


自己組織化の経済学 自己組織化の経済学―経済秩序はいかに創発するか
ポール クルーグマン (著), Paul Krugman (原著), 北村 行伸 (翻訳), 妹尾 美起 (翻訳)
価格(税別): ¥1,800
単行本 - 206 p (1997/08/01)
東洋経済新報社 ; ISBN: 4492312404 ; サイズ(cm): 18 x 13
その他のエディション: ペーパーバック (英語版)

Reason, Steven Postrel
The book is a piece of serious popular science writing; the author tries to be engaging and clear but is not afraid to use a little mathematics. Krugman's exuberance in describing his work helps get the reader over the rough spots. As a set of lectures aimed at people with backgrounds in economics, it also includes some technical sections that would be hard going for the uninitiated. Fortunately, these can be skipped with little loss of meaning.
Krugman's general approach seems plausible for developing a general understanding of self-organization and complexity, for two reasons. First, he is willing to suppose that there is more than one process going on in the world, as shown by his instability and growth models. It really does seem absurd to suppose that the power law for word-use frequencies in English is generated by the same kind of process that determines earthquakes. SOC, order from instability, and Simon-style growth models appear to be independent explanations for power-law regularities. Second, Krugman starts with a more grounded understanding of the phenomena he studies, so that he knows better what features of reality are lost when he simplifies things in his models.
--This text refers to the paperback edition of this title
