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HSI2019--the 5th Hitotsubashi Summer Institute

主 催  一橋大学社会科学高等研究院
Host: Hitotsubashi Institute for Advanced Study
2019/07/29 (月)~08/04 (日)
Monday 29th July - Sunday 4th August 2019
マーキュリータワー 7F 会議室
Mercury Tower 7F Conference Room
後藤玲子 [経済研究所],平田大祐 [社会科学高等研究院],武岡則男 [経済学研究科],宇井貴志 [経済学研究科],石川城太 [経済学研究科],冨浦英一 [経済学研究科],黒崎卓 [経済研究所],有本寛 [経済研究所],渡部敏明 [経済研究所]
Organizers: Reiko Gotoh [Institute of Economic Research], Daisuke Hirata [Hitotsubashi Institute for Advanced Study], Norio Takeoka [Graduate School of Economics], Takashi Ui [Graduate School of Economics], Jota Ishikawa [Graduate School of Economics], Eiichi Tomiura [Graduate School of Economics], Takashi Kurosaki [Institute of Economic Research], Yutaka Arimoto [Institute of Economic Research], Toshiaki Watanabe [Institute of Economic Research]
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Remarks: Registration is necessary for the participation. The registration is now closed.