Research Center for Price Dynamics

ワーキングペーパー 2013年度

No.12: Naohito Abe, Chiaki Moriguchi and Noriko Inakura
"The Impact of the Great East Japan Earthquake on Commodity Prices: New Evidence from High-Frequency Scanner Data" PDF file

No.11: Naohito Abe and Kyosuke Shiotani
"Analysis of Price Level Heterogeneity across Households based on the Geary-Khamis Price Index" PDF file

No.10: Xiangdan Piao
"Sweets or Alcohol? The Gender Battle within Japanese Families" PDF file

No.9: 阿部修人
「若年者の直面する雇用・所得リスクに関する一考察 -パネルデータと予備的貯蓄モデルを用いた動学分析- 」 PDF file

No.8: Akiyuki Tonogi
"The Relation between Inventory Investment and Price Dynamics in a Distributive Firm" PDF file
