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CEI Seminar/Economic Development Workshop [Presentation in English]

経済制度研究センターセミナー/経済発展研究会 (共催)
CEI Seminar/Economic Development Workshop [Presentation in English]

2017/1/30 (月) 10:30~12:00
January 30th (Mon) 10:30-12:00
経済研究所 3階 会議室 2
Seminar Room 2, 3rd Floor, IER
報告者 Eric Schneider (London School of Economics and Political Science)
論題 "Disease and Child Growth in Industrialising Japan: Assessing Instantaneous Changes in Growth and Changes in the Growth Pattern, 1911-39"
増田一八[経済研究所]・有本 寛 [経済研究所]
Organizers: Kazuya Masuda and Yutaka Arimoto [IER]

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