
*Fukao, Kyoji, Keiko Ito, Hyeg Ug Kwon and Miho Takizawa, “Cross-Border Acquisitions and Target Firms' Performance: Evidence from Japanese Firm-Level Data,” in Takatoshi Ito and Andrew K. Rose (eds.), International Financial Issues in the Pacific Rim, NBER-East Asia Seminar on Economics, Vol. 17, University of Chicago Press, pp.347-85, August 2008.

*Fukao, Kyoji, Tomohiko Inui, Shigesaburo Kabe, and Deqiang Liu, “An International Comparison of the TFP Levels of Japanese, South Korean, and Chinese Listed Firms,” Seoul Journal of Economics, 21(1), pp. 5-38, April 2008.


*Moosup, Jung, Keun Lee, and Kyoji Fukao, “Total Factor Productivity of Korean Firms and Catching up with the Japanese firms,” Seoul Journal of Economics, (21)1, pp.93-140, April 2008.

Paprzycki, Ralph, and Kyoji Fukao, Foreign Direct Investment in Japan: Multinationals' Role in Growth and Globalization, Cambridge University Press, March 2008.

リンク (要旨へのリンク)

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