◆ 2017.1.17. 外務省分析研究会にて報告.
◆ 2016.12.25. Population Statistics of Russia: The Russian Empire, the Soviet Union and the Russian Federation, in Demography of Russia: From the Past to the Present, Palgrave Macmillan, London, UK, 2016, pp.11-62.
◆ 2016.12.25. Changes in Mortality: Meta-Analysis, in Demography of Russia: From the Past to the Present, Palgrave Macmillan, London, UK, 2016, pp.219-259.
◆ 2016.12.25. Interregional Migration: Analysis of Origin-to-Destination Matrix, in Demography of Russia: From the Past to the Present, Palgrave Macmillan, London, UK, 2016, pp.262-314.
◆ 2016.12.25. Demography of Russia: From the Past to the Present, Palgrave Macmilla, UK (co-authored with T. Karabchuk and E. Selezneva), 刊行.
◆ 2016.12.13. スラブ地域文化講演「ロシアの社会と人々」,天理大学国際学部,天理,奈良.
◆ 2016.12.7-10. 北海道大学スラブ研究センターシンポジウム出席.
◆ 2016.12.4. Discussant, on "Social Development in the Russian Far East" by Naiden, S.N., the 32nd Russo-Japanese Academic Symposium, Osaka University of Law and Economics, Osaka, December 4.
◆ 2016.11.11. 比較経済体制学会秋季大会にて研究報告・座長,大阪経済法科大学,大阪.
◆ 2016.11.2. Accepting request on reviewing a paper submitted to Journal of Siberian and Far Eastern Studies. Sent referee's report on November 20, 2016.
◆ 2016.10.29.ロシア・東欧学会共通論題報告,京都女子大学,京都.
◆ 2016.10. Demographic Situations and Its Perspectives in the Russian Far East: A Case of Chukotka, in Rethinking Russia's Pivot to Asia: Context, Perceptions, and Prospects, Institute for Russian Studies, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Seoul, South Korea, pp.43-68.
◆ 2016.10.28. Presentation at a conference Rethinking Russia's Pivot to Asia, Institute for Russian Studies, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Seoul, South Korea.
◆ 2016.9.23-26. Presentation at the 7th East-Asian Conference on Slavic Studies, East China Normal University, Shanghai, China.
◆ 2016.9.7-11. Presentation at the bi-annual conference of European Association for Comparative Economic Studies, University of Regensburg, Germany.
◆ 2016.9. Население Чукотки в пространстве и времени// Российские регионы: взгляд в будущее, No.3, стр.50-66,2016. (co-authored with Т. Литвиненко)
◆ 2016.8.5-21. モスクワ・ペテルブルク(ロシア連邦)出張,資料調査・研究打ち合わせ等.
◆ 2016.7.15-16. 大阪・京都出張,研究打ち合わせ並びに学会理事会参加.
◆ 2016.7.6-8. 札幌,北海道大学出張,資料調査・シンポジウム参加.
◆ 2016.7. 「ロシアにおける人口移動要因の変遷:人口移動マトリックスによる分析」,『経済研究』,第67巻第3号,pp.215-237,2016年7月,刊行.
◆ 2016.6.15-27. モスクワ・アナディリ(チュクチ自治管区),ロシア連邦,調査.
◆ 2016.6.4-5. 比較経済体制学会全国大会参加,座長,弘前大学,青森.
◆ 2016.6. Research on Poverty in Transition Economies: A Meta-analysis on Changes in the Determinants of Poverty, Transition Studies Review, vol.23, no.1, pp.37-60, 2016,刊行.
◆ 2016.5.13-15. 研究打ち合わせ,西南学院大学,福岡.
◆ 2016.5.10. Accepting request on reviewing a paper submitted to Journal of Siberian and Far Eastern Studies. Sent referee's report on May 16, 2016.
◆ 2016.4.27. Accepting request on reviewing a paper submitted to Europe-Asia Studies.Sent referee's report on May 26, 2016.
◆ 2016.4.18-25. XVII Higher School of Economic Annual Conference, Higher School of Economics, Moscow, Russia.
◆ 2016.4.17. 日本スラブ東欧学会理事会, 京都大学.
◆ 2016.4.15. 国立大学附置研究所・センター長会議常置委員会出席(所長の名代), 千里阪急ホテル.
◆ 2016.3.31-4.4. Presentation at the annual conference of BASEES (British Association for Slavonic and East European Studies), University of Cambridge, United Kingdom.
◆ 2016.2.7. 日本学術振興会にて科学研究費補助金基盤研究(A)・(B)合議審査.
◆ 2016.1. Women's Voices: Gender Survey in Tajikistan, Hitotsubashi Journal of Social Studies (co-authoerd with Noriko Igarashi), vo.47, no.1, pp.11-30, 刊行.