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Industry and Labor Economics Workshop [Presentation in English]

産業・労働ワークショップ (臨時)
Industry and Labor Economics Workshop [Presentation in English]

2015/6/2 (火) 16:30~18:00
June 2nd (Tue) 16:30-18:00
磯野研究館 1階 第2研究小集会室 (1階南側118号室)
Room #118, Isono Building
報告者 Nuria Rodriguez-Planes (City University of New York)
論題 "Too Friendly For Too Long? The Consequences of Parents' Right to Request Part-Time Work"
真野裕吉 [経済学研究科]・臼井恵美子 [経済研究所]
Organizer: Yukichi Mano [Faculty of Economics] and Emiko Usui [IER]