindmark and Acar (2013) use exclusively country level time series. Such a dataset does not seem suitable if the aim is to uncover a causal relationship. Since the time series constructed for Britain and Sweden do not exhibit much short term volatility, an alternative approach could be to estimate CW and GS for benchmark years at a regional level. An additional consideration is that the results for Britain and Sweden may have been affected by problems of coverage in the estimation of natural assets for the earlier period (as mentioned in section 1.A and 1.B in the discussion on the importance of fish stocks and biodiversity, in particular).