
@ 1950/51 1960/61 1970/71 1980/81
‚P. Banking Sector 2,853 5,811 17,194 87,459
i82.0j (6,802) (66.6) (67.8)
@‚) Reserve Bank of India 1,601 2,478 5,463 25,383
(46.0) (29.1) (21.0) (19.7)
@‚‚) Commercial Banks 1,080 2,257 6,862 47,066
(31.0) (26.5) (26.3) (36.5)
@‚ƒ) Co-operative Banks 172 1,076 4,869 15,010
(4.9) (12.6) (18.7) (11.6)
‚Q. Other Financial Institutions 628 2,706 8,844 41,456
(18) (31.8) (34.8) (32.2)
‚R. Total Assets of Fiancial Institutions (1+2) 3,481 8,517 26,038 128,915
(100.0) (100.0) (100.0) (100.0)
‚S. GDP at Current Market Prices 9,366 16,201 16,201 136,013
@ @ @ @
‚T. TAFI / GNP (=3/4) 0.37 0.53 0.60 0.95

oŠF‚q‚a‚h[1985]p.59 • ‚b‚r‚nCNational Account Statistics.