A 21st-Century COE Program

Research Unit for Statistical Analysis in Social Sciences


A Science Research Grant Program

Japanfs Industrial Structure, Productivity and Economic Growth



Korea-Japan Workshop on the Industrial Productivity Database

February 27-March 1, 2004

Solaria Nishitetsu Hotel, Fukuoka, Japan


Links to Papers



February 27, 2004


Reception at Restaurant gAsagih on the 17th floor of Solaria Nishitetsu Hotel


February 28, 2004


Kyoji Fukao (Professor, Hitotsubashi University)

gIntroductory Speechh


Kyoji FUKAO (Professor, Hitotsubashi University)

Hyeog Ug KWON (Research Associate, Hitotsubashi University)

gOverview of the JIP Databaseh

gInput-Output Tables of the JIP Databaseh



Tsutomu MIYAGAWA (Professor, Gakushuin University)

Masahiro KAWAI (Associate Professor, Keio University)

Tatsuji MAKINO (Doctoral Student, Chuo University)

Sumio HAMAGATA (Doctoral Student, University of Tsukuba)

Yoko TAKAHASHI (Doctoral Student, Gakushuin University)

gCapital Stock Data of the JIP Databaseh

gLabor Input Data of the JIP Databaseh



Kyoji FUKAO (Professor, Hitotsubashi University)

Masahiro KAWAI (Associate Professor, Keio University)

Tsutomu MIYAGAWA (Professor, Gakushuin University)

Tomohiko INUI (Professor, Nihon University)

"Sectoral Productivity and Economic Growth in Japan: 1970-98"


Tomohiko INUI (Professor, Nihon University)

Hyeog Ug KWON (Research Associate, Hitotsubashi University)

"Survey: Did the TFP Growth Rate in Japan Decline in the 1990s?"


16:30-16:45                        Coffee Break



Hak K. PYO (Professor, Seoul National University)

Keun-Hee RHEE (Korea Productivity Center)

Bong Chan Ha (Doctoral Candidate, Seoul National University)

gGrowth Accounting, Productivity Analysis, and Purchasing Power Parity in Korea (1984-2000)h



Robert INKLAAR (University of Groningen)

Mary OfMahony (National Institute of Economic and Social Research, London)

Marcel Timmer (University of Groningen)

gICT and Europefs Productivity Performance: Industry-level Growth Account Comparisons with the United States.h



19:30 Dinner at Chinese Restaurant gTourinh in Nishitetsu Grand Hotel (two minutes walk from Solaria Nishitetsu Hotel)


February 29, 2004


              Hiromi NOSAKA (Assistant Professor, Hong Kong University of Science &


gThe Effects of Land Price on the Quality of Capital and Multi-factor Productivityh



Akira OTANI (Institute for Monetary and Economic Studies, Bank of Japan)

Shigenori SHIRATSUKA (Institute for Monetary and Economic Studies, Bank of


Masayuki NAKAKUGI (Institute for Monetary and Economic Studies, Bank of Japan)

gDistortions in Factor Markets and Economic Adjustments in the Economyh


10:30-10:45                       Coffee Break



Discussion of Future Joint Work on the Comparison of International Productivity

Hak K. PYO (Professor, Seoul National University)

gResearch Plan on Koreah

Kyoji FUKAO (Professor, Hitotsubashi University)

gResearch Plan on Japanh

Robert INKLAAR (University of Groningen)

gResearch Plan on the EUh


12F30                                Adjourn
