HOME拠点事業 ≫ 成果:令和3年度



  • 白川清美, 武藤杏里, 田中雅行, 合田智一, 千葉亮太,(2022)「公的統計匿名データを利用したデータサイエンス講義のための取組み」『データサイエンス研究・創刊号』立正大学データサイエンス研究所, pp.63-77.
  • 金子創「格差と規範の政治経済学:分析的マルクス主義の視点から」『歴史と経済』64巻3号.(近刊)
  • 宇佐美誠、奥島真一郎,(2021)「公平なエネルギー転換:気候正義とエネルギー正義の観点から」, 小端拓郎・国立環境研究所編『都市の脱炭素化』, 大河出版, pp.139-150.
  • 神林龍, 後藤玲子, 小林秀行, 王薈琳,「外出・在宅活動へのケイパビリティ・アプローチの応用の試み(2)~『A市外出に関する調査』より~」『経済研究』(近刊).
  • 後藤玲子, 岡田章,(2021)「ゲーム理論と社会的選択理論の接点―規範経済学の方法論的省察―」, 一橋大学経済研究所編『経済研究』72巻2号, pp.169-193.
  • 堀江典生・岩﨑一郎(2021)「欧州新興市場の教育収益率:メタ分析」『経済研究』, 72(4), pp.305-333.
  • 雲和広(近刊)「ジェンダー規範に見る旧社会主義圏の特異性:ミクロデータによる接近, ロシアの場合」, 『ロシア・東欧研究』第50巻.
  • 大野裕之, 林田実,(2021)「機械学習による有価証券保有額、確定拠出年金への加入の分析 ~性別を処置変数とした Causal Tree による解析結果~」『経済論集』, 第47巻第1号, 1-21頁, 東洋大学経済研究会.


  • Deseatnicov Ivan, Konstantin Kucheryavyy, Kyoji Fukaol(2021) "Exports, trade costs and FDI entry: evidence from Japanese firms," Transnational Corporations, 28(3) in print.
  • Teresa Molina, Michael Jetter, "Persuasive agenda-setting: Rodrigo Duterte's inauguration speech and drugs in the Philippines," Journal of Development Economics. (forthcoming)
  • Achyuta Adhvaryu, Teresa Molina, Anant Nyshadham,"Expectations, Wage Hikes, and Worker Voice" The Economic Journal. (forthcoming)
  • Michael Abrigo, Timothy Halliday, Teresa Molina,"Expanding Health Insurance for the Elderly of the Philippines," Journal of Applied Econometrics. (forthcoming)
  • Josh Ng Kamstra, Teresa Molina, Timothy Halliday(2021) "A Compact for Care: How the Affordable Care Act marketplaces fell short for a vulnerable population," BMJ Global Health, e007701.
  • Teresa Molina, Ivan Rivadeneyra,(2021) "Labor Market Effects of Eliminating University Tuition in Ecuador," Journal of Public Economics 196.
  • Marie Hirakawa, Nahoko Mitsuyama, Takashi Oshio, Emiko Usui,(2021) "Chances of Pregnancy after Dropping out from Infertility Treatments: Evidence from a Social Survey in Japan," Reproductive Medicine and Biology, 18;20(2): 246-252.
  • Vili Lehdonvirta, Lulu P. Shi, Ekaterina Hertog, Nobuko Nagase, Yuji Ohta, The future(s) of unpaid work: How susceptible do experts from different backgrounds think the domestic sphere is to automation. Paper DOI 10.31235/osf.io/vzwyd
  • Jonathan F. Cogliano, Soh Kaneko, Roberto Veneziani, Naoki Yoshihara,(2022) "International Exploitation, Capital Export, and Unequal Exchange," in Zak Cope and Immanuel Ness eds., The Oxford Handbook of Economic Imperialism, Oxford University Press, 231-250.
  • Naoki Yoshihara, J. Cogliano, R. Veneiziani,(2022) "Putting Labour Values to Work," in Acta Oeconomica.
  • Naoki Yoshihara, Yongsheng Xu, "Bargaining theory over opportunity assignments and the egalitarian solution," in Metroeconomica. (forthcoming)
  • Naoki Yoshihara, Roberto Veneziani,"Unequal exchange and international justice,"forthcoming in Exploitation: Politics, Philosophy, and Economics, eds. by Matt Zwolinsky and Ben Ferguson.
  • Naoki Yoshihara, Jonathan F, Cogliano, Roberto Veneziani,(2022) "An Agent‐Based Approach to Classical Competitive Prices", in Zining Yang and Elizabeth von Brisen (eds.) Proceedings of the 2021 Conference of The Computational Social Science Society of the Americas, pp.152-163.
  • Naoki Yoshihara, J. Cogliano, R. Veneziani,(2022) "Computational Methods and Classical-Marxian Economics," Journal of Economic Surveys, vol. 36(2), pages 310-349.
  • Naoki Yoshihara, (2021) "On the Labor Theory of Values as the Basis for the Analysis of Economic Inequality in the Capitalist Economy," Japanese Political Economy, vol 47, number 2-3, 190-212.
  • Naoki Yoshihara, R. Veneziani, (2021) "Comment: The falling rate of profit and general equilibrium: some methodological considerations,"in A. Sinha, (ed.), A Reflection on Sraffa's Revolution in Economic Theory, London, Palgrave Macmillan, pp.313-322.
  • Jesús Alberto Pulido Arcas, Shinichiro Okushima, Raul Castaño de la Rosa,(2022) "Energy poverty in Japan: Current trends and future challenges," in C. Rubio-Bellido and J. Solis-Guzman (eds.) Energy Poverty Alleviation: New Approaches and Contexts. Switzerland; Springer Nature, pp.174-183.
  • Sondès Kahouli, Shinichiro Okushima,(2021) "Regional energy poverty reevaluated: A direct measurement approach applied to France and Japan," Energy Economics, 102, 105491.
  • Shinichiro Okushima,(2021) "Energy poor need more energy, but do they need more carbon?: Evaluation of people's basic carbon needs," Ecological Economics, 187, 107081.
  • Raúl Castaño-Rosa, Shinichiro Okushima,(2021) "Prevalence of energy poverty in Japan: A comprehensive analysis of energy poverty vulnerabilities," Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 145, 111006.
  • Kurose, K,(2021) Models of structural change and Kaldor's facts: Critical survey from the Cambridge Keynesian perspective, Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, 58, pp.267-277.
  • Kurose, K,(2022) A two-class economy from the multi-sectoral perspective: The controversy between Pasinetti and Meade-Hahn-Samuelson-Modigliani revisited, Evolutionary and Institutional Economics Review,19, pp. 239-270.
  • Victor Degorce, Eric Monnet,(2021) "The Great Depression as a Savings Glut". Currently under R&R for Journal of Economic History (https://ideas.repec.org/p/cpr/ceprdp/15287.html)
  • Horie, N., Iwasaki, I.,(Forthcoming) "Returns to Schooling in European Emerging Markets: A Meta-Analysis," Education Economics, 30.
  • Iwasaki, I., Ma, X., Mizobata, S., (Forthcoming) "Ownership Structure and Firm Performance in Emerging Markets: A Comparative Meta-Analysis of East European EU Member States, Russia, and China," Economic Systems, 46.
  • Mizobata, S., Hayashi, H.,(Forthcoming) "State capitalism in Russia," In: The Oxford Handbook of State Capitalism and the Firm (Mike Wright, Geoffrey T. Wood, Alvaro Cuervo-Cazurra, Pei Sun, Ilya Okhmatovskiy, and Anna Grosman eds.), Oxford University Pres.
  • Marie Hirakawa, Nahoko Mitsuyama, Takashi Oshio, Emiko Usui,(2021) "Chances of Pregnancy after Dropping out from Infertility Treatments: Evidence from a Social Survey in Japan," Reproductive Medicine and Biology, 18; 20(2): 246-252.
  • Seik Kim, Emiko Usui,(2021) "Employer Learning, Job Changes, and Wage Dynamics," Economic Inquiry, 59(3) 1286-1307.
  • Yuko Ueno, Emiko Usui (2021) "The Effects of Providing Childcare on Grandmothers' Employment and Mental Health in Japan," The Economic Analysis, (202) 125-147.
  • Takeshi Miyazaki "Ethnic Diversity and Natural Disaster Mortality: Evidence from the 2011 Tohoku Tsunami," Applied Economics Letters. (forthcoming)


  • Shinya SUZUKI, Tomohiko INUI, Yuya IKEDA, "Impact of M&A by Foreign Firms on the Innovation Activities of Acquired Firms, " NISTEP DISCUSSION PAPER. (forthcoming)
  • Teresa Molina, Mari Tanaka "Globalization and Female Empowerment: Evidence from Myanmar, " Economic Development and Cultural Change. (forthcoming)
  • Kazuhiro KUMO,(2021) Gender Norms in the Former Socialist States: An approach using micro data in a case of Russia, Working Paper No.92, Russian Research Center, Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University.
  • Horie, N. and Iwasaki, I., Returns to Education in European Emerging Markets: A Meta-Analytic Review (RRC Working Paper No.95), Russian Research Center, Institute of Economic Research of Hitotsubashi University.
  • 岩﨑一郎・馬欣欣・溝端佐登史(2021)「新興市場企業の所有構造と経営成果:EU東欧加盟国・ロシア・中国のメタ比較分析」(IER Discussion Paper No.A720), 一橋大学経済研究所.