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Vol. 57, No. 3, pp. 208-223 (2006)

“Interregional Population Migration in Russia -Utilization of an Origin-to-Destination Table-”
Kazuhiro Kumo (Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University)

This study examines regional economic conditions and their effects on interregional population redistribution patterns in Russia. After reviewing striking changes in population flows before and after the collapse of the former Soviet Union, an application of the gravity model on population migration in Russia in 2003 is presented, using a newly obtained interregional in-and out-migration flow matrix, which is supplied by Rosstat (formerly Goskomstat). Gross migration patterns in the 2000s, when large scale transformational population flows have ceased, have not investigated so far in the existing literature. The analysis conducted focuses on geographical factors, which have been basically omitted in existing literature on migration patterns in transformational Russia. The attractiveness of Moscow regions and resource-mining areas is clearly presented.