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Center for Research on Contemporary Economic Systems/Industry and Labor Economics Workshop [Presentation in English]

現代経済システム研究センター/産業・労働ワークショップ (共催)
Center for Research on Contemporary Economic Systems/Industry and Labor Economics Workshop [Presentation in English]

2017/10/17 (火) 17:00~18:30
October 17th (Tue) 17:00-18:30
附属図書館会議室 (時計台棟1階)
Library Conference Room, ground floor of the Clock Tower
報告者 Chongwoo Choe (Department of Economics, Monash University)
論題 "Competitive price discrimination with sophisticated consumers" (tentative title)
平田大祐 [社会科学高等研究院]、田中万理 [経済学研究科]、神林 龍 [経済研究所]、森 啓明 [経済学研究科]
Organizers: Daisuke Hirata [Hitotsubashi Institute for Advanced Study], Mari Tanaka [Faculty of Economics], Ryo Kambayashi [IER] and Hiroaki Mori [Faculty of Economics]