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鈴木拓・溝端佐登史 (2018) 「混迷する社会と汚職:倫理破綻の要因と影響を探る」 岩﨑一郎 編著 『比較経済論講義:市場経済化の理論と実証』 日本評論社, pp.215-245.
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Iwasaki, I. and Mizobata, S. (2019) "Ownership Concentration and Firm Performance in European Emerging Economies: A Meta-Analysis," Emerging Markets Finance & Trade, Vol.55. (forthcoming)
岩﨑一郎・馬欣欣 (2019) 「中国共産党員資格と賃金プレミアム:メタ分析」 『アジア経済』 アジア経済研究所, 第60巻. (近刊)
岩﨑一郎・馬欣欣・溝端佐登史 (2019) 「移行経済の企業所有構造と経営者交代:中国と東欧のメタ比較分析」 『比較経済研究』 比較経済体制学会, 第56巻, 第2号. (近刊)
Shintaro Yamaguchi, Yukiko Asai, Ryo Kambayashi (2018) "Effects of Subsidized Childcare on Mothers' Labor Supply Under a Rationing Mechanism," Labour Economics, Vol.55, pp.1-17.
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Shiro Armstrong, Dearden Lorraine, Masayuki Kobayashi, Nobuko Nagase (2018) "Student Loans in Japan: Current Problem and Possible Solutions," Economics of Education Review (open online in 2018, to be printed in 2019)
永瀬伸子 (2018) 「教育費の無償化を問う: 「労働力調査」から推計した所得十分位から 教育投資と雇用を考える」 『統計』 日本統計協会, 2018年2月号, pp.57-61.
永瀬伸子 (2019) 「労働統計にみる少子化の要因:最近の「労働力調査」から」 『統計』 日本統計協会, 2019年2月号, pp.54-57.
伊藤伸介・出島敬久・村田磨理子 (2019) 「保有不動産・金融資産と就業との関係―全国消費実態調査の宅地単価に着目して―」 『日本統計学会誌』 第48巻, 第2号, pp.147-175.
岩崎康大・池田直史・井上光太郎 (2019) 「労働者保護とM&Aのパフォーマンス:国際比較分析」 『経済研究』. (forthcoming)
Suzuki, T. and Mizobata, S. (2019) "Social Confusion and Corruption: Investigating the Causes and Effects of a Breakdown of Ethics," Discussion Paper Series A, No.690, Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University.
岩﨑一郎・馬欣欣 (2019) 「現代中国における男女間賃金格差: メタ分析による接近」 Discussion Paper Series A, No.689, Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University.
Keiichi Goshima, Hiroshi Ishijima, Mototsugu Shintani, and Hiroki Yamamoto (2019) "Forecasting Japanese inflation with a news-based leading indicator of economic activities," Center for Advanced Research in Finance, CARF-F-458, The University of Tokyo.
Yukiko Asai, (2018) "Costs of Employment and Flexible Labor Demand: Evidence from Maternity and Parental Leave Reforms," RIETI Discussion Paper Series, 19-E-024, Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry.
Ekaterina Hertog, Man Yee Kan, Kiyomi Shirakawa and Ryota Chiba (2018) "Do Better-Educated Couples Share Domestic Work More Equitably in Japan? It Depends on the Day of the Week," Discussion Paper Series A, No.673, Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University.
Norihito Sakamoto (2018) "Equity Criteria Based on the Dominance Principle and Individual Preferences:Refinements of the Consensus Approach," RCNE Discussion Paper Series, No.5, Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University.
Arikawa, Y., Inoue, K., Saito, T. (2018) "Corporate Governance, Employment, and Financial Performance of Japanese firms: A cross-country analysis," RIETI Discussion Paper Series, 18-E-084, Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry.
Shiraishi, Y., Ikeda, N., Arikawa, Y., Inoue, K. "Institutional Investors, Stewardship Code, and Corporate Performance: International Evidence," RIETI Discussion Paper Series, Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry. (forthcoming)
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