HOME拠点事業 ≫ 成果:平成27年度



  • 坂井豊貴(2015)『多数決を疑う-社会的選択理論とは何か』 岩波新書.
  • 後藤玲子(2015)『福祉の経済哲学:個人・制度・公共性』 ミネルヴァ書房.


  • 青木玲子(2015)「知識・情報生産政策である科学技術イノベーション政策」日本応用経済学会監修・青木玲子・大住圭介・田中廣滋・林正義編 『トピックス応用経済学Ⅱ』 勁草書房.
  • 青木玲子(2015)「科学技術イノベーション政策とフューチャーデザイン」西條辰義編著 『フューチャーデザイン』 勁草書房.
  • N. Yoshiahra(2015)"Unequal Exchange, Assets, and Power: Recent Development in Exploitation Theory" (with Roberto Veneziani) in C. Binder et al. (eds.), Individual and Collective choice and Social Welfare, Springer, pp.253-287.
  • Emiko Usui, Satoshi Shimizutani and Takashi Oshio, "Health Capacity to Work at Older Ages: Evidence from Japan,"Social Security Programs and Retirement Around the World: The Capacity to Work at Older Ages, David A. Wise, editor, University of Chicago Press.


  • Yukiko Asai, Ryo Kambayashi, and Shintaro Yamaguchi (2015) "Childcare Availability, Household Structure, and Maternal Employment,"Journal of the Japanese and International Economies, Vol.38, pp.172–192.
  • 朝井友紀子・神林龍・山口慎太郎(2016)「育児休業給付金と女性の就業」『経済分析』 内閣府経済社会総合研究所, 第191号.
  • 朝井友紀子・神林龍・山口慎太郎(2016)「保育所整備と母親の就業率」『経済分析』内閣府経済社会総合研究所, 第191号.
  • 雲和広(2015)「ロシアの社会保障をめぐる社会経済環境の変化」『海外社会保障研究』191巻, pp.6-15.
  • 雲和広(2015)「ロシアの人口動態: 市場構造と労働供給の今後」『ロシアNIS調査月報』60巻8号, pp.1-12.
  • Uematsu, Y. and S. Tanaka (2016)“Regularization Parameter Selection via Cross-Validation in the Presence of Dependent Regressors: A Simulation Study," Economics Bulletin, Vol.36 (1), pp.313-319.
  • 安部由起子(2015)「女性就業の地域差と通勤費用・住宅市場について」『住宅土地経済』97号, pp.20-26.
  • Takahashi, Ana Maria and Shingo Takahashi(2015)“Gender Promotion Differences in Economics Departments in Japan: A Duration Analysis," Journal of Asian Economics, Vol.41, pp.1-19.
  • Miki Kohara and Yusuke Kamiya "Maternal employment and food produced at home: evidence from Japanese data," Review of Economics of the Household.(forthcoming)
  • Kaz Miyagiwa and Yuka Ohno(2015)"International Harmonization of the Patent-Issuing Rules," International Journal of Industrial Organization, Vol.39, pp.81–89.
  • Kaz Miyagiwa and Yuha Ohno(2015)"Nuclear bombs and economic sanctions,"Southern Economic Journal, Vol.82, Issue 2, pp.635–646.
  • 多田 隼士・三好向洋(2015)「家計収入の把握」『フィナンシャル・レビュー』 vol.122, pp.25-39.
  • Koyo Miyoshi and Masaru Sasaki (2016)"The Long-Term Impact of the 1998 Nagano Winter Olympic Games on Economic and Labor Market Outcomes," Asian Economic Policy Review, Vol.11(1). 
  • Emiko Usui(2015)"Occupational Gender Segregation in an Equilibrium Search Model," IZA Journal of Labor Economics, vol.4(1).
  • Tsunao Okumura and Emiko Usui(2016)"Intergenerational Transmission of Skills and Differences in Labor Market Outcomes for Blacks and Whites,"Research in Labor Economics, Vol.43, pp.227-286.
  • Emiko Usui, Satoshi Shimizutani and Takashi Oshio(2016)"Are Japanese Men of Pensionable Age Underemployed or Overemployed?", Japanese Economic Review, Vol.67(2).(forthcoming)
  • 臼井恵美子・小林美樹(2016)「親の働き方と子供の家庭教育」『経済研究』67巻1号, pp.69-87.
  • Mike Gibbs, Kathryn Ierulli, and Valarie Smeets "An Empirical Analysis of Post-Merger Organizational Integration", Scandinavian Journal of Economics.(forthcoming)
  • Ricard Gil and Frederic Warzynski(2015)"Vertical Integration, Exclusivity and Game Sales Performance in the U.S. Video Game Industry," Journal of Law, Economics and Organization, Vol. 31 (sup. 1), pp.i143-i168.
  • Flora Bellone, Patrick Musso, Lionel Nesta, and Frederic Warzynski. "Endogenous Markups, Firm Productivity and International Trade: A Test of the Melitz-Ottaviano Model," Journal of Economic Geography.(forthcoming)
  • M Ogaki, T Sakai(2015)"Conference on Normative Economics from the Traditional and Nontraditional Views: Introduction," Japanese Economic Review, Vol.66 (2), pp.147-149.
  • 後藤玲子(2016)「自由の価値の物語り-民主主義と死-」 『経済研究』67巻2号, pp.147-163.
  • 外木暁幸・外木好美(2017)「企業別R&D投資の計測とMultiple q-日本の上場企業に関する資本財別投資行動の分析-」『フィナンシャルレビュー』財務省財務総合研究所,第130号.
  • 中村純一・外木好美・浅子和美(2017)「資本財別・企業規模別投資行動―法人企業統計による資本財の異質性と資本市場の不完全性の検証」 『フィナンシャルレビュー』財務省財務総合研究所,第130号.
  • Jun-ichi Nakamura, Konomi Tonogi and Asako Kazumi(2017)"Investment Behaviors by Capital Good and Enterprise Size: Testing Capital Goods Heterogeneity and Capital Market Imperfection with the FSSCI", Public Policy Review ,Vol.13, No.2, pp.71-101.
  • Akiyuki Tonogi and Konomi Tonogi(2017)"Measurement of R&D Investment by Firm and Multiple q : Analysis of Investment Behaviors by Capital Good at Listed Japanese", Public Policy Review, Vol.13, No.2, pp.121-151.
  • 外木好美・中村純一・浅子和美(2017)「資本財の異質性と取得形態別投資行動―新設,中古,大規模修繕―」『経済学季報』立正大学経済学会, 67巻2/3号, pp.29-71.


  • Asai, Yukiko,. Kambayashi, Ryo,. and Shintaro Yamaguchi (2015)"Crowding-Out Effect of Publicly Provided Childcare: Why Maternal Employment Did Not Increase," Discussion Paper Series A, No.626, Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University. 
  • Ekaterina Selezneva(2015) "Struggling for New Lives: Family and Fertility Policies in the Soviet Union and Modern Russia," CEI Working Paper, No.2015-8, Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University.
  • Uematsu, Y. and S. Tanaka (2015)“Macroeconomic Forecasting and Variable Selection with a Very Large Number of Predictors: A Penalized Regression Approach ," arXiv:1508.04217. (Journal of Business and Economic Statistics より改訂要求)
  • Paul, Saumik(2016) "Heterogeneous Structural Transformation and Growth Incidence across the Income Distribution: the Kuznets Curve Revisited," CEI Working Paper, No.2016-1, pp.1-23, Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University.
  • Kodama, N., B. S. Javorcik, and Y. Abe(2016)"Transplanting Corporate Culture across International Borders: FDI and female employment in Japan," RIETI Discussion Paper Series, 16-E-015.
  • Andrew Bernard, Valérie Smeets, Frederic Warzynski(2016)"Rethinking Deindustrialization," NBER working paper, No.22114.
  • 嶋恵一(2016)「金融危機下の現金保有と投資--エージェンシー費用の観点から--」, Discussion Paper Series A, No.642, Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University. 
  • 外木好美・中村純一・浅子和美(2017)「資本財の異質性と取得形態別投資行動 -新設,中古,大規模修繕-」Discussion Paper Series A, No.660, Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University.
  • Shintaro Yamaguchi, Yukiko Asai, Ryo Kambayashi (2017)"How Does Early Childcare Enrollment Affect Children, Parents, and Their Interactions?," Discussion Paper Series A, No.656, Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University. 
  • Shintaro Yamaguchi, Yukiko Asai, Ryo Kambayashi (2017)"Effects of Subsidized Childcare on Mothers' Labor Supply Under a Rationing Mechanism," Discussion Paper Series A, No.658, Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University. 
  • Junichi Yamasaki(2017)"Railroads, Technology Adoption, and Modern Economic Development: Evidence from Japan(Moriguchi Prize awarded paper)," Discussion Paper,  No.1000, Institute of Social and Economic Research, Osaka University. 


  • 山崎潤一, 第19回大阪大学社会経済研究所森口賞受賞 ("Railroads, Technology Adoption, and Modern Economic Development: Evidence from New Data in the Late 19th - Early 20th Centuries Japan"に対して)