
u`^ w Comparative Politics x


The course aims at addressing the complex relationship between economic modernization and political development, with particular focus on the successful policies implemented by the East Asian countiries. The East Asian model of development is still of considerable interest, despite the weaknesses which were highlighted by the financial and economic crisis of the late 1990s. After a general introduction on the Asian model of development and the financial crisis, the course deals in particular with the cases of Japan and China.

Lecture 1: 15/10/2007 The Japanese Model and Institutional Change
Lecture 2: 16/10/2007 The Crisis of Japanese Capitalism
Lecture 3: 18/10/2007 Policy Reform Japanese Style
Lecture 4: 19/10/2007 The Varieties of Reform
Lecture 5: 22/10/2007 Corporate Restructuring Japanese Style
Lecture 6: 23/10/2007 The Varieties of Restructuring
Lecture 7: 26/10/2007 Japan's New Model