

Book :

Biographcal introduction PDF (413KB) of the Japanese edition, Jean Tirole (2018)『Economics for the Common Good: 良き社会のための経済学 (Yoki shakai no tame no keizai-gaku)』Translated by Akiko Murai, Tokyo: Nikkei Publishing Inc, 616 pages (pp.583-595), August 28. ISBN:9784532357825  English edition: Jean Tirole (2017) Economics for the Common Good, Translated by Steven Rendall, Princeton University Press.
Ngee-Choon Chia, Yukinobu Kitamura and Albert K.C. Tsui (2008) "1. The Pension System in Japan and Retirement Needs of the Japanese Elderly", Ageing in Southeast and East Asia, Lee Hock Guan ed., Singapore: ISEAS Publishing, 247 pages (pp.1-21), March. ISBN 9789812307668(HC), Book Info.
Yukinobu Kitamura, Noriyuki Takayama and Fumiko Arita (2003) "5. Household Saving and Wealth Distribution in Japan", Life-Cycle Savings and Public Policy: A Cross-National Study of Six Countries, Axel Börsch-Supan ed, San Diego: Academic Press, 402 pages (pp. 149-203), December 23. ISBN 9780121098919(HC) Book Info.
Yukinobu Kitamura, Megumi Suto and Juro Ternishi (2003) "Chapter 14: Reflections on the New Financial System in Japan", Designing Financial Systems in East Asia and Japan, Joseph P. H. Fan, Masaharu Hanazaki, and Juro Teranishi eds., London: Routledge Curzon, 416 pages (pp.334-384), Feb. ISBN 9780415322546(HC) Book Info.
Noriyuki Takayama, Yukinobu Kitamura and Hiroshi Yoshida (1999) "19. Generational Accounting in Japan", Generational Accounting Around the World (National Bureau of Economic Research Project Report), Alan J. Auerbach, Laurence J. Kotlikoff, Willi Leibfritz eds., Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 533 pages (pp. 447-470), May. ISBN 9780226032139 Book Info.
Noriyuki Takayama and Yukinobu Kitamura (1994) "3. Household Saving Behavior in Japan", International Comparisons of Household Saving (National Bureau of Economic Research Project Report), James M. Poterba ed., Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 286 pages (pp. 125-167), December. ISBN 9780226676210(HC) Book Info.
Wataru Takahashi and Yukinobu Kitamura (1994) "6. Consumer Behaviour in Japan under Financial Liberalization and Demographic Change", The Structure of the Japanese Economy: Changes on the Domestic and International Fronts, Mitsuaki Okabe ed., London: Palgrave Macmillan, 470 pages (pp. 135-167), October 1. ISBN 9780312122195 Book Info.
Takatoshi Ito and Yukinobu Kitamura (1994) "6. Public Policies and Household Saving in Japan", Public Policies and Household Saving (National Bureau of Economic Research Project Report), James M. Poterba ed., Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 198 pages (pp. 133-160), May. ISBN 9780226676180 Book Info.