表5 GDP(1983年価格、billionルピア); 主要セクター別

   Food crops  Cash crops  Manufacturing 
and mining
 Trade   Transport 
and comm.
 Banking and 
 GDP per capita
 1900  2,308 117 1,225 930 297 219 1,838
 1910  2,858 167 1,327 1,202 682 288 2,077
 1920  3,201 236 1,778 1,556 1,367 384 2,432
 1929  3,293 449 2,573 2,157 2,110 513 2,858
 1940  4,480 546 3,229 2,074 1,699 725 2,746
 1950  3,806 751 3,077 1,566 1,185 482 2,041
 1960  5,008 805 4,473 2,472 1,992 809 2,441
 1967  5,017 835 4,173 2,818 1,465 563 2,141
 1980  9,549 1,423 8,431 7,246 3,206 1,858 3,726

 資料: Eng (1992).

 注: oil and gas は1983年 shadow price で評価 .