SAWADA, Masayuki
Assistant Professor Research Division of Theories in Economics and Statistics
Specialization: Microeconomics, Applied Econometrics, Labor Economics
Previous research
I have studied econometric methods and their applications. My methodological contributions focus on the field of program evaluation, which explores how we estimate the effects of policy interventions with a limited set of observations. In particular, I have been interested in Differences-in-Differences approach, which exploits multiple periods of observations. In recent work, I use the baseline survey of experiments as a frequently available source of an additional period of observation. Using the additional dataset, I show that we may apply the Differences-in-Differences analogy in experimental studies to identify the effects which are usually not available. I also study the application of the econometric method. Recently, I demonstrate the use of a non-parametric identification strategy for production functions to estimate the effect of privatizations of Chinese firms. In that paper, we found that the privatization in China had sufficiently large positive impacts and that the impacts vary significantly across different sizes of firms.
Current research projects
Please visit the personal website.
program evaluation, SUTVA, roy model, production function