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共同利用・共同研究拠点プロジェクト/Joint usage and Research Center Programs, Workshop on "Female Sex Ratio and Female Labor Participation"

日時 2023/11/2 (木) 10:00~17:30
場所 一橋大学経済研究所3階 大会議室
報告者1 Osamu Saito (Hitotsubashi University), Demographic Regimes in the Asian Past
報告者2 Gupta, Bishnupriya (University of Warwick), India
報告者3 Kim, Duol (Myongji University), Korea
報告者4 Fukao, Kyoji (Hitotsubashi University) and Settsu, Tokihiko (Musashi University), Japan and Taiwan
報告者5 Hu, Sijie (Renmin University of China), China
幹事 Kyoji Fukao [Hitotsubashi University]