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経済発展研究会/経済制度研究センター/共同利用・共同研究拠点 (共催)
Economic Development Workshop/CEI Seminar/Joint Usage and Research Center Seminar [Presentation in English]

経済史ワークショップ Economic History Workshop
経済発展研究会/経済制度研究センター/共同利用・共同研究拠点 (共催)
Economic Development Workshop/CEI Seminar/Joint Usage and Research Center Seminar [Presentation in English]

2016/12/13 (火) 13:00~16:00
December 13th (Tue) 13:00-16:00
経済研究所 3階 会議室 3
Seminar Room 3, 3rd Floor, IER
1. Saumik Paul (Hitotsubashi University)
"1930-1942: Agrarian Transformation and the Famine in Bengal"
2. Mark Koyama (George Mason University)
"Economic Shocks, Inter-Ethnic Complementarities and the Persecution of Minorities: Evidence from the Black Death” (with Noel Johnson and Remi Jebwab)
3. Tuan-Hwee Sng (Singapore National University)
"State Capacity Under Different Economic Systems” (with Yi Lu and Mona Luan)
森口千晶 [経済研究所]・増田一八 [経済研究所]
Organizer: Chiaki Moriguchi [IER],Kazuya Masuda [IER]
備考 経済発展研究会のHP (Workshop Home Page):