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氏    名 吉原 直毅
研究分野 厚生経済学, 数理マルクス経済学
所属学会 Econometric Society, Game Theory Society, Japanese Economic Association, Association for Public Economic Theory, Society for Economic Design, Society for Social Choice and Welfare
学歴職歴 1995年3月 一橋大学大学院経済学研究科博士後期課程単位取得
1995年4月 一橋大学経済学部助手
1996年4月 大阪大学社会経済研究所助手
1998年1月 北海道大学経済学部助教授
1999年10月 一橋大学経済研究所助教授
2007年4月 一橋大学経済研究所准教授
2001年9月―2003年8月 イェール大学政治学部客員研究員
2010年4月 一橋大学経済研究所教授
最終学歴 1995年3月 一橋大学大学院経済学研究科博士後期課程
博士(経済学) (一橋大学)(1996年2月)
受    賞 2010年10月 第1回経済理論学会奨励賞
 受賞著作 吉原直毅『労働搾取の厚生理論序説』(単著、岩波書店、2008年)
2011年5月 The Distinguished Achievement Award in Political Economy for The Twenty-First Century
 (by The World Association for Political Economy)








  1. "Technical change, capital accumulation, and distribution, " 制度的経済動学研究会、京都大学、2015年7月11日.
  2. "Technical change, capital accumulation, and distribution, " Social Welfare, Justice and Distribution, Queen Mary University of London, 20 June 2015.
  3. "Partially Honest Nash Implementation with Non-coordinated Honesty Standards, " Seminar at Sogang University, Sogang University, 4 June 2015.
  4. "Technical Change, Capital Accumulation, and Distribution, " Seminar at Seoul National University, Seoul National University, 2 June 2015.
  5. "Technical change, capital accumulation, and distribution," Tohoku Forum for Creativity Pre-Program 2014 Theoretical and Empirical Studies of the Effects of Technological Changes on Social Mobility and Income Distribution: Focusing on Inequalities of Social Mobility and Income in East Asia Annual Wrap-up Seminar, 東北大学, 2015年3月4日.
  6. 「現代経済学の継承的・批判的発展としてのポリティカルエコノミーの可能性:分析的経済理論と政治・歴史的洞察による包括的探求の必要性」,第62回経済理論学会,阪南大学, 2014年10月25日.
  7. "The Theory of Exploitation as the Unequal Exchange of Labor, " London workshop on economics and philosophy, Queen Mary University of London, 20 Octover 2014.
  8. "On the Existence and Characterization of Unequal Exchange in the Free Trade Equilibrium," 14th SAET Conference on Current Trends in Economics, WASEDA University, 21 August 2014.
  9. "The measurement of labour content: a general approach," SSCW(The 12th Meeting of the Society for Social Choice and Welfare),21 June 2014.
  10. "The Measurement of Labour Content: A General Approach," 2014 Annual Meetings of the Eastern Economic Association (Boston), March 2014.
  11. "Exploitation and Labor in Economies with Heterogeneous and Agents," 2014 ASSA ANNUAL MEETING (Philadelphia), January 2014.
  12. "A Progressive Report on Marxian Economic Theory: On the Controversies in Exploitation Theory since Okishio (1963)," Workshop of Economic Theory and Political Economy, November 25, 2013, University of Massachusetts at Amherst.
  13. "The Measurement of Labour Content: A General Approach," 第61回経済理論学会年次大会, 専修大学, 2013年10月6日.
  14. 「プログレッシブ・レポート:マルクス的経済理論の新展開」, 経済理論学会第1回若手セミナー, 専修大学, 2013年10月4日.
  15. "Partially-Honest Nash Implementation: Characterization Results," Game Theory Society 2012 (Istanbul Bilgi University), July 2012.
  16. "On feasibility of basic income," Fairness and the Welfare State in the Age of Aging (Korea University), May 2012.
  17. "Exploitation as the Unequal Exchange of Labour: An Axiomatic Approach," 2012 ASSA ANNUAL MEETING (Chicago), January 2012.
  18. "Exploitation as the Unequal Exchange of Labour: An Axiomatic Approach," 15th Conference of the Research Network on Macroeconomics and Macroeconomic Policies (FMM) (Berlin), October 2011.
  19. "Proportional Nash solutions-A new and procedural analysis of nonconvex bargaining problems ," CEPET Summer Workshop 2011 (Udine, Italy), June 2011.
  20. "Profits and Exploitation: A Reappraisal ," The Sixth Forum of the World Association for Political Economy (The University of Massachusetts Amherst), May 2011.
  21. "Exploitation as the Unequal Exchange of Labour: An Axiomatic Approach ," 37th Annual Conference of Eastern Economic Association (New York), February 2011.
  22. "On Public Decision Making: From an Approach of Social Choice Theory," 7th Japanese-German Frontiers of Science Symposium (Potsdam), November 2010.
  23. "Globalization and Exploitation: A Dynamic General Equilibrium Model of Uniqual Exchange ," 14th Conference of the Research Network on Macroeconomics and Macroeconomic Policies(FMM) (Berlin), October 2010.
  24. "Nash Implementation in Production Economies with Unequal Skills: A Complete Characterization ," The 10th International Meeting of the Society for Social Choice and Welfare (The University-Higher School of Economics), July 2010.
  25. "Exploitation as the Unequal Exchange of Labour: An Axiomatic Approach ," CEPET 2010 Workshop in honor of Nick Baigent (Graz University), June 2010.
  26. "Exploitation as the Unequal Exchange of Labour: An Axiomatic Approach ," International Conference on Inequality (Korea University), May 2010.
  27. "Injustice of exploitation: an axiomatic approach ," 2009 Far East and South Asia Meeting of the Econometric Society (University of Tokyo), August 2009.
  28. "On the General Existence of Party-Unanimity Nash Equilibrium in Multi-dimensional Political Competition Games,'' The 9th International Meeting of the Society for Social Choice and Welfare (Concordia University), June 2008.
  29. "Alternative Characterizations of Three Solutions in Convex and Nonconvex Bargaining Problems," The Asian Decentralization Conference 2005 (Seoul National University), May 2005.
  30. "A New Insight into Three Bargaining Solutions in Convex Problems,'' International Conference in Game Theory and Mathematical Economics 2004 (Walzawa University), September 2004.
  31. "Imperialist Policies vs. Welfare States Policies,'' Public Economic Theory Conference 04 (Peking University), August 2004.
  32. "Imperialist Policies vs. Welfare States Policies,'' The 7th International Meeting of the Society for Social Choice and Welfare (Osaka University), July 2004.
  33. "Triple Implementation in Production Economies with unequal skills by Sharing Mechanisms,'' The 2nd World Congress of Game Theory Society (Marseille), July 2004.
  34. "On the Libertarian Assignments of Individual Rights," 2004 Annual Meeting of Public Choice Society, Baltimore, March 2004.
  35. "On Recent Developments in Game Theoretic Approaches to Individual Right,'' The 10th Osnabruck Seminar on Individual Decisions and Social Choice (University of Osnabruck), September 2003.
  36. "On the Libertarian Assignments of Individual Rights," The 3rd International Conference on Logic, Game Theory and Social Choice (Siena, Italy), September 2003.
  37. "Existence of Social Ordering Functions Which Embody Procedural and Consequential Values,'' 2003 Annual Meeting of Public Choice Society, Nashville, March 2003.
  38. "A Mechanism Design for a Solution to the Tragedy of Commons,'' The International Congress of Mathematics 2002: Game Theory and Applications (Qingdao University), August 2002.
  39. "A Mechanism Design for a Solution to the Tragedy of Commons,'' The 1st Brazilian Workshop of the Game Theory Society (University of Sao Paulo), July 2002.
  40. "On Libertarian Rights Assignments,'' The 6th International Meeting of the Society for Social Choice and Welfare (Caltech), July 2002.
  41. "A Mechanism Design for a Solution to the Tragedy of Commons,'' The 2nd International Conference of the Society for Economic Design (New York University), July 2002.
  42. "Axiomatic Bargaining Theory in Production Economies: Responsibility and Compensation Viewpoints,'' Advances in Game Theory and Related Topics joint with Game Practice III (in honor of Stef Tijs) (Tilburg University), June 2002.
  43. "Axiomatic Bargaining Theory in Production Economies: Responsibility and Compensation Viewpoints,'' The 2nd International Workshop of Cooperative Games (University of Twente), June 2002.
  44. "Characterizations of Bargaining Solutions in Production Economies with Unequal Skills," The 1st World Congress of Game Theory Society (Bilbao) 2000年7月.
  45. "Characterizations of Bargaining Solutions in Production Economies with Unequal Skills," The 5th International Meeting of the Society for Social Choice and Welfare (University of Alicante) 2000年7月.
  46. "On Efficient and Procedurally-Fair Equilibrium Allocations in Sharing Games," The International Conference of the Society for Economic Design (Istanbul) 2000年6月.
  47. "On the Existence of Procedurally Fair Allocation Rules in Economic Environments," The XIIth World Congress of International Economic Association (University of Buenosailes) 1999年8月.
  48. "On the Existence of Procedurally Fair Allocation Rules in Economic Environments," The International Conference on Axiomatic Resource Allocation Theory (Namur University) 1999年6月.
  49. "A Game Form Approach to Theories of Distributive Justice: Formalizing Needs Principle," The International Conference on Logic, Game Theory and Social Choice '99 (Tilburg University), 1999年5月.
  50. "A Game Form Approach to Theories of Distributive Justice: Formalizing Needs Principle," and "A Social Procedure for Choosing Fair Allocation Rules: Formalizing the Rawlsian Principles of Justice," The 4th International Meeting of the Society for Social Choice and Welfare (University of British Columbia) 1998年7月.
  51. "A Characterization of Natural and Double Implementation in Production Economies," Far Eastern Meeting of Econometric Society 1997 Hong Kong (Chinese University of Hong Kong) 1997年7月.
  52. "Characterizations of Public Ownership Solutions," The Conference on Axiomatics of Resource Allocations (University of Montreal) 1996年6月.



▼査読論文(English) ▼査読論文(Japanese) ▼その他 ▼ディスカッション・ペーパー


  1. 『労働搾取の厚生理論序説』(経済研究叢書)岩波書店,2008年2月.


  1. 『Rational Choice and Social Welfare: Theory and Applications』, (joint eds with P. Pattanaik, K. Tadenuma and Y. Xu), November 2008, Springer.


  1. 『グローバルな正義』(joint with 宇佐美誠・長谷川晃・後藤玲子・瀧川裕英・森村進・伊藤恭彦・神島裕子・桜井徹・施光恒・松本雅和), 勁草書房, 2014年10月.
  2. 『応用倫理学辞典』, 丸善出版,2007年11月.
  3. 『マルクスの使いみち』, (joint with 稲葉振一郎・松尾匡) , 大田出版2006年3月.


  1. Roemer, J. E. (2008): "Prospects for achieving equality in market economies," (吉原直毅訳「市場経済での平等化の達成についての展望」), 『季刊経済理論』44巻4号, pp. 6-19, 2008年1月.

査読論文 (English)

  1. Roberto Veneziani, Naoki Yoshihara “Unequal Exchange, Assets, and Power: Recent Development in Exploitation Theory” in C. Binder et al. (eds.), Individual and Collective choice and Social Welfare, Studies in Choice and Welfare, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2015.
  2. "Exploitation in economies with heterogeneous preferences, skills and assets: An axiomatic approach," (with Roberto Veneziani), Journal of Theoretical Politics 27(1), July, 2014, pp.8-33.
  3. "Rationality and solutions to nonconvex bargaining problems: rationalizability and Nash solutions"(with Yongsheng Xu), Mathematical Social Sciences 66, July 2013, pp. 66-70.
  4. "A Full Characterization of Nash Implementation with Strategy Space Reduction, " (with Michele Lombardi), Economic Theory 54, September 2013, pp.131-151.
  5. "Exploitation of Labour and Exploitation of Commodities: a "New Interpretation"" (with Roberto Veneziani), Review of Radical Political Economics 45, December 2013, pp. 517-524.
  6. "Profits and Exploitation: A Reappraisal, " (with Roberto Veneziani), Advances in Mathematical Economics 16, September 2012, pp. 85-109.
  7. "Strong Subjectivism in the Marxian Theory of Exploitation: A Critique," (joint with Roberto Veneziani) Metroeconomica 62, February 2011, pp. 53-68.
  8. "Commodity Content in a General Input-Output: A Comment, " (with R. Veneziani), Metroeconomica 61, November 2010, pp. 740-748.
  9. "Alternative Characterizations of the Proportional Solution for Nonconvex Bargaining Problems with Claims," (with Michele Lombardi) Economics Letters 108, September 2010, pp. 229-232.
  10. "Exploitation and Productivity: The Generalised Commodity Exploitation Theorem Once Again," (joint with Roberto Veneziani) Bulletin of Political Economy 4, 2010, pp. 45-58.
  11. "Class and Exploitation in General Convex Cone Economies," Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 75, August 2010, pp. 281-296.
  12. "On Non-welfarist Social Ordering Functions," in P. Patanaik, K. Tadenuma, Y. Xu, and N. Yoshihara, eds., Rational Choice and Social Welfare: Theory and Applications, September 2008, Springer, pp. 43-67.
  13. "The Behavior of Solutions to Bargaining Problems on the Basis of Solidarity," (joint with Yongsheng Xu) Japanese Economic Review 59, March, 2008, pp. 133-138.
  14. "A Mechanism Design for a Solution to the Tragedy of the Commons," (joint with Akira Yamada) Review of Economic Design 11, February 2008, pp. 253-270.
  15. "Corrigendum to "Alternative characterizations of three bargaining solutions for nonconvex problems" [Games Econ. Behav. 57 (2006) 86-92] " (joint with Y. Xu), Games and Economic Behavior 61, November 2007, p. 359.
  16. "Fundamental Incompatibility among Economic Efficiency, Intergenerational Equity, and Sustainability," in (Roemer, J. E. and K. Suzumura, eds., Intergenerational Equity and Sustainability: Conference Proceedings of the IEA Roundtable Meeting on Intergenerational Equity, Vol. 143, Palgrave Macmillan, November 2007.
  17. "Triple Implementation in Production Economies with unequal skills by Sharing Mechanisms," (joint with Akira Yamada) International Journal of Game Theory 36, February 2007, pp. 85-106.
  18. "Alternative Characterizations of Three Bargaining Solutions for Nonconvex Problems," (joint with Y. Xu), Games and Economic Behavior 57, October 2006, pp. 86-92.
  19. "Solidarity and Cooperative Bargaining Solutions," in A. Wieczorek, M. Malawski, and A. Wiszniewska-Matyszkiel, eds., Game Theory and Mathematical Economics, Banach Center Publications 70, April 2006, Warszawa, pp. 317-330.
  20. "Extended Social Ordering Functions for Rationalizing Fair Game Forms in the sense of Rawls and Sen," (joint with R. Gotoh and K.Suzumura), International Journal of Economic Theory 1, March 2005, pp. 21-41.
  21. "Characterizations of Bargaining Solutions in Production Economies with Unequal Skills," Journal of Economic Theory 108, February 2003, pp. 256-285.
  22. "A Class of Fair Distribution Rules a la Rawls and Sen," (with Reiko. Gotoh) Economic Theory 22, August 2003, pp. 63-88.
  23. "A Characterization of Natural and Double Implementation in Production Economies," Social Choice and Welfare 17-4, August 2000, pp. 571-599.
  24. "Natural and Double Implementation of Public Ownership Solutions in Differentiable Production Economies," Review of Economic Design 4-2, July 1999, pp. 127-151.
  25. "A Game Form Approach to Theories of Distributive Justice:-Formalizing Needs Principle-," (with Reiko Gotoh), in Harrie de Swart, eds., Logic, Game Theory and Social Choice, May 1999, Tilburg: Tilburg University Press, pp. 168-183.
  26. "Characterizations of the Public and Private Ownership Solutions," Mathematical Social Sciences 35-2, March 1998, pp. 165-184.
  27. "Wealth, Exploitation, and Labor Discipline in the Contemporary Capitalist Economy," Metroeconomica 49-1, February 1998, pp.23-61.

査読論文 (Japanese)

  1. 「マルクス的経済理論における置塩(1963)以降の進展――搾取理論の場合」, 『季刊 経済理論』 50巻4号, 2014年1月, pp. 16-41.
  2. 「資本主義分析の基礎理論研究の現状及び『新しい福祉社会』モデルの探求」 『比較経済研究』 50巻2号, 2013年6月, pp. 17-33.
  3. 「非経済的動機を導入した経済理論の可能性―カント的アプローチ―」 (joint with 奥島真一郎) 『経済研究』 63巻4号, 2012年10月、pp. 346-364.
  4. 「書評『アナルティカル・マルクシズムー平易な解説』 トム・メイヤー著/瀬戸岡  紘 監訳 (桜井書店, 2005年)」, 『季刊 経済理論』 48巻4号, 2012年1月, pp. 104-106.
  5. 「公共的活動におけるモラル・モチベーション」 (joint with 林行成・奥島真一郎・山田玲良) 『経済研究』 62巻1号, 2011年1月、pp. 1-19.
  6. 「『労働搾取の厚生理論序説』についての幾つかの補論」, 『季刊 経済理論』 47巻2号, 2010年7月, pp. 49-63.
  7. 「藤森頼明「書評『労働搾取の厚生理論序説』」 への返書, 『季刊 経済理論』 46巻4号, 2010年1月, pp. 101-103.
  8. 「21世紀における労働搾取理論の新展開」『経済研究』 60巻3号、2009年7月, pp.205-227.
  9. 「<格差社会>化とオールタナティブ:特集にあたって」『季刊経済理論』 44巻4号, 2008年1月, pp. 3-5.
  10. 「交渉問題における分配的正義論」『経済研究』 58巻2号, 2007年4月, pp. 136-150.
  11. 「『福祉国家』政策論への規範経済学的基礎付け」『経済研究』 57巻1号, 2006年1月, pp. 72-91.
  12. 「再論:70年代マルクス派搾取理論再検証」『季刊経済理論』 42巻3号, 2005年10月, pp. 63-75.
  13. 「『基本所得』政策の規範的経済理論:―「福祉国家」政策の厚生経済学序説―」 (joint with 後藤玲子) 『経済研究』 55巻3号, 2004年7月, pp. 230-244.
  14. 「自由主義的権利のゲーム理論的分析」 『経済研究』 54巻 1号, 2003年1月, pp. 1-18.
  15. 「マルクス派搾取理論再検証; 70年代転化論争の軌跡」『経済研究』 52巻3号, 2001年7月, pp. 253-268.
  16. 「責任と補償:厚生経済学の新しいパラダイム」 (joint with鈴村興太郎) 『経済研究』 51巻2号, 2000年4月, pp. 162-184.


  1. 「グローバル不正義としての南北間搾取」宇佐美誠(編)『グローバルな正義』勁草書房, 2014年10月.
  2. 吉原直毅,「古典派及びマルクスの経済理論-一般均衡理論的アプローチ」,丸山徹編『経済学のエピメーテウス―高橋誠一郎の世界をのぞんで』,知泉書館, pp. 105-160, 2010年12月.
  3. 「政策基礎理論としての厚生経済学の限界と今後の可能性」, 宇佐美誠編『法学と経済学のあいだ:規範と制度を考える』勁草書房, 2010年11月, pp. 85-107.
  4. 「ジョン・ローマーにおける「政治経済学」の研究」, 須賀晃一・斉藤純一編『政治経済学の規範理論』勁草書房, 2011年3月, pp. 83-98.
  5. 連載「福祉社会の経済学」『経済セミナー』2008年4月~2009年3月.
  6. 「ワークフェア」『応用倫理学辞典』(項目執筆)丸善出版,2008年, pp. 694-695.
  7. 「ベーシックインカム」『応用倫理学辞典』(項目執筆)丸善出版,2008年,pp. 696-697.
  8. 「市場経済の下での平等主義的社会への制度設計の展望――ジョン・E・ローマーの一橋大学COE・RES公開講義」 『経済セミナー』 No. 626, 2007年5月号, pp. 12-15.
  9. 「アナリティカル・マルクシズムにおける労働搾取理論」『経済学研究』(北海道大学)56巻2号, 2006年11月, pp. 63-97.
  10. 「負の公共財排出を伴う超長期的な世代間資源配分」 in 鈴村興太郎編『世代間衡平性の論理と倫理』東洋経済新報社, 2006年7月, pp. 137-176.
  11. 「分配的正義の経済哲学:厚生主義から非厚生主義へ」 『再分配とデモクラシーの政治経済学』 (藪下・須賀・若田部編) 東洋経済新報社 2006年3月, pp. 121-191.
  12. 「『新自由主義』に対する科学的オールタナティブ構想に向けて」 『季刊at』 No. 2, 2005年12月号, pp. 76-88.
  13. 「『福祉国家』政策の規範的経済理論:その可能性についての一試論」 『経済セミナー』 No. 597, 2004年10月号, pp. 28-33.
  14. 「アマルティア・センと社会的選択論」 『アマルティア・センの世界』(絵所秀紀, 山崎幸治編) 晃洋書房, 2004年5月, pp.51-82.
  15. 「分配的正義の経済理論:責任と補償アプローチ」 『経済学研究』(北海道大学)53巻3号, 2003年12月, pp. 373-401.
  16. 「分配的正義の理論への数理経済学的アプローチ」『アナリティカ ル・マルクシズム』 (高増明, 松井暁 編)ナカニシヤ出版, 1999年6月, pp. 152-175.
  17. 「搾取と階級の一般理論」『アナリティカル・マルクシズム』 (高増明, 松井暁 編) ナカニシヤ出版, 1999年6月, pp. 66-85.


  1. 「ヘクシャー=オリーン=サミュエルソン貿易理論と資本理論」(with 黒瀬一弘), IER Discussion Paper Series A. No.622, The Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University, February 2015.
  2. "The Dynamics of Exploitation and Class in Accumulation Economies," (with J. F. Cogliano and R Veneziani) IER Discussion Paper Series A. No.621, The Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University, December 2014.
  3. “On the Existence and Characterization of Unequal Exchange in the Free Trade Equilibrium” (with Soh Kaneko) IER Discussion Paper Series A. No.620, The Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University, December 2014.
  4. "Natural Implementation with Partially-honest Agents in Economic Environments with Free-disposal," (with M. Lombardi) IER Discussion Paper Series A. No.616, The Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University, September 2014.
  5. "One Million Miles to Go: Taking the Axiomatic Road to Defining Exploitation," (with R. Veneziani) IER Discussion Paper Series A. No.615, The Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University, August 2014.
  6. "On the Ricardian Invariable Measure of Value: A General Possibility of the Standard Commodity," (with K. Kurose) IER Discussion Paper Series A. No.608, The Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University, May 2014.
  7. "A Progressive Report on Marxian Economic Theory: On the Controversies in Exploitation Theory since Okishio (1963)," IER Discussion Paper Series A. No.607, The Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University, May 2014.
  8. "グローバル不正義としての南北間搾取" IER Discussion Paper Series A. No.606, The Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University, May 2014.
  9. "On the Ricardian Invariable Measure of Value in General Convex Economies : Applicability of the Standard Commodity" (with K. Kurose) IER Discussion Paper Series A. No.597, The Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University, December 2013.
  10. "マルクス的経済理論における置塩(1963)以降の進展--搾取理論の場合--." IER Discussion Paper Series A. No.596, The Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University, December 2013.
  11. "Unequal Exchange, Assets, and Power: Recent Developments in Exploitation Theory." (with R. Veneziani) IER Discussion Paper Series A. No.594, The Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University, September 2013.
  12. "Natural Implementation with Partially Honest Agents in Economic Environments." (with M. Lombardi) IER Discussion Paper Series A. No.592, The Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University, July 2013.
  13. "Securing Basic Well-being for All." (with R. Gotoh) IER Discussion Paper Series A. No.591, The Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University, July 2013.
  14. "Partially Honest Nash Implementation : A Full Characterization." (with M. Lombardi) IER Discussion Paper Series A. No.590, The Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University, July 2013.
  15. "The Measurement of Labour Content: A General Approach." (with R. Veneziani) IER Discussion Paper Series A. No.587, The Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University, May 2013.
  16. "Rationality and Solutions to Nonconvex Bargaining Problems : Rationalizability and Nash Solutions" (with Yongsheng Xu) IER Discussion Paper Series A. No.580, The Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University, November 2012.
  17. "Exploitation in Economies with Heterogeneous Preferences, Skills and Assets: An Axiomatic Approach" (with R. Veneziani) IER Discussion Paper Series A. No.579, The Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University, November 2012.
  18. "Natural Implementation with Partially Honest Agents" (with M. Lombardi ) IER Discussion Paper Series A. No.561, The Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University, February 2012.
  19. "Corrigendum to "Class and Exploitation in General Convex Cone Economies" [Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 75 (2010) 281-296]" IER Discussion Paper Series A. No.560, The Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University, February 2012.
  20. "Exploitation of Labour and Exploitation of Commodities: A "New Interpretation"" (with R. Veneziani) IER Discussion Paper Series A. No.556, The Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University, November 2011.
  21. "Partially-honest Nash Implementation: Characterization Results" (with M. Lombardi ) IER Discussion Paper Series A. No.555, The Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University, November 2011.
  22. "Proportional Nash solutions - A new and procedural analysis of nonconvex bargaining problems" (with Yongsheng Xu) IER Discussion Paper Series A. No.552, The Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University, June 2011.
  23. "Rationality and Solutions to Nonconvex Bargaining Problems: Rationalizable, Asymmetric and Nash Solutions" (with Yongsheng Xu) IER Discussion Paper Series A. No.551, The Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University, May 2011.
  24. "Exploitation and Productiveness: The Generalised Commodity Exploitation Theorem Once Again" (with R. Veneziani) IER Discussion Paper Series A. No.550, The Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University, May 2011.
  25. "Profits and Exploitation: A Reappraisal" (with R. Veneziani) IER Discussion Paper Series A. No.549, The Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University, April 2011.
  26. "A Full Characterization of Nash Implementation with Strategy Space Reduction" (with M. Lombardi ) IER Discussion Paper Series A. No.548, The Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University, April 2011.
  27. "Exploitation and Profits: A General Axiomatic Approach in Convex Economies with Heterogeneous Agents" (with R. Veneziani) IER Discussion Paper Series A. No.542, The Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University, October 2010.
  28. "A Full Characterization of Nash Implementation with Strategy Space Reduction" (with M. Lombardi) IER Discussion Paper Series A. No.538, The Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University, March 2010.
  29. "Rationality and the Nash Solution to Non-convex Bargaining Problems" (with Yongsheng Xu) IER Discussion Paper Series A. No.537, The Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University, March 2010.
  30. "Nash Implementation in Production Economies with Unequal Skills:A Complete Characterization" (with A. Yamada) IER Discussion Paper Series A. No.536, The Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University, March 2010.
  31. "Exploitation as the Unequal Exchange of Labour: An Axiomatic Approach," (with R. Veneziani) IER Discussion Paper Series A. No.524, The Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University, December 2009.
  32. "On Initial Conferment of Individual Rights," (with Kotaro Suzumura) IER Discussion Paper No. 502, The Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University, July 2008.
  33. "A Theory of Political Competition over Military Policy and Income Redistribution," IER Discussion Paper No. 503, The Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University, July 2008.
  34. "Reexamination of the Marxian Exploitation Theory," IER Discussion Paper No. 481, The Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University, May 2006.
  35. "Axiomatic bargaining theory on opportunity assignments," (with Yongsheng Xu), IER Discussion Paper No. 473, The Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University, January 2006.
  36. "On Efficient and Procedurally-Fair Equilibrium Allocations in Sharing Games," Discussion Paper No. 397, The Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University, October 2000.
  37. "On Existence of Procedurally Fair Allocation Rules in Economic Environments," (joint with R. Gotoh and K. Suzumura) IER Discussion Paper, No. 379, The Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University, June 1999.


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