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年月 著者 タイトル他(* 印はレフェリー制を採用している雑誌・出版物に掲載された論文) 要旨/本文
2009/ 深尾京司 『マクロ経済と産業構造、バブル/デフレ期の日本経済と経済政策、第1巻』、企画・監修、内閣府 経済社会総合研究所、慶応大学出版会。 -
2009/ Fukao, K.
Wu, H.
Yuan, T.
*"Comparative Output and Labour Productivity in Manufacturing for China, Japan, Korea and United States in Circa 1935 by a Production PPP Approach," forthcoming in Exploration in Economic History. 要旨・本文(DP version)
2009/ Ito, K.
Fukao, K.
*"Determinants of the Profitability of Japanese Manufacturing Affiliates in China and Other Regions : Does Localization of Procurement, Sales, and Management Matter ?," forthcoming in The World Economy. 要旨・本文(DP version)
2009/ Fukao, K.
Miyagawa, T.
Mukai, K.
Shinoda, Y.
Tonogi, K.
*"Intangible Investment in Japan : Measurement and Contribution to Economic Growth," The Review of Income and Wealth, volume 55, issue 3, pp.717-736. 要旨・本文(DP version)
2009/ Belderbos, R.
Fukao, K.
Iwasa, T.
*"Foreign and Domestic R&D Investment," Economics of Innovation and New Technology, volume 18, issue 4, pp.369-380. 要旨・本文
2009/8 Fukao, K.
Wu, H.
Yuan, T.
*"What "Explains" the Income Gaps between China, Japan and the United States for Circa 1935 : A Production-Side PPP Approach,"a paper presented at the XVth World Economic History Congress, Session on Comparative and Quantitative Economic History, Utrecht, the Netherlands, August 7th. -
2009/8 Fukao, K.
Saito, O.
"Japan in 2030 : Prospects and Problems of a Service Economy after the Age of Industrialisation," a paper presented at the XVth World Economic History Congress, Session on the World in 2030, Educated Guesses from a Long-Run Perspective, Utrecht, the Netherlands, August 4th. -
2009/ 袁堂軍
*「戦前期日本の県内総生産と産業構造」、一橋大学経済研究所編『経済研究』、第60巻第2号。 要旨・本文(DP version)
2009/ 深尾京司
「東アジアにおける工程間分業と中間財貿易の進展」、日本政策金融公庫国際協力銀行国際経営企画部 / 日本政策金融公庫国際協力銀行国際経営経営企画部国際調査室編『JBIC 国際調査室報』、第1号、pp.97-107。 -
2009/ 深尾京司 「中国長期貿易統計:1950年代から最近までのSITC-R1分類3桁レベル分類コード別および相手国別貿易額の推計『アジア経済研究所統計シリーズ第93集 貿易指数と貿易構造の変化』、第1部台4章、アジア経済研究所。。 -
2009/7 Perma-chandra, A.
Fukao, K.
Yuan, T..
"Economic Transition and Labour Market Integration in China," Ross Garnaut, Ligang Song and Wing Thye Woo eds., China's New Place in a world in Crisis, Brookings Institution Press. -
2009/5 Fukao, K.
Miyagawa, T.
Pyo, H.
Rhee, K.
"Estimates of Multifactor Productivity, ICT Contributions and Resource Reallocation Effects in Japan and Korea," "Productivity in Japan, the US, and the EU Core Countries : Is Japan Falling Behind," RIETI Discussion Paper Series, no.09-E-021. 要旨・本文


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