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年月 著者 タイトル他(* 印はレフェリー制を採用している雑誌・出版物に掲載された論文) 要旨/本文
2006/8 Fukao, K.
Kim, G.
Kwon, U.
"Plant Turnover and TFP Dynamics in Japanese Manufacturing," Hi-Stat DP Series, No.180, the Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University. 要旨・本文
2006/8 Fukao, K.
Ito, K.
Kwon, U.
Takizawa, M.
"Cross-Border Acquisitons and Target Firms' Performance:Evidence from Japanese Firm-Level Data," NBER Working Papers, No.12422, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc.. 要旨・本文
Other versions
Fukao, K.
Ito, K.
Kwon, U.
Takizawa, M.
"Cross-Border Acquisitons and Target Firms' Performance:Evidence from Japanese Firm-Level Data," Hi-Stat DP Series, No.174, the Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University. 要旨・本文
2006/6 権赫旭・深尾京司 「失われた10年にTFP上昇はなぜ停滞したか:製造業データによる実証分析」、Hi-Stat DP Series, No.168, The Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University. 要旨・本文
2006/6 Belderbos, R.
Fukao, K.
Kwon, U.
"Intellectual Property Rights Protection and the Location of Research and Development Activities by Multinational Firms," Hi-Stat DP Series, No.167, the Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University. 要旨・本文
2006/4 深尾京司・権赫旭・滝澤美帆 「M&Aと被買収企業のパフォーマンス:対日M&Aと国内企業間M&Aの比較」、Hi-Stat DP Series, No.162, The Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University. 要旨・本文
2006/3 Fukao, K.
Kiyota, K.
Yue, X.
"China's Long-Term International Trade Statistics:By Commodity, 1952-1964 and 1981-2000," Hi-Stat DP Series, No.147, the Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University. 要旨・本文
2006/2 Murakami, Y.
Fukao, K.
"Inward Foreign Direct Investments and Productivity Growth in Japan," Hi-Stat DP Series, No.143, the Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University. 要旨・本文
2006/2 Belderbos, R.
Fukao, K.
Iwasa, T.
"Foreign and Domestic R&D Investment," Hi-Stat DP Series, No.140, the Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University. 要旨・本文
2006/1 深尾京司
「対日・国内企業間M&Aと被買収企業のパフォーマンス 」、Hi-Stat DP Series, No.133, The Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University. 本文(PDF933K)
2006/1 Fukao, K.
Ma, D.
Yuan, T.
"Real GDP in Pre-War East Asia: A 1934-36 Benchmark Purchasing Power Parity Comparison with the U.S. ," Hi-Stat DP Series, No.132, the Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University. 要旨・本文


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