Table 4 : keijo (Seoul ) Rice Milling Production Costs

Items Production costs (Yen) Usage (%) Notes
per koku
Raw Materials 7,286,400 18.19 95.16 Raw materials = Unpolished rice, \17per koku ; Per koku production costs divided from a total of 400,600 koku
Wages 126,400 0.31 1.58 Drying unhulled rice, factory labor wages, pebble filtering etc.
Fixed Capital Interest 19,500 0.05 0.25 5% interest of fixed capital totals
Repairs, Maintenance 12,000 0.03 0.15 Repairing machinery, oil, etc.
Power 65,400 0.16 0.85 Power for electric machinery, rice processing, etc.
Grinding 32,000 0.08 0.41 Production cost totals are for mixed unfiltered rice
Land/house rent 10,400 0.03 0.14 Fees for land lease, and/or factory lease
Devaluations, depreciations 5,100 0.01 0.07 1year depreciation for 20 year estimated lifespans of factories and othr buildings (excluding machinery)
Office staff wages 57,100 0.14 0.74 Staff other than factory labor, office staff, etc.
Interest on loans 45,000 0.11 0.65 Daily interest for a 517,000 yen loan = 2 sen 6 ri
Total 7,659,300 19.11 100.0

Source : Keijo-fu, op cit., p.43.