Table 5 : Operating Costs for Toranken (including Formosan rice)

Item Cost per koku Comments
Direct cost 1.211(yen)
Electricity 0.093
Linen bags 0.881
Preparatory inspections 0.035 There are varations by region. This number is the mean
Export rice inspection 0.190
Association fees 0.012 There are varations by region. This number is the mean
Indirect costs 0.229
Taxes 0.035 Interest for investment capital
Interest 0.048 Repairs 16 rin, repayment, depreciation 4 rin
Machinery repairs, 0.048
Depreciation 0.095 Lights, telephone, and other office equipment, etc.
Office costs, misc. 1.440

Note : Based on Taichung Province and Taipei Province rice grain association surveys.

Source : Komoto Msanobu, " Toranken ni tsuite, " Taiwan Nojoho, Dai 31 nen, No.16, June 1935, p.20.