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経済研究所 発行

Yuta Takahashi and Naoki Takayama
Hidden Stagflation

経済制度研究センター 発行

Josef C. Brada and Ichiro Iwasaki
The Effect of Target-Country Institutions on Cross-Border Merger and Acquisition Activity - A Quantitative Literature Survey -

世代間問題研究機構 発行

Noriyuki Takayama
Financial Sustainability and Adequacy Issues on Social Security Pensions

経済研究所 発行

Nobuhiro Hobara
The occurrence of potential complementarity and the Behavior of Bank-Coordinator and See Off Behavior



経済研究所 発行

Yuta Takahashi and Naoki Takayama
On the Relationship Between Interest Rate Policy & Debt Sustainability

世代間問題研究機構 発行

Kan Viktoriya
中央アジアの長期労働統計―100 年統計の構築―

経済社会リスク研究機構 発行

Iichiro Uesugi, Kazuki Hiraga, Masashi Manabe and Naoyuki Yoshino
Interregional Flow of Funds in Japan via Loans and Deposits of Financial Institutions, and its Determinants

Iichiro Uesugi, Kazuki Hiraga, Masashi Manabe and Naoyuki Yoshino
Measuring Concentration in the Japanese Loan and Deposit Markets

ロシア研究センター 発行

Yuko ADACHI and Ichiro IWASAKI
Legal Weakness, Investment Risks, and Distressed Acquisitions: Evidence from Russian Regions

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