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International Trade and Investment Workshop/Center for Research on Contemporary Economic Systems [Presentation in English]

International Trade and Investment Workshop/Center for Research on Contemporary Economic Systems [Presentation in English]

2018/11/8 (木) 17:10~18:40
November 8th (Thu) 17:10-18:40
第2研究館 2階 217室
Room 217 on the second floor of Faculty Building 2
報告者 ByeongHwa Choi (National Taiwan University)
論題 "Did Product and Geographical Diversification Soften the Impact of Global Trade Shocks?"
杉田洋一 [経済学研究科]・石川城太 [経済学研究科]
Organizers: Yoichi Sugita [Graduate School of Economics] and Jota Ishikawa [Graduate School of Economics]