Table 2 Amounts of the planned state purchase and total outputs of grains in 1946

                                                    ('000 MT)
               Amounts of 
               Planned purchase               Total outputs

             Rice (%)   Coarse grains (%)    Rice    Coarse grains 
S. P'yongan  12.4 (5.7)    18.6 (9.0)        218.8      205.9
N. P'yongan  15.4 (6.5)    23.1 (10.0)       238.1      230.8
Hwanghae     16.0 (5.0)    24.0 (12.7)       317.9      188.3
Kangwon       5.2 (4.2)     7.8 (12.7)       124.0       61.5
S.Hamgyong    8.0 (4.2)    12.0 (8.4)        187.3      143.5
N.Hamgyong    3.0 (10.2)    4.5 (8.6)         29.4       52.3
Total        60.0 (5.4)    90.0 (10.2)     1,115.6      882.2

Notes: Rice in paddy. Inside the parentheses is the proportion to total outputs.
Sources: PPC Decision no. 63 (Kukp'yon 1988, 343); 1946 nyondo Pukchoson Inmin KyongjeT'ongye-chip in Pukhan Kyongje T'onggye Charyojip 1946-1948(Hallim Taehakkyo 1994, 35-36).