The Asian Network for the Philosophy of the Social Sciences (ANPOSS), the European Network for the Philosophy of the Social Sciences (ENPOSS), and the Philosophy of Social Science Roundtable (POSS-RT) are pleased to announce their first joint conference that will be held between March 4-7, 2021. The conference will be held on-line due to the ongoing covid-19 situation. Contributions from all areas within the philosophy of the social sciences are encouraged, as well as contributions from both philosophers and social scientists. This joint meeting will be hosted by Reiko Gotoh at Hitotsubashi University in Tokyo.
Remarks by Reiko Gotoh (Local Organizer, ANPOSS Committee Member) Opening Remarks/Closing Remarks
Briefing by Keiko Matsui Gibson (Kanda University of International Studies) Briefing
Keynote speakers (Slides, Scripts and Paper are posted until end-March, 2021):
"On Keynes' s Ethics as Eudaimonia" Abstract
"Popper's Sociology of Science and its Political Deficit" Abstract
"MIKI Kiyoshi and the Philosophy of Social Sciences" Abstract
"Rawls’s Overly Moralized Conception of Power as an Obstacle to Confronting Structural Injustice" Abstract
"Vaihinger's Fictionalism Meets Binmore's Knowledge-as-Commitment" Abstract
Program: Please see here. (Updated on March 6) Session 7 on March 6 starts at 17:50
List of Presenters: Please see here. (Updated on March 3)
Accepted Abstracts: Please see here. (Updated on March 3)
Registration CLOSED
Registration is required for participants who do not present a paper at the conference. There is no registration fee. Please register from the following link:
Call for Papers: Please see here.
Important Dates:
Contributions can be either of individual papers or of special-theme, and must be submitted through EasyChair:
- Deadline for submission: December 20th, 2020 (Submission Closed)
- Notification of acceptance: January 20th, 2021
For informal inquiries, please contact the local organizers at anposs2021tokyo (at-mark)