Working Papers
- No.104
- Ichiro IWASAKI, Xinxin MA, and Satoshi MIZOBATA, Board Structure in Emerging Markets: A Simultaneous Equation Modeling, February 2024.
- No.103
- Norio HORIE, Ichiro IWASAKI, Olga KUPETS, Xinxin MA, Satoshi MIZOBATA, and Mihoko SATOGAMI, Wage-Experience Profiles in China and Eastern Europe: A Large Meta-Analysis, December 2023.
- No.100
- Кадзухиро КУМО,Рождаемость в России: Повторное исследование с использованием данных на микроуровне,July 2023.
- No.99
- Ichiro IWASAKI,How Do Economic Activities Spur the COVID-19 Pandemic in Russia? A Dynamic Panel Data Analysis,August 2022.
- No.98
- Yuko ADACHI and Ichiro IWASAKI,Legal Weakness, Investment Risks, and Distressed Acquisitions: Evidence from Russian Regions,March 2022.
- No.95
- Norio HORIE and Ichiro IWASAKI,Returns to Education in European Emerging Markets: A Meta-Analytic Review,January 2022.
- No.94
- Shigeki ONO and Ichiro IWASAKI,The Finance-Growth Nexus in Europe: A Comparative Meta-Analysis of Emerging Markets and Advanced Economies,December 2021.
- No.92
- Kazuhiro KUMO,Gender Norms in the Former Socialist States: An approach using micro data in a case of Russia,October 2021.
- No.91
- Yoshisada SHIDA,Does the Currency Crisis Veil the Impact of Economic Sanctions under an Authoritarian Regime? An Inquiry into Russia,June 2021.
- No.90
- Ichiro IWASAKI, Evžen KOČENDA, and Yoshisada SHIDA,Distressed Acquisitions Evidence from European Emerging Markets,April 2021.
- No.89
- Zarina Abacheva, Smart Signalling Systems as a Solution for Transport Congestion in Russia: An Application of ARTEMIS System (in Japanese), December 2020.
- No.88
- Кадзухиро КУМО, Рождаемость в России: Повторное исследование с использованием данных на микроуровне, December 2020.
- No.87
- Кадзухиро КУМО, Старение населения, низкая рождаемость и социальная защита в России, November 2020.
- No.85
- Ichiro IWASAKI and Kazuhiro KUMO, Regional Determinants of Marriage Rates in Russia: A Dynamic Panel Data Analysis, March 2020.
- No.84
- Norio HORIE,Landscape of Anti-Immigrant Sentiments in Russia (in Japanese), October 2019.
- No.83
- Кадзухиро КУМО, К вопросу о межрегиональном перераспределении населения в Советской России, August 2019.
- No.82
- Kazuko KAWAMOTO, Socialism and the Right of Inheritance: A Discussion on the Reform of the Soviet Civil Law in the Late 1930s, August 2019.
- No.81
- Yukiko HAMA and Jiro HANE, Resurgence of Geopolitics and Russia's Neo-Eurasianism (in Japanese), June 2019.
- No.80
- А. Ю. Юданов, А. А. Яковлев, «Неортодоксальные» быстрорастущие фирмы-«газели» и порядок ограниченного доступа (translated in Japanese), February 2019.
- No.79
- Kazuhiro KUMO, Population Redistribution in Soviet Russia: A Re-examination (in Japanese), November 2018.
- No.78
- Ichiro IWASAKI and Kazuhiro KUMO, Regional Determinants of Fertility Growth in Russia: A Dynamic Panel Data Approach (in Japanese), September 2018.
- No.77
- Masahiro TOKUNAGA, Keiko SUGANUMA, and Nami ODAGIRI, From Russia to Eurasia: Specific Features of the "Russosphere" from the Perspective of Business Activities of Japanese Firms, June 2018.
- No.76
- Ichiro IWASAKI and Byung-Yeon Kim, Firm Failure in Russia during Economic Crises and Growth: A Large Survival Analysis, June 2018.
- No.75
- Yasushi NAKAMURA, Establishing A New State under Human Resource Constraint: The Experience of the German Reunification, June 2018.
(This DP is deleted by the request of the publisher Sage. The final version of the paper will be published in Journal of Interdisciplinary Economics.)
The paper was published online as "State Machinery Building and Economic Transition: Lessons from the German Unification" in the Journal of Interdisciplinary Economics on August 15, 2023.
- No.74
- Ichiro IWASAKI, International Presence of the Japanese Study of Russian and East European Economies, April 2018.
- No.73
- Manabu SUHARA, An Estimation of Production Indices for Industry and Agriculture in Imperial Russia, March 2018.
- No.72
- Ichiro IWASAKI, Corporate Governance System and Regional Heterogeneity: Evidence from East and West Russia, November 2017.
- No.71
- Kazuhiro KUMO, Demographic Situation and Its Perspectives in the Russian Far East: A Case of Chukotka, August 2017.
- No.70
- Кадзухиро КУМО, Демографическая ситуация на Дальнем Востоке России и ее перспективы на примере Чукотки, Август 2017.
- No.69
- Yoshisada SHIDA, Russia's Informal Economic Growth: 1960-1990, March 2017.
- No.68
- Yasushi NAKAMURA ed., Economic Development of Eurasian Countries from Wider Perspectives: Proceedings of the International Workshop, March 2017.
- No.67
- Manabu SUHARA, Russian Agricultural Statistics, March 2017.
- No.66
- Manabu SUHARA, Russian Industrial Statistics, March 2017.
- No.65
- Ichiro IWASAKI, Satoshi MIZOBATA, and Alexander A. Muravyev, Ownership Dynamics and Firm Performance in an Emerging Economy: A Meta-Analysis of the Russian Literature, January 2017.
- No.64
- Masaaki KUBONIWA, Can Russia's Military Expansion be Impossible Mission Force for its V-Shaped Growth Recovery under Declining Oil Prices?, November 2016.
- No.63
- Yasushi NAKAMURA, Long-term Monetary Statistics for Russia, November 2016.
- No.62
- Hirofumi ARAI and Ichiro IWASAKI, Market Quality in the Russian Far East from the Viewpoint of Company Management: Preliminary Report on Microeconomic Comparative Analysis with European Regions, October 2016.
- No.61
- Masaaki KUBONIWA, Estimating GDP and Foreign Rents of the Oil and Gas Sector in the USSR then and Russia now, November 2016 (revised version; first published in October 2016).
- No.60
- Masaaki KUBONIWA, Shinichiro TABATA, and Yasushi NAKAMURA, Soviet Foreign Trade Earnings Revisited, October 2016.
- No.59
- Ichiro IWASAKI, Mathilde MAUREL, and Bogdan MEUNIER, Firm Entry and Exit during a Crisis Period: Evidence from Russian Regions, May 2016.
- No.58
- Kazuhiro KUMO, Changes in Factors of Inter-regional Population Migration in Russia: Analysis by Migration Matrix (in Japanese), April 2016.
- No.57
- Yasushi NAKAMURA, Rosia no Kinnyuu Tokei no Hatten (in Japanese), April 2016.
- No.56
- Yoshisada SHIDA, Sengoki Rosia no Hikoushiki Keizai Seichou: Rekishi Toukei, 1960-1990 (in Japanese), March 2016.
- No.55
- Ichiro IWASAKI and Akira UEGAKI, Central Bank Independence and Inflation in Transition Economies: A Comparative Meta-Analysis with Developed and Developing Economies, August 2015.
- No.54
- Yoshisada SHIDA, Forced Savings in the Soviet Republics: Re-examination (in Japanese), October 2015.
- No.53
- Yoshisada SHIDA, Soren no Kakei Chochiku ritu, October 2015.
- No.52
- Ichiro IWASAKI, Global Financial Crisis, Ownership Change, and Corporate Governance Evolution: Firm-Level Evidence from Russia, July 2015.
- No.51
- Kazuhiro KUMNO, Research on Poverty in Transition Economies: A Meta-analysis on Changes in the Determinants of Poverty, June 2015.
- No.50
- Masaaki KUBONIWA, Russia's Global Value Chain using a Modified World Input-Output Data, December 2014.
- No.49
- Masaaki KUBONIWA, The Impact of Oil Prices, Total Factor Productivity and Institutional Weakness on Russia's Declining Growth, November 2014.
- No.48
- Kazuhiro KUMO, Poverty in Transition Economies: Meta-Analysis on Changes in Poverty Determinants (in Japanese), November 2014.
- No.47
- Masahiro TOKUNAGA, and Ichiro IWASAKI, Transition and FDI: A Meta-Analysis of the FDI Determinants in Transition Economies, October 2014.
- No.46
- Ayako ASAKAWA, Chinese and Soviet Economic Reforms in Comparative Historical Perspective: The Era of Deng Xiaoping and Gorbachev (in Japanese), July 2014.
- No.45
- Ichiro IWASAKI, and Taku SUZUKI, Radicalism versus Gradualism: An Analytical Survey of the Transition Strategy Debate, April 2015 (first published in July 2014).
- No.44
- Ichiro IWASAKI, and Keiko SUGANUMA, Foregign Direct Investment and Regional Economic Development in Russia: An Econometric Assessment, April 2015 (first published in June 2014).
- No.43
- Byung Yeon KIM , and Yoshisada SHIDA, Shortages and the Informal Economy in the Soviet Republics: 1965-1989, March 2014.
- No.42
- Ichiro IWASAKI, and Masahiro TOKUNAGA, Spillover versus Ownership: A Meta-Analysis of Transition Literature, November 2013.
- No.41
- Akira UEGAKI, and Fumikazu SUGIURA, Political Economy of the Failure of the Socialist Economic System: A Systematic Review (in Japanese), October 2013.
- No.40
- Ichiro IWASAKI, and Keiko SUGANUMA, A Gravity Model of Russian Trade: The Role of Foreign Direct Investment and Socio-Cultural Similarity, August 2013.
- No.39
- Ichiro IWASAKI, and Masahiro TOKUNAGA, Macroeconomic Impacts of FDI in Transition Economies: A Meta-Study, August 2013.
- No.38
- Koichi NOBE, Long-Term Agricultural Statistics for Central Asian Republics of the Former Soviet Union (in Japanese), November 2013 (revised version; first published in May 2013).
- No.37
- Ichiro IWASAKI, Global Financial Crisis, Corporate Governance, and Firm Survival: The Russian Experience, February 2013 (revised version; first published in July 2012).
- Special Issue No.2
- Michael ELLMAN, What Did the Study of Transition Economies Contribute to Mainstream Economics?, June 2012.
- No.36
- Peter HAVLIK, Economic Transitions in Central and Eastern Europe: Any Lessons for the Arab Spring?, June 2012.
- No.35
- Kazuhiro KUMO, Mortality in Russia Revisited: A Survey (in Japanese), January 2012.
- No.34
- Takeo HIDAI, New Kolkhoz Model Charter and Its Violation by Farmers in Ural Region of Soviet Russia, 1935-1940 (in Japanese), December 2011.
- No.33
- Takeo HIDAI, Soviet Kolkhoz Farmer and State Certificates of Land Using in Ural Region, 1935-1940 (in Japanese), December 2011 (revised version; first published in September 2011).
- No.32
- Ichiro IWASAKI, Firm-Level Determinants of Board System Choice: Evidence from Russia, February 2013 (revised version; first published in May 2011).
- No.31
- Masaaki KUBONIWA, Impact of Trading Gains on Economic Growth in BRICs for 1995-2010: Some Lessons from BRICs, May 2011.
- No.30
- Masaaki KUBONIWA, Russian Growth Path and TFP Changes in Light of the Estimation of Production Function using Quarterly Data, January 2011.
- No.29
- Yoshisada SHIDA, The Household Money Income and Expenditure in the Soviet Republics: Re-estimation, 1960-1989 (in Japanese), March 2011.
- No.28
- Masaaki KUBONIWA, Diagnosing the "Russian Disease": Growth and Structure of the Russian Economy Then and Now, October 2010.
- No.27
- Ichiro IWASAKI, What Determines Audit Independence and Expertise in Russia? Firm-Level Evidence, February 2013 (revised version; first published in September 2010).
- No.26
- Masaaki KUBONIWA, Statistical Notes on Trading Gains of Eight Economies: BRICs, Japan, the United States, Saudi Arabia and Norway (in Japanese), September 2010.
- No.25
- Yoshisada SHIDA, Comparative Analysis of the Second Economy in Soviet Republics: Preliminary Results, 1969-1988 (in Japanese), June 2010.
- No.24
- Kazuhiro KUMO, Demographic Situations and Development Programs in the Russian Far East and Zabaikalye, May 2010.
- No.23
- Keiko SUGANUMA, Regional Economic Development and Foreign Direct Investment in Russia: The Case Study of Sakhalin Oblast (in Japanese), May 2010.
- No.22
- Takeo HIDAI, On the establishment and reorganization of Stabilization Fund in Russia: Economic Policy Divergence in the Second Term of Putin's Administration (in Japanese), April 2010.
- No.21
- Naohito ABE, and Ichiro IWASAKI, Organizational Culture and Corporate Governance in Russia: A Study of Managerial Turnover, April 2010.
- No.20
- Kazuhiro KUMO, Human Resources and Social Situations in Central Asia: Economic Ties with Russia (in Japanese), February 2010.
- No.19
- Kazuhiro KUMO, Determinants of Childbirth in Russia: Micro-Data Approach (in Japanese), October 2009.
- No.18
- Masaaki KUBONIWA, Growth and Diversification of the Russian Economy in Light of Input-Output Tables, June 2009.
- No.17
- Youri IVANOV and Tatiana KHOMENKO, A Retrospective Analysis of the Economic Development of Countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States, June 2009.
- No.16
- Tatiana CHETVERNINA, Trade Unions in Transitional Russia-Peculiarities, Current Status and New Challenges-, June 2009.
- No.15
- Masaaki KUBONIWA, Present and Future Problems of Developments of the Russian Auto-industry, May 2009.
- No.14
- Kazuhiro KUMO, Questionnaire of 2008 Trial Population Census in Russia: A Japanese Translation, April 2009.
- No.13
- George KLEINER, A New Theory of Economic Systems and Its Application to Economic Policy Studies, March 2009.
- No.12
- Keiko SUGANUMA, The Introduction of Foreign Capital in Russia and Its Effects on a Region: The Case Study of Sakhalin Oil and Gas Development Project (in Japanese), February 2009.
- No.11
- Vadim KLEINER, Corporate Governance and Efficiency of Russian Companies from Stock Market Perspective, February 2009.
- Special Issue
- Janos KORNAI, The Soft Budget Constraint Syndrome in the Hospital Sector,November 2008. (Paper Distributed in the Seminor held at Josui Kaikan, Hitotsubashi University on December 9, 2008)
- No.10
- Kazuhiro KUMO and Kazuho YOKOGAWA, Social Increase of Voronezh Oblast' Population in 2005 (Official Report by the Rosstat Voronezh Office): A Japanese Translation, September 2008.
- No.9
- Ichiro IWASAKI, The Determinants of Board Composition in a Transforming Economy: Evidence from Russia, September 2008.
- No.8
- Tsuyoshi ISHIKAWA, Employment Structure of Voronezh Oblast' 2001-2006 (in Japanese), July 2008.
- No.7
- Tsuyoshi ISHIKAWA, Changes in Employment Structure in Russia: 2000-2006 (in Japanese), July 2008.
- No.6
- Kazuhiro KUMO and Keiko SUGANUMA, Natural Increase of Voronezh Oblast' Population in 2005 (Official Report by the Rosstat Voronezh Office): A Japanese Translation, June 2008.
- No.5
- Peter HAVLIK, Russian Economic and Integration Prospects, April 2008.
- No.4
- Yoshiaki NISHIMURA, Ichiro IWASAKI, and Fumikazu SUGIURA, 15 Years of the Russian Structural Reforms: A Retrospective (in Japanese), December 2007.
- No.3
- Ichiro IWASAKI, Economics of Corporate Form: Why Do Russian Firms Prefer to Be Closed Companies?, May 2013 (revised version; first published in December 2007).
- No.2
- Kazuhiro KUMO, Takako MORINAGA, and Yoshisada SHIDA, Long-Term Population Statistics for Russia, 1867-2002, December 2007.
- No.1
- Masaaki KUBONIWA, The Impact of Terms-of-Trade Effects on the Russian Economy, December 2007.