Table 3 Tax rates and grain purchase quota in Sonch'on County in 1946

           No. of        Tax rates in:      Quota of 
           households    Rice   Coarse      purchase    
           listed               grains
Code of                           (%) 
    A        27         33    33-50           *
    B        82         27    50-65         n.a.
    C        26       25-43   35-55      about half as much
                                         as tax in rice
    D        27       24-32   20-33         n.a.
    E        80         25      25       10-20% of tax in rice
    F        27       27-40   30-100        n.a. 
    G        41       30-33   15-45      slightly smaller than
                                         tax in rice
    H        39       28-38   25-90           **
    I        38         25    27-35      about half as much as tax
                                         in rice & greater than tax
                                         in coarse grains
    J        40        30-40   30-40        n.a.
    K        58        28-38   28-50     slightly smaller than tax in
    L        35        33-40   25-100    almost as much as tax in rice
    M        33        25-38   45-50     almost as much as tax in rice
    N        44        25-28   25-38            **
    O        47        25-37   25-50        n.a.
    P        44         ***    30-90        n.a.

Notes:The names of ri, tong or purak referred to in each report are as follows. Report A Yonsan,G Sangch'on, H Musong, K and L Ryongdong, M Nukch'on, O Puyang, P Taeri, R Samsongdong Neadongand S Kop'o. The other reports carry no names of it on the head.
n.a. indicates no entry of figures.

* In Report A, figures on tax in kind are exactly repeated for quota of grain purchase.Because doubling these figures often exceeds 100% of the harvest on individual farms, they cannotbe taken to indicate the quota.

** Purchase quota is expressed in tu whereas tax in rice in kama, so relative weight of the twocannot be calculated.

*** Tax in rice is expressed in tu while the harvest of rice in kama. Source: 2005/4/25.